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Grogee's spannering (Maestro , Corsa & Avensis). COMPROMISED CORSA COOLANT


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3 hours ago, grogee said:

Chips got. E5 got. 

According to my maths, it's been averaging 33.3mpg which, while shit, is probably about right for an 80s brick with an O-series. 


Love the cluster, nostalgic. Get a night shot sometime?

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14 hours ago, High Jetter said:

Love the cluster, nostalgic. Get a night shot sometime?

I will HJ. 

Been scrubbing car with 'Waterless Wash & Wax' this morning ready for the rally. I don't know what's in this stuff but it seems quite effective for getting the last bits of muck off a generally 'clean' car. 

The classic car beards are already arriving for the rally (being early seems to be a Lincolnshire thing) so rather than talk to them about camshafts and number plates I'm hiding inside drinking tea.






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About £2000 raised for Dementia Support South Lincs. Participants and families enjoying tea and cake. 

Now back at home watching the footie. Only Maestro fault to report is a dicky speaker which will be down to my ham fisted install. 




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CBT: got. 

The word on the street is these Benellis are decent bikes, however I found it pretty uncomfortable and with the usual plodding four stroke. It did seem quite well made and the brakes were really good. Made my hands go numb/pins and needles though. 

However a few reasons why the CBT is annoying. Firstly, the other guy doing same course as me had just a provisional licence and knew nothing of the highway code. He, like me, has left with a licence to wobble a 125cc bike across the country. Feels like a loophole. 

Secondly, I get the emphasis on low speed control but there's hours on that shit and not enough about actually being in traffic and dealing with hazards. Then reviewing what you did right or wrong. 

I'd prefer a quick 'learn to operate' then a theory test, then out on the road, then review the GoPro footage to see how to improve. 

Thirdly, this two year thing is bullshit. For many people the 125 is all they'll ever need but unless they do Big Bike course they'll have to repeat every other year at £160 a pop. 


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  • grogee changed the title to Grogee's spannering (Maestro , Corsa & Avensis). CBT: GOT

It's not mega but they have to take account for the fact that a decent % of people will get their new ped etc delivered straight there having never touched, seen or ridden it.

I've been on ones where they take you out a bit sooner if they think everyone is ok on the handling stuff, depends on the instructor.

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1 hour ago, grogee said:

CBT: got. 

The word on the street is these Benellis are decent bikes, however I found it pretty uncomfortable and with the usual plodding four stroke. It did seem quite well made and the brakes were really good. Made my hands go numb/pins and needles though. 

However a few reasons why the CBT is annoying. Firstly, the other guy doing same course as me had just a provisional licence and knew nothing of the highway code. He, like me, has left with a licence to wobble a 125cc bike across the country. Feels like a loophole. 

Secondly, I get the emphasis on low speed control but there's hours on that shit and not enough about actually being in traffic and dealing with hazards. Then reviewing what you did right or wrong. 

I'd prefer a quick 'learn to operate' then a theory test, then out on the road, then review the GoPro footage to see how to improve. 

Thirdly, this two year thing is bullshit. For many people the 125 is all they'll ever need but unless they do Big Bike course they'll have to repeat every other year at £160 a pop. 


It's strange system that encourages everyone too get a CBT and do no further training. A couple years ago I got a CBT then got a full licence. Then I drive around London and see everyone with L plates on scooters riding around with their feet out everywhere.

Rather then redoing a cbt people ought to get a proper licence, however as long as they ride a little bike and never go on the motorway there is no incentive.

The pathway to passing a bike test is extremely dated and annoying in the UK but their is not much intrest in updating it. 

I would 100% advise just going to get a full A1 licence then getting a bike. It means you will never need to deal with the system again and you won't pick up bad habits you need too unlearn! Good luck! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit of an update. 

On the cars front, Maestro has developed weird battery fault that I'm certain is related to the Chinese remote control master switch I installed for security purposes. 

When I can be bothered I'll take bazza out and remove the relay and see if I'm still getting weird faults. 

I also need to get at the wiper motor because the jerky wipers are doing my head in. 

Meanwhile - the soon-to-be ex-Mrs Grogee's Corsa has shat its radiator... "Oh I meant to tell you, I was driving along and I got a red light showing a temperature gauge, is that important?" 


To be scrupulously fair to her, the car doesn't have a temperature gauge. 

I simply couldn't be arsed crawling about trying to find the leak so subcontracted that to our tame mechanic Shaun, who soon found the leak at the top part of the rad. 

The complicating factor may be the necessity to degas the AC system, to move condenser, to get enough room to remove the rad. 

Quote to repair was £290, probably reasonable but I can get a decent brand rad plus coolant for under £100 so I think I'll do it myself to win some 'divorce points'. 

Big shout out to @Cluffy for giving me a lift to and from the garage today in a Range Rover. 

Later on I'll be unloading the Honda NS125R wot I bought from @castros_bro, thankfully it fitted neatly in the Avensis boot with seats folded. Although it is partially dismantled. Mark is a trusted shiter, scholar and gent, would buy another bucket of motorbike from him 14/10.

Mrs Grogee is going to be ecstatic* about that sitting on the patio while I nail it together. 

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  • grogee changed the title to Grogee's spannering (Maestro , Corsa & Avensis). COMPROMISED CORSA COOLANT

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