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Lemon Lupo - DOA?


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Today was finally warm and un-wet enough to try and sort the handbrake. 

I thought I was going to have to take the carpet out, at least from the rear far enough forward to access things, so seat came out


Looking closer I could now access the handbrake and more importantly the plate it bolts too. Handbrake itself is easily removed - hopefully you can see at least 4 spot welds have come apart


I forgot to take any more pics but decided that at least for now, the easiest course of action was to persuade the plate back down as much as possible, then use 3 sizeable screws and washers to secure it to the tunnel. It's not perfect as there's not a lot of spare space and I couldn't go through the weld locations as the metal underneath is torn.

it is now firm and when the weather improves I can go back and ideally weld the plate back in place. Good enough for the imminent MoT though

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  • bunglebus changed the title to Lemon Lupo - serviced

Funny how time gets away from you. I was looking at when the Lupo last had an oil change and thinking it was only January. Yeah January 2021! Oops

Only done 6200 miles since then but I prefer to not let my cars go much past that kind of mileage between changes, so I've done it today. Looked a healthy brown rather than black, and no glitter.

Also fitted a pair of air filters that I've had since buying it two years ago as they were immaculate at the time, TBH they still weren't especially dirty but I thought I might as well do it.

Just the MoT to get through now...

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  • bunglebus changed the title to Lemon Lupo - Passed!

Passed another MoT with (almost) flying colours last night - however:


But if you check the MoT history instead:


Huh. Oh well, all good until 2024 now, however I think I'll put it through another test in warmer weather as I hate having to do MoT checks and repairs in this weather

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  • bunglebus changed the title to Lemon Lupo - shattering

It's not been a good day today. I was away overnight and the coolant level light came on when the current Mrs BB started the Lupo this morning. I know it has a little leak from the rad but I've just been topping it up from the bottle kept in the boot. Unfortunately she couldn't get the cap off so had to walk to work, I was in the dog house as apparently I did it up too tight!

Then to add insult to injury, the guys doing a repair to our roof dislodged a tile which hit their van and a chunk went through the side window of the Lupo. Housing assoc. insurance should cover it but it's a ball ache that she now can't take it anywhere, really need two cars this month


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22 minutes ago, bunglebus said:

It's not been a good day today. I was away overnight and the coolant level light came on when the current Mrs BB started the Lupo this morning. I know it has a little leak from the rad but I've just been topping it up from the bottle kept in the boot. Unfortunately she couldn't get the cap off so had to walk to work, I was in the dog house as apparently I did it up too tight!

Then to add insult to injury, the guys doing a repair to our roof dislodged a tile which hit their van and a chunk went through the side window of the Lupo. Housing assoc. insurance should cover it but it's a ball ache that she now can't take it anywhere, really need two cars this month


Good excuse to get some pop out rear windows as they can just be bolted in

silver lining’s and all that 

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  • 3 weeks later...

What a stressful morning I've had. Getting absolutely nowhere with the insurance companies as it's public liability and can take months apparently? 

Cut out a bit of perspex and even managed to get the right curve on it to match using the hot air gun - but of course as soon as I pushed the old glass out it pissed with rain, I tried all sorts of things to get the perspex to stick to the remains of the old glass but nothing worked so I've had to gaffer tape it in.

Lots of fun was had after trying silicone and it not working, then trying to get that godforsaken stuff off the plastic and the old glass too. Double sided tape wouldn't stick, maybe there was still some residue or maybe it doesn't take to glass. I don't want to try removing the old glass bond in case I fuck something up and it makes getting the new window fitted more complex.

Definitely not safe to drive as-is.

Insurance are total bastards, they won't confirm if they'll reimburse any costs like taxis or a hire car so we're pretty screwed 


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It's not a bodge if it works. 2nd sheet of perspex cut for the inside, some window draught excluder stuff and some bolts (just off to get two more).


At least she can drive it again now


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  • 2 months later...

I remember fitting pop outs off a scrapped 850cc Mini to my 84 Sprite Mini - screw in and a big improvement for ventilation.

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Yes it was a simple job on my Renault 5 as the windows are just in rubbers. Bonded glass looks swish but is a PITA to do anything with as a DIY job

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  • bunglebus changed the title to Lemon Lupo - feeling horny

Planning on putting the Lupo through an MoT so I don't have to piss about in the cold dark days of December getting it ready.

Had the rear drums off to check and adjust as the handbrake was a bit high - clearly someone's been here before as it's all looking fresh


A little jiggle of the offside shoes saw them adjusted nicely.

Next job - the horn. Original sounded like a strangled duck so I swapped it a while ago for a pair of supposedly louder aftermarket ones. These didn't seem much better so assumed they were crap and put the original back on. But testing the aftermarket ones straight on the battery they work fine. This is a really weird fault, it's like there aren't enough amps reaching the horn.

Plan now is to fit a relay and a direct (fused) feed from the battery, so the original wiring will only need to switch the relay on

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  • bunglebus changed the title to Lemon Lupo - cat got your tongue?

Engine light on seems to be a common trait on Lupos, it gets extinguished for the MoT but I thought I should try and resolve the problem. Fault code is P0420 so it's either a stoner or has some sort of catalyst related fault. Internet "expert" suggested pre-cat O2 sensor so one of China's finest was ordered from eBay along with the correct socket to remove it.

Came out with no fuss but rather than the EML coming on when you do motorway speeds, it was back almost immediately. Bugger


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I had the EML come on after I changed the engine oil! Never had it before. I think disconnecting the battery for a little while sorted it out ( Arosa 1.0).

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P0420 is flagging that the cat isn't working. Best get someone to check the live data on the two O² sensors. The pre cat sensor, which controls the mixture should show a wave trace. If the post cat filter is showing a wave trace too, that shows the cat isn't doing anything. 

Everyone tries to blame P0420 on sensors not working, but it's usually wishful thinking, hoping for a cheap fix. The 0² sensors have their own codes for use when they fail.

Chinese sensors are useless, as you are seeing. Genuine Bosch or NTK are the way to go. But probably not needed in this case. 

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0420 is the post cat sensor, and is generally ignorable providing it passed emissions OK.

It's common to appear when fitting an aftermarket exhaust, as the new cat is rarely as good as the OEM one.

Clear and ignore, and if it continues to bug you, fit an elbow spacer in front of of the rear O2 sensor.

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  • bunglebus changed the title to Lemon Lupo - cracking up
  • bunglebus changed the title to Lemon Lupo - exhausted

Had a look over the Lupo today as the MoT is next month. Flexi needs a repair


There are two repair sections available, a straight pipe just to replace this bit


Or with the 90° bend but no flange


Straight is easier to cut but there doesn't look like there's much pipe to clamp the new bits onto. Bent bit has a larger area of straight pipe available but is harder to cut in situ. Dunno yet.

Took the drums off, OS shoes needed a little tweak of the auto adjuster that doesn't automatically adjust, and one of the handbrake cables had slackened off somehow. Nice easy jobs.

Tried to replace the fuel filter, the rusted screw amazingly undid thanks to my invincible old Stanley screwdriver, but I couldn't get the clips to release. Might ask them to do that with the MoT to save me struggling.

Just lately it's been hesitating at very low RPM, say going around a corner in 2nd. Thought it could use a set of plugs as I've not changed them but it's very confusing trying to find the right ones, why there are a billionty options I don't know. Ordered a set for the right engine off eBay so they can work it out. In the meantime I thought I'd take them out and check part numbers. Bosch R6 I think they were - but then noticed you could walk through the gaps. Setting them to a sensible 0.9mm has improved things vastly apparently 

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  • bunglebus changed the title to Lemon Lupo - spark of brilliance

New plugs fitted today - for a simple car, trying to work out which plugs you need is an absolute nightmare! I just bought a set for the right car/engine off eBay and let them work it out.

NGK ZFR5P-G for what it's worth.

Seems to run nicely, found a bit of mayo in the breather to the air filters so gave that a good clean out, it does do a fair amount of shorter runs and it's been very cold and damp until recently so I don't think it's anything to worry about.

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  • bunglebus changed the title to Lemon Lupo - parts car

Found this car being broken on Faceache not too far away, so we shot up there and took the poor thing to bits


Pile of parts


These are for this car and the auto. Didn't have a lot of time left this afternoon, but fitted the little discs that go in the engine cover to hide the bolts


Then I dived into the heater controls - temp setting didn't work, I knew the cable was adrift but didn't know if that was due to breakage or what, so took all the dials and the cable off the donor.  As it turned out, the cable was "just" unclipped at the back, but I must have spent an hour inventing new swearwords trying to get the little bugger back on! At least three hands required here but I won in the end


Lastly for today, I fitted this foam trim under the passenger side dash as it was missing


Need to change the centre air vent too when I get half an hour

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  • bunglebus changed the title to Lemon Lupo - plates

Bought a set of correct font 'plates. If I'd had my brain engaged I'd have got the original selling dealer's name on them, rather than just copying what was on the car when we bought it. 


Looks like this is at least the forth set it's worn

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Final bits acquired from the breaking Lupo were a pair of rear headrests to match the fronts - rearward vision isn't the greatest so these open ones should help, here's old and new:


Except one's a front and one's a rear. Fronts have longer uprights and sit at an angle rather than straight up. The back seat was already gone from the car so someone else probably has mismatched headrests too

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Would these be of any use? The darker ones have bent rods they lighter ones are straight. They are off a VW polo or beetle. The cloth covers could possibly swopped over.20240623_163054.jpg.904c1d14e5c799a779cb9d3bc4ae92f5.jpg

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Thanks - but it's that type already fitted, I was replacing them with the hoop type ones. Useful to someone I'm sure though 


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  • bunglebus changed the title to Lemon Lupo - DOA?

I did post this on standards of driving, but the poor Lupo got wiped out by a very stupid driver last week


Bodywork damage isn't terrible, a wing, bumper and indicator panel are all that's needed, but the main contact was a glancing blow to the front wheel from the overtaking Fiat, and it's definitely done something to the steering/suspension. I'm hoping it's just the lower arm and not subframe/chassis. 

I need to get it on axle stands and have a proper look, but #1 priority is getting the spare Lupo roadworthy, so that she's got something to drive once her injuries are a bit better

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1 hour ago, bunglebus said:

I did post this on standards of driving, but the poor Lupo got wiped out by a very stupid driver last week


Bodywork damage isn't terrible, a wing, bumper and indicator panel are all that's needed, but the main contact was a glancing blow to the front wheel from the overtaking Fiat, and it's definitely done something to the steering/suspension. I'm hoping it's just the lower arm and not subframe/chassis. 

I need to get it on axle stands and have a proper look, but #1 priority is getting the spare Lupo roadworthy, so that she's got something to drive once her injuries are a bit better

Sorry to hear about this. If it's any consolation, its usually the lower arms that'll take a blow like that, or the track rod. 

I hope you're able to get it mended.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a better look at this today to try and work out what's been damaged on the suspension - and I just can't see anything wrong at all. Once we know what the insurance company are doing I'll probably put a lower arm on and get it tracked.

Weird part is it now sits really high at the front, used to be the same height as the auto one


Only other thing I've found is the crash bar got caught so is bent and has slightly distorted the mount at the front of the chassis rail - hard to see


Still hopeful this can be repaired though


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