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Fine dining in Volvoland - a new sequel!


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Seconded!  Very pleased with the turnout, including several Shiters I haven't met before.  Lovely varied selection of cars too.  I might have to make another trip up this way for a Scotoshite dinner sometime.

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Amazingly, a week away from home resulted in a grand total of ONE shite-spot.  Lap it up...


This was at Morrisons in Inverness.

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It would seem that we are going up to Inverness again in October.  Dates TBC but will involve two stops at Cumbernauld again.  MiniShiteFest back on!

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  • 1 year later...

Holy thread resurrection, Batman!

From posts elsewhere you might have gleaned that I'm going to be north of the border in a couple of weeks.  Anybody up for a bit of a meet on the Sunday.Monday nights?  I don't yet know what's around the Kinross Travelodge but I'm sure I'll work something out once I'm there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We will be arriving on Saturday (that's this Saturday, the one coming up).  Sunday is given over to BTCC obviously and Monday I think we're going to be in Edinburgh so a Saturday night gathering is looking likeliest.  Once I know what there is in the vicinity of Kinross Travelodge I'll have a venue.....

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OK, for anyone who CAN make it: we're in the Travelodge at Kinross Services, M90, so at least there's somewhere to get a cuppa.  I should be around from 7-ish.  Stroll into Reception and ask for Mr Rafter and they'll let me know you're here; if anyone got here ahead of you we will be in the Services somewhere.

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I timed that poorly, didn't I?  Next year I'll ask them to go to Knockhill on a different weekend...


Well I liked the circuit.  Disabled Parking was well-organised and the parking marshals were excellent chaps.  One even lent me a folding chair when I mentioned I'd forgotten to pack one.  The tat stalls were overpriced, but I still did a bit of buying - no models though.  They were also too far away, I had to fight my way through the paddock crowds and halfway round the track to reach them.  No fun on a tripod walker!  Still, at least it was all on solid ground.

Just as I was parking up there was a crash, right after the startline; we had arrived early in a Porsche race, which was stopped while three cars were recovered.  I hope the drivers were ok.  This guy probably caught it...


Poor sod was up there all day, he must have a bottomless bladder.


Some fat old grandad enjoying himself!


Touring cars lining up in the pitlane (above) and getting down to business (below).


The Minis were quite exciting to watch too...



Even MrsR said she had a good day :)


So yesterday we went to see family in Edinburgh.  Now there's a city that's neither car-friendly nor disabled-friendly, if you like!  Still, we managed to see the castle, from street level...DSCN3639.thumb.JPG.d88c852634eea3d6cebec6e39406e9d2.JPG

This is just after a rather nice light lunch at a cafe called Made In Italy, in a pretty area called Grassmarket.

Oh and do we know this one?


I papped it while looking for a particular museum.  Looks tidy too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Next time" will be at Cumbernauld, Dec 23rd and 27th on our way to and from Inverness for Christmas.  We will, once again, be at the Premier Inn, and those who came three years ago can vouch for how convivial it is.  Fill your cars with books and models (I intend to) and we'll have our own Collectors' Fair in the car park!

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  • eddyramrod changed the title to Fine dining in Volvoland - a new sequel!
  • 3 months later...

I could pop along on the 23rd. I'm just up the road in Stirling, and not going northwards until the 24th (and likely won't be back by the 27th).


I don't have many books or models to trade though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Arrived at Cumbernauld, again.  By some miracle!  The A9/M9 has been filthy, down to below 20mph in places.

So, if anyone was planning to turn out tonight to meet some dodgy Sassenach, I'll quite understand if you think better of the idea.  If, on the other hand, you feel it might be healthy for your diecast collection, then you will be most welcome.

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