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eBay tat volume 3.


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Fraid not, mini owners get both barrels on here because of their love of destroying mint Austin metros in order to fit the engines in shitty old nails like the one above

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The effort spent to repost the same sodding picture just two posts afterwards is probably worthy on an Autoshite membership :roll:


Bump for a real Mini




http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/austin-a30-se ... 3a7aead050


In a special 'Autoshite way of doing things' the terminally fucked shell pictured isn't even the original, so £4,000+ for a ringer that's going to have to be made into a ringer doesn't seem too clever really. Not that that will stop someone from making a small fortune out of the V5 and another shell.

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This fella's got this up for £12,500, which I'm presuming is a terrible error on his part as even the most deranged plastic fan wouldn't part with £12,500 for this.





Original donor car: Morris Marina.


A great basis for a sports car right enough.

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How do these septics do it? The question that comes to mind is how and why did this ever make it into production.

Is the front and rear screen the same? FFS.

Sadly I quite like the look of these things. I :heart: the old Chrysler Concorde and this thing looks very similar; the same cab-forward design that almost worked on the Chrysler Neon but looks great on these bigger cars.

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Do you have trouble filtering into traffic queues? Fed up with Mitsubishi Warrior drivers driving too close? Want a 4x4 for the school run but the kerb is really high?


Step right this way, sir. I think we can do a deal on your next car!



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http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-xs-250 ... 2a247ceaab


'ticks over like a little sewing machine'


A little prick goes up/down and tries to stitch you up?


Useless fact: I had one of these in 1983. It sort of semi-grenaded itself after an attempt to overtake a broken down lorry.

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That Bentley's one of those cars that just makes you want to go round to the seller's house and smash his face in.




http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Imperial-wedd ... 460904d886


'Imperial wedding car, metric shit load of money'

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Real head turner


Again, confirming the fact that anyone who puts that in an advert has spent many years abusing drugs



Yes,but they didn't say which way heads would be turning :lol: .Mind you I'd probably like it if it didn't have that gold stuff all over it,& it had bigger,black wheels.

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