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Shitting in the shallow end. *A2 fixes*

Jim Bell

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1 hour ago, Jim Bell said:

Are you grid charging yours @jonny69 ?

How's it getting on with being laid up with the BIG VIRUS cockdown?

Getting a bit worried about mine sitting still. Think I'm gonna give mine a charge this week. Which will be interesting. Extension lead out of a window, through the garden, over a wall, across a footpath and into the car. 



Ye I'm charging it from time to time. I got my first ever IMA light about a month before Christmas so got myself a charger and made a lightbulb discharger. I did a 3x charge/discharge/charge cycle and I haven't had an IMA light since, and now just put it on an overnight charge if it starts doing positive or negative recals. If you want help with that, give me a shout because it's a pain in the arse to find the information on Insightcentral but you can restore a lot of the battery performance by doing that controlled discharge cycling.

I haven't charged it during the lockdown yet. Before I go back to work I'll probably give it a long saturation charge and gently cycle it down to 120V or so just to balance it back out. Only because the commute uses the IMA battery quite hard compared to rolling down to the supermarket.

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22 minutes ago, jonny69 said:

Ye I'm charging it from time to time. I got my first ever IMA light about a month before Christmas so got myself a charger and made a lightbulb discharger. I did a 3x charge/discharge/charge cycle and I haven't had an IMA light since, and now just put it on an overnight charge if it starts doing positive or negative recals. If you want help with that, give me a shout because it's a pain in the arse to find the information on Insightcentral but you can restore a lot of the battery performance by doing that controlled discharge cycling.

I haven't charged it during the lockdown yet. Before I go back to work I'll probably give it a long saturation charge and gently cycle it down to 120V or so just to balance it back out. Only because the commute uses the IMA battery quite hard compared to rolling down to the supermarket.

Cheers man. Will bang you a pm. 

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Still rolling and appocolypse Bogroll hunting. 




Take my load you filthy article. 




Battery isn't happy though. Car did the discharge fully/recharge in motion procedure after a long uphill on ASSIST but only charged back up to half mast. 

Will get the charger on come Friday. It's meant to be dry and bright. 


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I'm attempting a touch of the old INTERBOARD CROSS-POLLINATION to draw your bank holiday attention to the greatly exciting roffle taking place in the FOUR SAIL section via the link provided below:



Much more info and pics in relation to the car are available in this very thread. There is also a link in the Roffle thread that comes back to this thread so if you wish to just click round and round in circles until you become exhausted and infuriated, that would be fine. To avoid that, there is also the option to simply purchase two numbers immediately, then you could just spend the next couple of hours stroking a cat or burning incriminating doccuments. 

Thanks to everyone that's already in, and HOWAY to everyone that needs a bit of lockdown roffle peril in your lives. 

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Fleet news: 

The Insight continues to be all the car anyone would ever need and has been providing sterling service. 

It hasn't even gotten any grumpier during the lockdown lay up. 


An iconic two seater sprots car, pictured here with some daft Porsche. 



With nothing much in need of fixing, I did a spot of preventive maintenance and gave the rubber seals a good Wurth-ing over. 








That should help keep them supple and happy. 


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The outgoing roffle Panda was pulled out of lock up and taken for a long run. 




Bring laid up hasn't bothered it one bit and it was a pleasure to blast around in for an hour. 




























As soon as lockdown weakens its grip a tad, it'll be off to its new owner. 


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It was the last spring. 


The year of the murder hornets. The year where history ends. A fire had been seen burning unchecked across a continent. Blood spilled on the streets of major cities like a menstrual cycle. Acts of obscene violence, followed by protest, then counter protest, then further violence. We all argued about who was right. 

The virus locked us in boxes so we could sweat and worry. We all drank. 

The slogans guided our way. 




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The air is thick and wet this morning. Full of water that clings to everything and worries your lungs. It's a wet sweaty mess and just walking up a set of steps with a face covering on feels like waterboarding. 

This truly is the end of days. 




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" Well I've not been right in my back body since Ian came back from the war. When he got back he wanted to try different things and that's ruined me back there it has."


I see. And is anything else bothering you perticularly!





"Well I don't like The Secretary bird. It's very showy. Turns all the men's heads with its long slender legs and it's big round eyes. I think they should send them back."





Thanks Gladys. 

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Managed to get as far as fucking Durham. Lineside equipment fault at ferry hill. Will be sat here some time. 



Face covering makes my glasses steam up so I can't see anything. 

I feel like an Astronaut exploring the void. 

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"I'm having trouble sleeping. I worry all the time. I'm in a state of almost constant panic. Have you seen the fucking size of a Harpy Eagle? They can carry off small deer and human fucking children mate. How I meant to sleep soundly in my bed knowing that the next time I open the front door, one of these pricks might be stood there? They can crush a human head with their feet. There can't be a god can there? No compassionate god could create such a thing?!"



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