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A few spots from garycox...


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  • 7 months later...

My phone keeps telling me it's full, so let's have a clear-out:


Think I've posted this Volvo before, but here's a more recent shot



Scabby Mustang




2.3 Auto Volvo Estate: GR8 4 LEARNERS



Trafic and BX may have also featured before.










Lexus has been there a while



This Transit is immaculate; my phone doesn't like darkness though so it's a terrible picture.


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I've just come back from a 10-day European road trip; for which I may start a new thread.


Before that, a few weeks ago I had a weekend in Bruges:






Some camouflaged hideous modern thing - Ssangyong?










These bikes were inexplicably in the toilet of the wonderfully bizarre Retsin's Lucifernum. Looked like they'd been there a while.




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  • 8 months later...

Been a while...


The first few pages of this thread are looking rather bare (because fuck Photobucket), and these new offerings are firmly in the "must try harder" section, but I may as well post whatever crap has appeared in my camera roll since I last updated this.


This isn't even a car, I only took the picture as it's in the same reg series as my Simca

40754838712_a73329fff2_k.jpgUntitled by GaryCox, on Flickr


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Next few from RRG last year (yeah,it's been THAT long)

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EDF Commerciale type version. Awesome.

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Surprisingly unruined

40754854522_332a345d10_k.jpgUntitled by GaryCox, on Flickr


This is local and I've probably posted it before but I can't be arsed to check

25925405347_7268a15d5e_k.jpgUntitled by GaryCox, on Flickr


September '17 Wales trip:

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Back in Brighton

38986941370_9fa3a0b350_k.jpgUntitled by GaryCox, on Flickr


I was very drunk when I took this, the elderly owner wandered up shortly after and I probably said how amazing it is, or something

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I've walked past this many times since I took this picture but never got round to taking a better one

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And this 11yr old van is what reminded me that this thread was a thing... obviously a 56-plate anything is modern and dull but what's remarkable is not only that a Maxus still exists after 11 years, or that it's still on the road, but that it's still being used in this utterly fucked state by Royal Mail! It seems to be the only one they still have, among all the newer shiny stuff.. it's still used regularly too - maybe it's just kept as some sort of punishment...


40087423704_07cc49f8e2_k.jpgUntitled by GaryCox, on Flickr

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