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Ex Krujoe Pug 106 diesel roffle, T minus 10 and counting, all roffle systems are GO!


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As a result of having too many cars and not enough time, something I'm sure we're all familiar with, I need to thin my fleet down. I've recently MOTd this little star so it's going to be the first to go.

Krujoe offered it for free last year as he was in a similar predicament, I took it on and carried out the work for the MOT, welding and some other stuff.

In the last year or so it's had;

New rear box.

Front discs and pads.

New rear shoes.

New NS driveshaft.


All the tyres are good, the fronts are quality all season tyres and made this car unstoppable in the snow.

It's a non turbo diesel, so there's not much to go wrong, it starts every time and driven reasonably gently it'll give 64mpg.

Ideally I'd like it to go to an owner who's going to look after it.

It is an old car, so it does have some issues, the main draw back is the heater, it doesn't. Although the car never misted it's windows all through last winter, it was very cold, every journey required a coat!

The driver's seat is from a 4 door Saxo, it's very comfortable but it doesn't tilt forward.

The bodywork is suffering from lacquer peel

I'm after a painless quick sale and I think £240 is a fair price, I'll roffle of there's enough interest.

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As a result of having too many cars and not enough time, something I'm sure we're all familiar with, I need to thin my fleet down. I've recently MOTd this little star so it's going to be the first to go.

Krujoe offered it for free last year as he was in a similar predicament, I took it on and carried out the work for the MOT, welding and some other stuff.

In the last year or so it's had;

New rear box.

Front discs and pads.

New rear shoes.

New NS driveshaft.


All the tyres are good, the fronts are quality all season tyres and made this car unstoppable in the snow.

It's a non turbo diesel, so there's not much to go wrong, it starts every time and driven reasonably gently it'll give 64mpg.

Ideally I'd like it to go to an owner who's going to look after it.

It is an old car, so it does have some issues, the main draw back is the heater, it doesn't. Although the car never misted it's windows all through last winter, it was very cold, every journey required a coat!

The driver's seat is from a 4 door Saxo, it's very comfortable but it doesn't tilt forward.

The bodywork is suffering from lacquer peel

I'm after a painless quick sale and I think £240 is a fair price, I'll roffle of there's enough interest.




Where is this fine vehicle and is it 1,4 or 1,5 diesel?

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A week ago this was my ideal car -  small cheap to run and old tech diesel. £240  with full ticket is a bargain. 


It kind of kicks me in the bollocks the money the Twingo needs chucking at it over this little 106! 


If I had room I'd have this away all day. there can't be many 1.4's still kicking about..

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I would random that three ways til next Tuesday if it were to be Roffled. I love these things, slow but unstoppable once up to cruise

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OK, if you say so!

Usual excuse, I do all my inter-noodling on my phone, so if somebody would be good enough to pop a template up then we're good to go.

£4.00 a ticket.

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01 95 quid Peugeot

02 Talbot

03 Aldo135

04 Jollysmart

05 Tickman




09 Jollysmart



12 J-T

13 Aldo135

14 Bucketeer



17 Matts_rusty_bus


19 UltraWomble




23 Parky


25 95 quid Peugeot

26 Tickman



29 Stephen01

30 Aldo135

31 Dean36014


33 Nyphur

34 UltraWomble


36 J-T





41 Pandamonium

42 Parky


44 Stephen01

45 Dean36014



48 95 quid Peugeot

49 Retropnaed


51 Aldo135



54 Talbot


56 Aldo135


58 Bucketeer

59 Matts_rusty_bus

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driven reasonably gently it'll give 64mpg.

That's amazing. You clearly have more patience for a slower journey than I do: My mother had a 1993L 5-door one of these a fair while ago (also 1360cc Diesel) and in order to just keep up with basic traffic you had to spank the life out of it, so I only ever got 40-45MPG out of it. Mum used to get around 50, as she drove it a little more sedately, but even just trying to maintain 70mph on the motorway was a chore.


Also, 2 randoms please!

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There must be a vast discrepancy in yardsticks here. I've owned and driven a lot of cars, some of then very quick. I've done 400 miles in the 106 this morning, on varying different roads and I never once thought it was slow or underpowered. Sure, it's not going to win any traffic light races but it's not consigned to the crawler lane either.

If I'm trying for economy then I'm careful not to piss other road users off, so I'll drive at the speed limit and accelerate moderately, I'll use a brim to brim measurement and I've managed 64mpg on a few occasions. I would imagine if it returned less than 50mpg then you must be driving with the handbrake on!

The RFL is some sort of halfway thing at about £170 pa.

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I'm stepping in for the moment as administration assistant to Sparkypuss, as he's right royally busy this aft.

The list on page uno will be updated regularly.


Just to kick things off, I'd take a few randoms, I reckon this could sell out by the evening and be on for tomorrows draw!!

How many numbers is a few? Twelve?

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There must be a vast discrepancy in yardsticks here.

I suspect there may be a vast difference in Engine setup, mainly due to mechanical injection timing, which is absolutely critical on a Diesel engine The difference I've experienced on what should be identical engines in similar cars has been vast: An XUD Pug 405 that would do an easy 55mpg, and an XUD ZX that would barely get 45mpg. Same driver, same routes, same everything.


Ergo, your 106 is clearly a goodun, as my mothers one would be down to 60mph on some motorway inclines and had absolutely fuck-all torque.


What's actually wrong with the heater? Blows air but no heat, or no blower?

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Blows like a goodun, just no heat. Both Krujoe and I have tried flushing it out but to no avail. The HBOL tells me I have to take out the dash to fit a new matrix and take off the inlet manifold. I'll just wear a coat thanks!

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