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For Chod & Ulster: Local Auctions for Local People (Nordie Shiter Events)


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On 10/16/2018 at 10:21 AM, R9UKE said:

Sorry chaps, yet again I failed.  However, it was all the name of shite.  I spotted a top turd on Facebook marketplace yesterday afternoon.  Being in Cookstown, I missed the meet.  I hope you'll forgive when I rock up at the next one in this.


Hey, not a bother dude - other than The_Equalizer, we all failed!


I'd been working on the assumption that it'd be an all-evening thing like Wilsons and Ballyclare - it never occurred to me that it'd be all done and dusted in little over an hour. Poor fact-checking on my part, and apologies to all.

Still, from the sales list online and the last few lots witnessed by The_Equalizer, it seems that there wasn't a massive amount of what we might term shite on offer - certainly nowhere near the volume of assorted nails that sputter their last around Ballyclare's oil-stained sales ring, anyway...


Still, I'd agree that the Lexus was well worth the trouble, by the look of it!

How far did £20 of fuel get you, out of interest...? :mrgreen:

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Sorry I was a no show again chaps. Gutted, man flu floored me. Missed out on a work trip to etrex as well this afternoon :(


Sent from my TA-1012 using Tapatalk

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On 10/16/2018 at 3:27 PM, They_all_do_that_sir said:

Sorry I was a no show again chaps. Gutted, man flu floored me. Missed out on a work trip to etrex as well this afternoon :(

Hey, fret not - hope you're on the road to recovery now! Home in bed was probably a safer option than standing confused by the roadside... there will be other opportunities, doubtless!

Spiderman Man Flu.jpg

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I've always ignored this thread, as there's no chance of me making it to a NI meet, but I clicked through for some reason and I'm glad I did, it has raised some giggles!


That MGBGT (she's a runner now) didn't look too bad at first, but those more recent pictures? Oh my word...

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On 10/17/2018 at 2:22 PM, SierraMikeHotel said:

I've always ignored this thread, as there's no chance of me making it to a NI meet, but I clicked through for some reason and I'm glad I did, it has raised some giggles!

That MGBGT (she's a runner now) didn't look too bad at first, but those more recent pictures? Oh my word...

Hey, cheers man - naturally the local shiter meet-up threads are likely to hold less interest for those outside the area, but I suppose the auction summaries may provide some wry amusement across the board! Maybe in future I should post a link in the New News 24 thread following a successful auction foray, or summat...

Yes, the wee blue MGB was dreadful. Can't believe it was taxed until 2014, it looks like multiple decades' worth of bodge have been layered up... it was tricky to get pics showing just how bad it truly was - I s'pose this is why something looks ok on carandclassic.co.uk and turns out to be an utter shed in reality... who says the camera never lies?

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You've also made me want to attend one locally!


Edit: I'm on a phone and struggling to link, but if you can be bothered to Google take a quick look at the next John Pye sale in Brighton That Sierra! That absolutely hanging Merc! The site's in Bevendean, too.

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On 10/17/2018 at 3:11 PM, SierraMikeHotel said:

You've also made me want to attend one locally!

Edit: I'm on a phone and struggling to link, but if you can be bothered to Google take a quick look at the next John Pye sale in Brighton That Sierra! That absolutely hanging Merc! The site's in Bevendean, too.

Ohhhh, that is the motherlode!


Never mind Ballyclare, this place makes CoPart look flash... definitely, forklift trucks and HIABs are the mark of a quality* establishment, there's no doubt!

Ford Sierra Sapphire - John Pye Auctions, Oct 2018.jpg

Mercedes E-Class Estate - John Pye Auctions, Oct 2018.jpg

Surely a few Sussex shiters could be enticed along to this fine establishment to witness the proceedings, or indeed MrsSMH? My own dearest wife enjoyed it all rather more than she'd expected...

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Thank you for writing the post that I would have written if I was competent with a phone! I'll have a look at the calendar and maybe suggest something, but I can guarantee Mrs H won't be interested.

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Okay so - looks like we might have some Joint NI Shiter Collectioneering this fair morn... three shiters, a Land Rover S3 and a trailer are potentially involved...

The target is indeed composed of steel and rust - but lacks wheels of any kind. Some on-site spannering will be required.

Updates as/when!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, apologies to all for lack of updates here... my very important* self-appointed role as the AutoShite (NI) Entertainments Director has been unforgivably distracted by bathroom work and other such guff.

First off, last month's collectioneering, mentioned above, was a success:




Yup, some discarded industrial shelving (yer actual Dexian) was snatched from scrap to be put to good use in one of the many Datsuncog pre-loved, prefabricated outbuildings.


This is where LWB Land Rovers really come into their own. Marvellous to see The_Equalizer's stunning beast in the metal! Thanks to all for making the magic happen.

And so... who's up for another crack at the auctioning? Maybe towards the end of the month, perchance?

I can appreciate that the days are short and the nights are long, but surely spending an evening staring in disbelief at knackered old nails in a shed is a worthwhile investment of anyone's time?

Is Carryduff worth another attempt, or might either of Wilson's weekly offerings provide more entertainment? Or is Ballyclare really the non de trop when it comes to Ulster's AutoShite, being basically T-Met with catering?

Thoughts, insights and insults all gratefully received, chaps...

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Definitely think that Carryduff is a waste of time unfortunately.  Ballyclare is certainly the provider of most laughs, as most of the tat is guaranteed NOT to get you home. Wilsons is a good middle road.... there was a battered Toyota Yaris Verso with a slush box there on Tuesday.  

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We'll be over home for xmas from the 20th to the 27th.  Family duties will of course be the way, however pints will probably be had at some point - traditionally, Laverys.  If any one fancies a pint?  And by a pint, I mean several.  Naturally.

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I'll be home for 2 weeks ish over Christmas - probably 22/12 to 5/1. I'll probably also be home for the first week or so of December.


No idea what's on around then, but I may get a chance to catch up!

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Sorry for the slightly late reply. Been busy with moving house and life in general. Oh, and for the first time in my life I have my very own garage, and it's a double to boot - woo hoo.


It'll come as no surprise, but I'm more than happy to stand in the freezing cold and watch knackered motors knocked out to some poor unsuspecting punters. Wilson's or Ballyclare are both good for me. It would be good to meet other shitters over Christmas too. Perhaps a festive pint or three?

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Excellent stuff - congrats to The_Equalizer on the successful house move, where the luxury double garage will no doubt play host to all manner of future excitement*. We'll have to make strenuous efforts to get some sort of a social event going around the end of December, and see if some of our ex-Norn Iron shiters can be meeted and greeted appropriately!

Between now and then though, does anyone fancy trying for Ballyclare again, since Carryduff's proved to be something of a busted flush?

Or, as the north wind doth blow, could a convincing argument be made for Wilsons in Mallusk on either Tuesday or Thursday night - on the grounds of having marginally more winter-friendly auction facilities, even if it has a lower shite quotient?

I'm no auction regular, so I've no idea whether the ratio of chod goes up at this time of year - as dealers towards the budget end get shot of marginal trade-ins that will otherwise pollute their forecourt until well into the spring - or whether it all goes quiet, as T-Met becomes the lucky recipient of cars with niggly little problems that no-one can be bothered freezing their nads off to kneel in the snow and fix.

But! Nevertheless, it'd be good to catch up (read: I've yet more bloody magazines and brochures to get shot of) and mebbe give some local shiters who have been previously indisposed a chance to come along?

I know Wilson's starts a bit earlier (at 6pm), but I'd kinda be interested in hopping over and seeing what's what, just for a bit of variety - assuming that the general car auction is still running, as I had a quick look online and they only seem to be listing a Company Car auction, next Wednesday.


Is it just assumed that everyone knows they auction on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so they only list the specialist, less frequent ones?

I'm mindful of last month's debacle, so you'll perhaps understand a degree of apprehension at suggesting another new venue! At least Ballyclare has proved itself more reliable as a venue, even if their wares may lack such a quality...

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Ballyclare is good and it has to be truest to the 'shitter first principles. Just remember to bring a decent coat as the weather is now 'proper cold'! The only Wednesday I can't make is next one - 28th November - as my Ma is over from Blighty and I am pretty sure it is not her thing.

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Heh - it would seem somewhat cruel, nay vindictive, to set the meet for the only week when The_Eq's unavailable! I'll be at things next week myself, so maybe it'd be best to move it along a little.

Tell you what, how about we try for a final chod event of 2018 at Ballyclare Auctions on Wednesday 5 December?

If there's not much in the way of cars for sale, then there's a few decent wee cafes just down the road in Ballyclare town open until late, which may provide us with shelter and fortifying hot drinks.

With WarningLight and Binhoker668 also back on these shores towards the end of next month, I'd hope that a wee social evening or two might be a possibility too?

Then, if we're all spared (as my grandmother used to say), perhaps we can check out a few alternative auction venues in 2019...

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I like your persistence Datsuncog. I will be there if it's on the 5th December, although really don't feel the need to change it from the 28th purely for me. I would be up for a social evening too, not that I am trying to escape the house or anything.

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^^^ My motives are mainly selfish: I'm hopefully* having a new Velux window fitted next Wednesday afternoon, so would consider it tempting fate to schedule a social event hot on its heels... but the week after should work for me ok! Mebbe other folks too?

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if yis crazy feckers wanna get out tha house on the 9th dec


theres a bunch of crazy feckers on beemers (and me in a fuggin corsa) meeting at captain jacks in portaferry for fush and chups :P


if ya fancy a trip out


i was gonna go cultraaaaaaa to see trams and deloreans but might be going kildare on the sat

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, cats and kittens, I'm currently enjoying* the same man-flu that floored T_A_D_T_S last time, BUT am still hoping to make it along to Ballyclare tomorrow night, even if just for a while - in the hope that a rigorous dose of ferrous oxide therapy will work wonders.

Anyone else in?

Failing that, some end-of-year social tomfoolery may also be in the offing!

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if yis crazy feckers wanna get out tha house on the 9th dec


theres a bunch of crazy feckers on beemers (and me in a fuggin corsa) meeting at captain jacks in portaferry for fush and chups :P


if ya fancy a trip out


i was gonna go cultraaaaaaa to see trams and deloreans but might be going kildare on the sat

Kildare swerved as cba and don't wanna give them flu - they'd be coming towards the North the way I go down so fk that zzzzzz


Going cultraaaagh but they don't open till 11 so brekky in tescos at sydenham forst bai come and say hello

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On 12/4/2018 at 4:13 PM, hairnet said:

Going cultraaaagh but they don't open till 11 so brekky in tescos at sydenham forst bai come and say hello

What time you reckon you'll be over at Tesco? I've a bathroom suite to pick up from Duncrue on Saturday morning, but I reckon I might be able to swing past at some point. Roundabout 9.30 - 10-ish?

Though, thinking about it, "Breakfast With Hairnet" does sound a little like one of those weird cult films my movie-obsessed chum used to insist on showing me on grainy eighth-gen VHS dub...

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I'm working Wednesday evening and can't make it... apologies folks

Daaah, sorry about that, dude - I'm about 50/50 myself on attendance, as I feel like death on a stick and am currently coughing and sputtering like my oul Viva on a cold damp morning (though I'm not yet spewing copious white smoke out my exhaust, so there's a blessing).


If I make it, I'll get some pics up for ya!

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On 12/4/2018 at 10:26 PM, 320touring said:

I'll just leave this here..


Oh, wow... so few words, yet so many typos - most reassuring! Mad photography skillz, too!

Could a steeked-up Passat from round Newry direction ever be classified as A1? Probably not, though the wee Yaris might be ok.

Worth keeping an eye on this fine establishment, for sure!

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