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Father Ted

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Nice work Angyl, that will learn him!.


Ok, I've got a quick question for those who know about MK3 VW Golf's, If i have the lights, heaters and wipers all on and I turn my engine off and remove the key, everything still carries on working until i turn my headlights off then the wipers and heater fan all stops.


Is this normal for a Golf?.

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Can't remember that but, on older vw's if you pulled and held main beam on with key out you could turn heater fan wipers etc on, as soon as you released main beam it stopped. Never understood why they did this......

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quick question for those who know about MK3 VW Golf's, If i have the lights, heaters and wipers all on and I turn my engine off and remove the key, everything still carries on working until i turn my headlights off then the wipers and heater fan all stops.


Nospecific mk3 experience Trig, but I would be willing to bet there is an earthing issue there somewhere.

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I've got a proper 'buy a car' frenzy going on. This is dangerous. Last time I felt like this, I ended up bidding blind on a Ford Maverick with knackered brakes. Problem is, I've no idea what I want. Suzuki Cappuccino looked a dead cert, but then I wondered if I really wanted something that quick. And low. And impractical. Not to mention expensive. Surely the ethos of Autoshite is don't spend over a grand on a car? There's plenty of cheap grot that'll fit the bill!


So Ford Mondeo ST24s, Jaguars (XJ40, X300 and even S-Type), Lexuseseses (ruled out just for that I think), Daihatsu Sirions and even Smarts (LHD only, but then they had better interiors) suddenly become possible. My only rule is that it must not have four cylinders. Three is good, six is nice, eight I wouldn't rule out, 12 I probably would. If a car is cheap enough, then I'd get a modern insurance policy again, so that gives more flexibility too. The right car must be out there somewhere. I wonder what it'll be...

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Could it be related to the VW indictor/sidelights thing? IIRC, when the ignition was turned off on a 1970s/80s VW, you could illuminate the front and rear sidelights on one side by pushing the indicator stalk in that direction. On late B2 Passats, the brakelights would light up too if you pressed the brake pedal while the ignition wasn't on.

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Today is Carlton collection day. If anyone wants to avoid the A55 for a several hours as I try to propel several tonnes of spaz boxed, 2.0 engine Vauxhall barge up Rhuallt Hill, then you may be wise to do so.

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I've got a it of a 'buy a car' frenzy on as well. Unfortunately I made use of the HSBC's internet bank facility last night and realised I havent got a pot to piss in so thats put the kibosh on it somewhat. I really wanted to buy that Malaga off leboncoin but its disappeared already. FUCKWALLOP

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Spent yesterday walking from Axminster to Lyme Regis via the defunct railway line with 18 workmates.

At the first pub we stopped at, was an 05 plate C15 van.

All I said was "Wow ! that's a really late one" then realised 18 people were staring like I had landed from somewhere. :roll:

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Back from Carlton collection and it's MEGA. More later, but the seller was a fantastic old dear, all cups of tea and let-me-show-you-pictures-of-my-late-husband.

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DW, how far oop north is oop north? If that Suzuki is near enough to the Beautiful English Lake District TM I could go and crawl round it a bit for you, if you like.


Billy, don't you just love a buying experience like that? :) I know I do!

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The Suzuki is actually down in Pembrokeshire. Not sure what indicated it might be north. I did spot one in Newcastle but the seller has as good a grasp on English as a butterfly.


I've tried signing up at Cappuccino forums with absolutely no joy. It's worse than trying to sign up here. I also tried signing up with a Fiat Coupe forum only to be told they don't accept anyone with a Yahoo or Gmail account. This forum fail has seriously put me off either of those choices. Arseholes.


Peugeot 406 V6 Coupe is on my list, but I'm worried I'll find it as interesting as accountancy once I clamber aboard. They are getting stupidly cheap though. Thinking of ignoring the classic angle entirely and opting for a Daihatsu Sirion. The gawky looking things are very desirable in my eyes and I suspect thrashing a little 3-pot will be a lot more fun than running out of road in a V6. But then I spotted a Morris Oxford for sale. And an Alfa 164. Ugh!

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Went to the garage to try and get some work on the Lancia so I can get it ready for sale. Plans were scuppered when the passenger window on the boring (which has been inoperable since it's return from loan) decided to move down a couple of inches, so that needed to be looked at. On my arrival at the garage I'm told that the rally car won't start - arsebiscuits. Rally car was fault was traced to a knackered relay, no biggie, I've borrowed one from elsewhere and will hit ebay to find replacements. Boring passenger window has a broken cable on the mechanism, the damn thing was replaced less than a year ago. I can only think that whilst the car was on loan they attempted to bring the window down whilst it was frozen, snapping the almost new and virtually unused cable in there. Anyway, lump of wood cut to size and window wedged in place until replacement cable is ordered and fitted.


Work on Lancia today = None.

My current mood = Not happy.

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DW - is it clubcappo you're having issues with? If so drop me a pm with the details you were trying to register with and I can drop a line to one of the admins over there.

Failing that there's always KKITP which is good for most things kei .... although KKITP isn't working for me at present :(

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Paid up, plans made, all systems go. It'll be my first foray into diesel car ownership, though I have driven NA French diesels before and found them okay and super comfortable. There won't be a collection write up from me because I won't be collecting it, that task has been entrusted to Mr Watanabe who I am quite grateful to. Wednesday can't come soon enough!

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It was ClubCappo. I've pretty much convinced myself I don't want one now though. Probably! Me and performance cars don't really go together and while a Cappo only has 64bhp, they're not exactly slow (0-60mph in 8 seconds).

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What about the Honda Beat then DW? They are usually cheaper than Cappo's and are definitely slower.

I'd check out KKITP, there may be something of interest on there. Theres a couple of people with Mazda Carols .... they're not common, but do occasionally turn up, as do the Subaru Vivio's and assorted randomness.

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Just scared the shit out of myself;


The drive is full of broken 70s cars so I needed to fix the exhaust on the BX on the road. Popped the suspension on high with the engine running and stuck a wedge under the front wheel and a couple of axle stands under the back. Dropped the suspension down to intermediate so that it settled on the stands then knocked the engine off. Changed the silencer and refitted the tailpipe without any dramas then gave the car a good going over with the pressure washer while it was off the ground. Came in for a cuppa and Ms C announces that if I want any lunch she'll need the car so I nipped back out to get it off the stands. Started it up and put in back in high then wait for it to raise majestically off the stands.....and it doesn't, bugger so fetched the 3T trolley jack and gave it a few pumps to release the stands, pulled them out the way and used the hammer and chisel to release the pressure on the jack (the proper handles gone AWOL) and the fucking car drops down onto the bumpstops and very nearly my hand. :evil:


Stuck the suspension back on normal and the front goes down and the back comes back up :roll:


Do be careful VA

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Blimey Cats, that sounds a bloody near miss! :|

Today I've been mostly fixing thibngs that I've broken previously. Managed to mend the non-operating front fog lamp first by... Err... Plugging it back in. Checked it before and it "appeared" fine, so God knows how I missed that one. Also replaced the headlight switch with a spare from the shed, as the current one had started going a bit batshit mental. If you turned the ignition off with the headlights on, everything stayed on as per the 3rd position. Even with the key removed.

Also removed a whole load of mud from the nearside gutter where it meets the bottom of the A post. It had something green growing in it! Hopefully it's all been cleared out before any grot has started but shall have to wait until a dry day for proper inspection.

Car fettling is going well for once, although tyres should really be on the priority list...

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Reality is starting to hit me ... I'm up to 12 cars now, which is far too many. Drastic measures may be called for, I'm thinking I may sell the Volvo :shock:

I don't want to sell it, however the bora is more economical, it's just nowhere near as relaxing or comfy.

Anyone interested in a 2000 diesel S80 auto T&T until October or November. I'm thinking I'll be putting it up for about £1k as it has got the best part of £200 worth of tax on it. No faults at present, climate, a/c, cruise, leather, heated seats. Shiters discount available. Full ad will be posted once I've convinced myself it HAS to go.

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A55 is being collected tomorrow. The new owner is coming down from Stockport on the train, and is going to drive it back. I'll have to spend tomorrow morning moving three cars to get it out, two of which are non runners, my dad's Ford Consul which currently has the fuel pump in pieces and my dad's Rover 75 which just won't start, no idea what the problem is, but it's been blocking the driveway for nearly two weeks now. He wasn't too bothered about it as he just started using the Consul daily, until it shat its fuel pump. Must remember to put some petrol in it as well, as I don't like selling cars with zero petrol in them (I know everyone else does!).

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Finally got round to getting the jag MOT'd. Great! However the drive to the station showed that i now have some sort of clutch preblem to sort. Its dragging and wont fully disengage. Only manouverable at the mo by starting in gear etc. So 1 step forward, and one back!

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Actual Alto progress today!, Me and my dad spent this afternoon stripping the engine down and we managed to get the head off, what a poxy job, First we struggled to get the bottom crack pulley undone as it kept turning the engine over, after much head scratching we took the starter off and managed to lock the flywheel with a screwdriver, maybe not professional but done the job with no damage (except for my dad knuckles which he hit with a hammer, hard).


Luckily all the bolts were remarkable easy to undo, even the exhaust nuts came loose easily and everything was very clean, the bonus off working on a 22000 mile car I guess.


We got the head off but are still no closer to working out whats gone wrong, no water damage evidence on the head or the gasket, but there's traces of water in the exhaust and inside the carb?, any ideas? Dad's got his mechanic mate coming over on Monday to take a look and see what he thinks so this is as far as we have got.


Have some shite camera phone photos to enjoy, the red bits are my dad's blood after he sliced his hand open on the end of the rotor arm. :roll:







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I'm guessing it's a substantial amount of water for you to be so concerned, but could it not just be condensation in the system from a lack of proper use?

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What were the actual symptoms? Wondering if the 'stat has seized shut or something. Quite possible as isn't it low mileage? That'd leave the 'stat shut for very long periods of time.

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It did spend a lot of it's time sat around, when it runs it's fine to start with then after 2-3 minutes white smoke starts to come from the exhaust, I've had it running so it gets warm but it keeps smoking, there's also a lot of water coming from the exhaust when you rev it up.


Engine wise the inside of the rocker cover is like creamy moyo (I know that can be caused by cheap oil and short distance driving), The water isn't oily though IIRC, but the dip stick had water droplets on meaning water in the oil, and like i said above once stripped down there was water in the carb and in the exhaust manifold, The last owner told me the radiaor had a leak and he had run it dry, a local garage which he took it to said the head gaket had gone so I've had to take his word for it.

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