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More Avenger woes


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Decided to trundle over the the Ace cafe after work yesterday. First big trip for the Avenger (That I already dislike!)Mega traffic on th north circular meant it took nearly 2 hours to do a 55min trip.The car was perfect, all the way, and didn't even come close to overheating.Slight clutch judder and an incessant whine from the thrust bearing, but overall, great.Then, on the sliproad heading off to the Ace, the clutch started to get closer to the floor. Then at the top, I noticed smoke appearing from the front of the car and a funny smell. Also the rev counter started dancing around strangely. When I went to pull away, the car snatched forward, and I realised it was a clutch problem. I managed to get within 50 yards of the Ace then the clutch pedal made friends with the floor. Darn. Fortunately some friendly people helped push the car the remaining distance.I telephoned the RAC, who said they'd be at least a couple of hours. So I settled in for a long wait.Meanwhile, I started to develop a stinking headache.The Rac van arrived, only to tell me that I could not be recovered home as I was only covered for up to 10 miles! I wasn't best pleased as it was already late. Why couldn't the person on the phone 2hrs ago have told me that?Unfortunately the only option they could offer me was a tow home that would set me back £200.You can imagine how bad my headache was by this time.Anyway, upon considering my options, I decided I had no choice but to accept their theivery.Of course, the chap who turned up in the van, wouldn't tow me that distance, so I had to wait for a recovery truck.The recovery truck turned up later, and loaded the car on.I have never seen such an irate, impatient and positively dangerous driver! Tooting his horn at every body, getting peed off that the truck was limited to 55mph, and generally driving like a prat.Oh, and talking absolute sh*te all the way back.I arrived home at midnight, tired, aching and pi$$ed off.On a positive note - my wife was amazing, when I apologised for everything, she said 'What are you apologising for - all cars break down'And when I arrived home, she had waited up for me and met me with a hug and a cuppa. :)Sorry for the negative post, I just wanted to vent!

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Sorry to hear of your woes, reference your friendly recovery operative, was he an RAC employee or an indipendant. In either case I would complain to the RAC and stand your ground, I'm sure you might get some kind of refund. This was the case some years ago when I was an agent for the RAC/AA/National Breakdown, if you weren't at the broken down vehicle within an hour, you had to be polite and drive in a manner which wouldn't offened. As regards the cost ,how far did they take you.I normally charge a £1 a mile one way

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I had a similar experience, suffering a major fault with the lowest level of RAC cover. I was charged £200 for an independent to tow me 55 miles. Nice guy though.

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my wife was amazing, when I apologised for everything, she said 'What are you apologising for - all cars break down'And when I arrived home, she had waited up for me and met me with a hug and a cuppa. :)Sorry for the negative post

I wouldn't mind if every car I ever owned fell apart if my missus was that good to me! Bollocks to the Av*nger, you're a lucky man! :D
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Contractors normally like distance work as they get a bonus the further they go.I'd certainly complain about him, who needs to put up with all that nonsense when you've broken down and just want to get home?

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What a shame to hear of the dead clutch and asshole recovery operative. These guys dont seem to be subject to the same drivers hours regulations/working time directive as bus, coach or HGV drivers, which in my opinion is utter madness as some of them do 18 hour days to pull in their grand a week.Your unhappy experiences have prompted me to check my RAC cover for what it actually allows me though - 10 miles not a problem over here :lol: but I'd be pissed off if it happened to me in the UK :?

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My mate broke down on Saturday morning on the way home from work.He was about 25 miles from home, Rang up his breakdown company which told him that he only had the 10 miles service but still 'only' charged him £40 extra.He was moaning about that but your ordeal makes his sound cheap.

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I broke down this week too! The alternator died on my VOLVO. Luckily I am a member of the Fatha_Bo11ox recovery service, I simply called out their only driver who brought a spare battery to allow me to continue to my destination (his house). I repaid this favour by allowing him to make me a cup of coffee, RESULT

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^ROFL^As a commited shiter, you should ensure that al your vehicles are equipped with hefty towbars. Then when you break down, simply ring your long-suffering wife/mum/fatha (delete as applicable) and say FETCH THE A-FRAME, It's happened again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, it's called an Avenger for a reason.I've broken down once in my life - unfortunately, it was in London (over 200 miles from my home), it was at 11.45, it was in a 10+ mile tailback, and it was on New Year's Eve.My coolant rubber pipe ruptured and engulfed the car in steam. I thought the headgasket had gone. Fortunately, I brought my tools! I cut pipe shorter, and then filled up with water from an awesome 24hour Indian corner shop. ;)Then on the way home, the pin holding the gearbox linkage disintigrated (used a rear seat lever pin). Otherwise, I've never broken down.

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The AA have actually been pretty good for me. I've had three long-distance tows out of them - the Celica back from Essex when a big end went coming off the M11, the LD ambulance back from Derby when the propshaft broke and the MX3 most of the way from Maidstone when it started using a gallon of water every 10 miles. MX3 driver was a bit of a nutter - he was a contractor so although he used a Renault Midlum like the AA, his wasn't limited and he was doing 75-80 all the way back - good job too as even then it was gone 2am when I got home. I've never had an unpleasant driver though. I pay monthly by direct debit - it's about £9 a month which you don't really notice.Joined the RAC a couple of years ago when I used up all my "lives" with the AA (you only get four tows a year) and they were fucking shit. The one time I called them out was when I snapped the propshaft on the 635CSi - I was on the Norwich ring road and they took THREE AND A QUARTER FUCKING HOURS to get to me. When a truck did eventually turn up it was a local contractor - when I questioned him about the delay he informed me that they'd only been given the job 20 minutes earlier. Needless to say I declined to renew my membership after the year was up.

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When a truck did eventually turn up it was a local contractor - when I questioned him about the delay he informed me that they'd only been given the job 20 minutes earlier. Needless to say I declined to renew my membership after the year was up.

You've just put me off ever using the AA!
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When a truck did eventually turn up it was a local contractor - when I questioned him about the delay he informed me that they'd only been given the job 20 minutes earlier. Needless to say I declined to renew my membership after the year was up.

You've just put me off ever using the AA!
Wuvvs was talking about the RAC there...
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