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The Epic Austrian owned R16 from Germany doing French things in a Parallel Universe near England Saga


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A fascinating side aspect of living in the parallel R16 Universe is that I get to know people

no other car ever managed to get me to know.


This is Ichiro's car:




Ichiro lives in - you guessed it - Japan and I'm not allowed to post a picture of him,

because you could see his big belly.



This is Mounir's car:




Mounir is from Tunisia and he is a student at the university of Marseille.

I'm not allowed to post a picture of him, because you could think he's an idiot for taking this one on.


This is Andriaina's car:




Andriaina lives in Madagascar and I'm allowed to post a picture of him and his lovely wife and children,

because he owns a TX.

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OT, but I had a client from Madagascar once. She married a Frenchman and they came to live and work here. Not long after that, the Brexit vote happened, so they moved back to France. Shortly after that, I heard rumours she was shagging someone else's husband.

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That's utterly shocking indeed.


I have never heard any rumours about non Madagascan ladies shagging someone else's husband.

Just imagine Andriaina's wife would come here and shag good British husbands post Brexit!

The Western World would be doomed!


I keep saying it since '33, had Hitler won that war, we wouldn't have these problems.

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Didn't Mr Schickelgruber harbour ideas about creating a surrogate promised land in Madagascar? Or was it one of the other fun-loving national socialists?

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But these plans were quickly abandoned after they heard rumours about the Madagascan women's

habit of shagging good married Aryans against their will.

Imagine the terrible racial defilement this would have caused. Evidently it still is a threat.

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....since '33, had Hitler won that war, we wouldn't have these problems.


Yes, we'd all be wearing T-shirts with:


"Anschluss: it's an Austrian thing. You wouldn't understand....."

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I received in the post today a set of those yellow anti dazzle glasses for night driving.


They do not work and I think I was scammed, but they do make every street look like Paris by night.

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When i was about 20 i bought my first 16 off a Polish chap who had it from new.


I had never drunk whisky before but we drank it at lunchtime whist doing the paperwork.


Hope he is still going, what a nice chap he was. Victor Buczderwicz I think his name was or something like that.

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I received in the post today a set of those yellow anti dazzle glasses for night driving.

They do not work and I think I was scammed, but they do make every street look like Paris by night.

That's unfortunate. Paris is s shithole, by day or by night
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I received in the post today a set of those yellow anti dazzle glasses for night driving.


They do not work and I think I was scammed, but they do make every street look like Paris by night.


Mine don't do that. So I was scammed.

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I received in the post today a set of those yellow anti dazzle glasses for night driving.


They do not work and I think I was scammed, but they do make every street look like Paris by night.


I expect you to turn up wearing them one day.


I don't know what the bigger surprise is; Junkman ventures into the countryside or an un-monged 2-door Ford Escort.

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He was trying to improve the climate, I think he needs a twin Napier Deltic powered diesel locomotive to aid his cause though

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I loved going for just a drive when I lived up north, I added 400 miles to the clock of a diesel Skoda Felicia courtesy car whilst mine was in for warranty work, and that was in just a day, car was delivered to me with just 600 miles on the clock, they were livid, they didn't tell me they had a 250 mile limit on courtesy cars, took it all around north Yorks, along the Buttertubs pass, through in to Lancashire, drove back towards Skipton, Harrogate, Ripon & Thirsk, then back down the A1, I was a sod for doing stuff like that, my brand new Fabia had 1200 miles on the clock in it's first week, part of that was a trip to the Isle of Wight, had the 1000 mile check done at Winter's Skoda there. I really miss just being able to jump in the car & see where the road takes me

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Why don't you do it anymore?


Sadly JM, the DVLA took my licence away in August 2016 for medical reasons, I've tried re-applying but it gets knocked back, I suffered severe psychosis in April 16, which landed me with a police issued section 136 order, and landed in the funny farm in Great Yarmouth, since then my health & mental health have spiralled downwards, next step is a wheelchair for me, as my legs are giving up due to diabetic complications. I really would love to drive again, but I don't think it is going to happen any time soon, for a car nut like myself, it has all but destroyed me

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Sorry to hear that Felly, you must really miss the driving. I can see the time coming when I have to stop and it's not a pleasant thought.

My wife uses wheelchairs, its no fun but electric ones can be good.

Am not saying you should, but you can drive an electric scooter on the road without a licence, and some of them whizz.

Need  registration plates as well on the big ones.

People tend to shy away from them, see it as a stigma, but worth a go, only then do you know if it's for you or not.

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Since I started driving back in 1994, I must have easily passed half a million miles behind the wheel of cars, vans, 7.5 tonners, buses & coaches, and in a way I am glad to be off the road, had a few too many non fault prangs, the last one wrote my car off, and triggered my breakdown soon after. I'm enjoying the exploits of Junkman, and fellow shiters, and I wonder what the next madcap collection will be from Herr Otto Von Junkman & his trusty sidekick Conrad

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