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Let's give this a bash: Renault Clio CRAZY BOXING DAY BUY IT NOW SPECIAL OFFER £200!


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Right, need this gone as funds required elsewhere, £200 can drive it away.

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No, not yet. Still waiting for the new keeper's bit from previous owner. Probably best for buyer to apply for it and any problems with it I'd just refund price of car.

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50 quid a month for 4 months? :)


Thought not.


GLWTS. Looks tidy, new bonnet can't be pricey I imagine?

I'm not too far from Billyville so if you're thinking of moving the Rover on, I could be interested dependant on price,and I'd be happy to deliver this fine vee-hicle to you


Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

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I keep offering Billy these deals just in case I manage to actually wear him down into accepting the terms. I may have a long journey ahead of me.


Bonnets for these are about 50 quid in the right colour.

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I've knocked some of it out, Ken! It's still fairly shit but I got the big sort of arse shaped dent out but there's still a noticeable groove like thing in it. I could get some of that out probably, if it doesn't piss down all day tomorrow/I'm not visiting the zoo for too long, I'll have a go at it.


I have to say though, I don't think it's worth replacing it unless you could get a cheap second hand one, it doesn't effect the car being used or anything.

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I can't buy it mate, beautiful work girlie has the same car car albeit in 3 door flavour. That would be too weird in a stalkery type way.

No it wouldn't. It'd be a kind of icebreaker to take things "to the next level". Can you imagine? "Oh, we're so alike, we even share the same taste in cars."

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A lass at work wants a cheap runaround as she's sick of having to swim to work.

I'll ask her tomorrow if she fancies the Clio. - subject to other shiters not bagging it first obvs.

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'Have u got car selin'




'wot car is it?


(clearly, I won't be answering that one)


'as it got MOT'


All the details are on the advert


'how much?'


(clearly I won't be answering that one)






'Is it still for sale'


Yes, still for sale.


(2 hours later)


'is it still for sale?


No, I just said it for a fucking laugh.


(I blocked that bollock wangler)

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The Lass from work is very interested, I suggested that I drive her over to peruse/collect it, only to learn she doesn't do motorways!

I can train it over and drive it back for her though no problem.


She may be a little bit of a bollock wangler but she knows a good thing when she sniffs it.

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