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Tickman's stuff. A bit at a time.


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That car is fighting you all the way and no mistake, the bastard. I hope you come out on top.

Excellent Miles Juppesque thread title BTW.


I'm counting the little victories,I will win in the end even if that is just delivering it to the scrap man and laughing!


Correct pads collected and back to the workshop at 3:15.


Out of the workshop at 3:45 and...




abs fault gone, thank fuck for that

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I had some other stuff to do at the workshop today so I took the GSR and decided to do an oil change.




That went well and as I had the car high enough I had a look underneath.


One CV boot split.



Two CV boots split.



Three CV boots split.




Great* looking forward to that then.


The oil change went fine though. 

Off to look at CV boots/ joints/ driveshafts.

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Bah, pleased this is getting some love, sorry it needs it! Bet those headlights are much improved.


I wanted to get a bit spendy on it, and would have done too had the Mrs not kept telling me to slow down in "that tin box".

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So after the last investigation into the gsr I have proved how practical a car it is by fitting an 8 foot long piece of wood in.




It also gave me the engine management light and had these codes.






But the main attention was the CV boots that I had discovered were fucked. They still haven't arrived yet but on with the work.


Drop link off, bottom ball joint apart and driveshaft out on the drivers side.

This all came apart very easily.




CV joint off the shaft and currently left out of the way.




Inner boot removed and wrapped. 




Hopefully the boots turn up soon and I can get this side back together and move onto the passenger side.


I have also ordered two drop links and one side was a bit knackered but the other side looks recent.


Currently up on stands at the workshop and I'm back at home to warm up.

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I carried on a bit today as I had some of the parts delivered.

A lot of it was very messy so few pictures were taken during these moments.


I stripped off the first inner CV boot and had a clean up. When I eventually worked out how to get it apart it was quite straight forward. With the boot being split I took the time to take it all apart and get a really good clean.


This is the start of the reassembly.




This circlip holds the drive onto the shaft.




These were cleaned up and checked.




Plenty of grease was used putting this back together and then this was put back on.

For the first time ever I managed to get the clamps put on really well with a cheap pair of water pump pliers doing the job. I must have got carried away as I took no pictures of that.




Next on my list was clutch fluid. This was very dark so I drained the reservoir and had the new stuff ready.




The bleed nipple was not too bad to get to and was free to move.




Then I sucked it all through with some cheap tat from ebay.





Finally for now was the gearbox fluid. This is what came out. Some nice new oil went in after I had done both inner CV boots and put them back in.





Remaining I have the outer CV boots to do when they turn up and stick it back together to discover the next issue needing attention.

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That’s a right arse about the old tyres, they came from Black Circles and they weren’t cheap either. Fuck.


For the engine management light, it used to occasionally put it on when I had it, then it switched off after a week or so. Actually fixing the faulty component wasn’t something I took seriously :)

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After a slightly indulgent weekend I went to finish off the gsr.

I had been having problems with the CV joints not being retained on the driveshafts.

I ordered up two CV joints from jr driveshafts and fitted them today. They come with new retaining rings so I used these.


After an eventually successful test drive it is now back at home ready to be used during the week.

The rattle from the front over bumps is still there and I'm wondering is it damper related as everything else seems in good order.

Time shall tell, either way I prefer driving it to driving the Octavia!

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If it is the damper, at least it will give you an excuse to upgrade the suspension

That would need investigating, if only someone had done all the investigating before...

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I've been driving round with two new tyres in the boot of the GSR for a week until my friendly local guy could put them on for me.


Friday afternoon was agreed and I assumed the position.




Wheels off, tyres changed, wheels balanced and back on the car all for £10 a piece. 


My conclusion was there really is no money to be made fitting tyres unless you are doing them all day long but as he said money coming in is still money.


I shall swap wheels about so the new ones are on the front when I have a chance.

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The 205 had a bit of a cry last night so I had a little look this morning.

Coolant was topped up and nothing appeared to be wrong so possibly just one of those things.

However when Alex brought up the 205 he apologised for breaking the choke mechanism as it had chosen to fall apart on him. I could never figure out what was wrong until today.


The plate the choke cable is attached to (top cable) must have come loose as the bolt holding it on was a little loose. So the mechanism got reattached. The lever for adding a bit of throttle was in the wrong place.




Now in the right place.




Only taken months!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I managed to find some new and genuine trims so meg was chuffed to bits this morning.




Chuck wasn't left out in the car stakes either.




Now already fitted.


I bought the gsr some stuff too.




I also have lower wishbones for it too which will hopefully get rid of the knocking over rough any surface.

Hope to get to this before the year is out.


Merry Christmas to you all.

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The GSR has been providing sterling service getting me to work and back over the last month.

The main issue I have had is the knock when even a tiny bump is encountered. This has been making me wince and try and find the smoothest path which is not the easiest.


I had investigated previously and most things seemed fine. I had changed the drop links but this didn't fix the issue.

One of the ball joints was a lot easier to move than the other so I decided to go down the route of changing these. This is a whole lower wishbone, while I was at it I decided to swap out the front shocks as they were another possible.


Up in the air




I also swapped the wheels so I have the new tyres on the front now.




Shiny stuff to go on.




This I think was the cause of the knock, the passengers side has parts of the bush on both sides and the drivers side didn't.




I think I need to tidy up my work space.




Yes I certainly need to tidy up, maybe next year! 






The knock is gone and I am happy my search for parts has paid off. 

Lower arms were both 'the last one' so I got both for the price of just one at normal price and the shocks were bought at the cheapest price I could find for a decent brand.


The car is staying and is to be used quite hard so I changed both sides.


It really helps justify costs when you really like a car :)

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Great news! I had a few parts changed to try and find the source of that knock, but other than the noise there didn’t seem to be any movement so I just lived with it.


If the suspension had some movement designed in, the car would be even better :)

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Great news! I had a few parts changed to try and find the source of that knock, but other than the noise there didn’t seem to be any movement so I just lived with it.


If the suspension had some movement designed in, the car would be even better :)


The lower wishbone on the other side appeared newer than the one causing the knock, also the ball joint on that side seemed much tighter but I threw caution to the wind and spent money on parts not necessarily needed. This is a very uncommon thing for me.

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