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AS in the Community: Midlands Massiv goes oval


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Interior light on? Apparently that happens when chaseracer's boot opens - he called it the Taxi Pack, we know it as the Dogging Pack now. Unfortunately as only 50% of his electric windows work, he will remain unfulfilled whilst his passengers enjoy the evening.


Great day, nice to put a face to another name and hang out with the coolest* kids on the block. You'll all be glad to know that the Truckers Rest Big Breakfast (plus the wife's bread-based products from hers, so approximately 125% of a standard Big Breakfast) lasted until just now when the local chinese welcomed me with open arms.


Have some photos from the day. I would say in no particular order, but I'm fastidious like that so they're in strict chronological order and you can just bloody well deal with it. 



Breakfast was lovely. I would seriously consider driving 40+ miles to just eat here, I'm annoyed that my work takes me to all corners of the country but never past here in the morning.



We mass-Woolarded. However, you'll notice that the only correct Wollarding was done by me. 

  • Flat4alfa - facing the wrong way. How can you present a summary of the vehicle in question to camera facing that way? INCORRECT.
  • Chaseracer. Too flippant, wrong foot positioning, double teapot-handle arms not allowed. INCORRECT.
  • Junkman. Almost there, so close to being perfect but your chin is unsupported. INCORRECT.
  • Me. Perfect in every way. Thoughtful chin, foot on bumper, pointing to engine. CORRECT.
  • Bub2002. You're standing on the bloody engine man. I don't know where to start. REALLY INCORRECT.





Some cars which were going to be driven badly until dented.



Some cars that were going to be driven a bit better and hopefully go home in much the same shape as they started.



Some people choose an overdose. Some find a high place and let gravity take over. A surprising number of people just disappear and are never found. This chap chose to end it all by choosing to crash a Maestro on purpose.


So there were rounds of racing, one hotrods to three bangers. I hope I'm not being too outspoken, and remember this is not a comment on the company or enjoyment of the day, but it was really fucking dull once 2 or 3 out of the 7 or 8 starters in each class of bangers had FTP'ed so you're left with five evenly spaced cars driving around, occasionally overcooking it on a bend.



Thankfully it was saved when they let drivers of the classic show cars take them around the track before the last round. As a bonus, they allowed Chaseracer to take his Merc on too, after he tricked them into thinking it was a classic. So we piled in and saw the armco from the other side.


Then there was a destruction derby round which was amusing, although most drivers bailed. It all finished with the race officials having a massive paddy because some drivers had crashed into each other in the infield on purpose (imagine!) and they declared the race null and void.


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The classic parade 'material' looks impressive. That Lincoln Continental 2 door gives me wood!

I'd like to have gone to this but distance is an issue! What was the racing like? Anything interesting get raced?


Oh well the Firecracker at arena Essex is only a month or so away, might try to get to that one.

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I could have easily won that public race.


Anyways, here are the pre-racing pics.


Ford Taunus 20m XL Hardtop, no less:



Some German car that just doesn't handle well:



Some English car that actually does:



Stag k00p. Why didn't the factory do it?



Immaculately presented Jag:



These things are tougher than people think they are:



I have seen rustier ones at the nationals:






Parential guidance advised for the SVM:



Some brought proper cars:



Ths was sounding sweet and did a good job holding its own:



4-litre R running a 4-litre R:



This one went on to clean sweep the class:



Van drivers do it in vans:



Sceptre team also brought a Maxi, which usually led half of the race, but then became ever slower while sounding like it's munching some of its innards:


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After race pics.


A Dolly looking a bit worse for wear:



End of the road 4 this 4-litre R:



Jacked Jag with largely unscathed Taunus in background:



Avenging Avenger will be out again avenging:



Granadas still make the most pitturesque wrecks:





A nice place to just hang around:




This was it for this P5:





Ovlov will see another race:



Stag k00pz are pretty, but not sturdy:





(Note: Dixie flag now controversial in Dixie)



Tina's had it:



So did Scotslanda:



A healthy dose of masochism is required to keep a P6 on the road. But race one? And a Maestro?



And some moar bent Jaguarness:


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What the frig was I looking at? Pillock do you understand how hard it was for me to get on that bloody engine! Great day had and nice to meet new folk and put face to name,flat4alfa,Junkman and Pillock and Mrs p. Nice to meet faces again I've met before. 10/10 would recommend.

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Not much to add which hasn't already been said/photographed but I hauled my camera round all day so you have to look at these. 




Go-go Maestro, almost won demolition derby. 




Panels were okay, base unit not so good. 




More good BL products.




I got to ride in a real classic car.




More fast cars, wow

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Some cars, of distinquished age, prepared for depreciation-assured racing.
Of course, not much more to add but I've spent* over an hour swearing at the keyboard getting extra* photo hosting to work for your arses; pain is to be shared.
As Pillock put so succinctly, this track appeared to be way too large for the count of vehicles provided. It is a relief to announce there is after all plenty of space on our tiny island.  So this missed opportunity assures that Gumtree stocks are in repeal, very healthy and our concern.
There will be no apology for repeat photography as everyone else was hundreds of metres away enjoying the superb sunshine on our enlarged island


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Classical Hot Rodding



Plenty of also-ran lurve for Viva and the not-quite-so-little A40 that belted along



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Always ensure you ding at the top of the slop
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The Viva was pretty meaty in a straight line but let downby the driver starting on the outside line and not dropping to the inside asap thereby losing half a dozen places in the first few laps. He would then spend the entire race getting back to where he started.


A40 almost got a podium in the last race. Held up the escort hoards very well.


I have some action pics to post later.

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One fella was looking over the Victor FD wagon and stated to me with authority: 'there's only 3 left'


Well, I doubted that as I thought I knew of 3 others, so checking this morning ...there are 8 listed on the club register alone


The excitement is too much!

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Oh well the Firecracker at arena Essex is only a month or so away, might try to get to that one.


How about Saturday week at Ipswich?


Then gathering after at that famous green outside Trigger's house, for sing-song


See below post

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So there were rounds of racing, one hotrods to three bangers. I hope I'm not being too outspoken, and remember this is not a comment on the company or enjoyment of the day, but it was really fucking dull once 2 or 3 out of the 7 or 8 starters in each class of bangers had FTP'ed so you're left with five evenly spaced cars driving around, occasionally overcooking it on a bend.






179 cars booked-in for this effort !




Must be where the cars that were supposed to be there on Sunday are being saved for...


AS in the Community Woollarding improvement event in the offing

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Hednesford was a one-off classic banger event outside the National series. So no cars were saved for Ipswich that would otherwise have run at Hedno.

Going by the turnouts the past three times I have been to banger meets at Hednesford, it just seems to be unpopular with banger racers.

To be fair, the track by its very nature doesn't really lend itself to banger racing. It's a high speed track for fast non-contact formulas.

Earlier this year, I went to a classic banger event at Stoke. There were more r00tz gr00p cars alone, than there were cars overall at Hedno on Sunday.

All in all, there were at least 150 - 200 cars at Stoke.


I also found the grouping of the few cars into three classes a bit unusual. Normally there are only two - Unders and Unlimiteds.

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