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French scrapyard pics.

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Went out on the prowl for some bits for the Metro. Not much luck apart from a pair of tail lights, but I snapped some more pics from my local breakers.


This is only a small part of the yard, I never did the rest as it is bastard-hot here (39 degrees, thats unnatural for a Scotsman) and I was on the verge of collapsing.


Anyway - prepare to be sad.


Minty rust-free Escort estate shell.



More rust-free Fords.



Ze German corner.



More Fords of all ages.



OSF retirement fund. Pretty rotten though.



Wait, what? Never seen one of these over here before in any state and here is one in my local...


Couldnt get any closer due to squadron of angry wasps, plus the interior was like Jurassic Park for spiders.





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605's. If I was in the market for a big saloon, I would definitely buy one of these.



Rovers. No Auston Metros, just Rover variants and all the parts I need are different on the newer ones. I got my pair of tail lights from their stock of stuff indoors.



Thats be the Daewoo. And assorted other far eastern delights.



Another shot of some of their van selection. Thats the highest high-top I have ever seen!



More vans, with a sad 406 coop in the foreground - If I was in the market for a coupe and didnt want another Calibra, I would definitely buy one. Up the hill leads to all the modern Pug/Ren/Cit toss and loads of older French stuff, but it was literally too hot to walk that far, sorry.





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Great photos.  Do the French have the same laws for scrap cars as the UK?  I.E. once it enters, it cannot leave and if the registration's marked as scrapped, it's more or less beyond redemption?


More Eastern stuff. And inexplicably, a Saab.



I can imagine the pineappleists frothing over these.



Punto pickup plus Fiorino van.



The WWF cant save these pandas.



  • Like 6

Great photos.  Do the French have the same laws for scrap cars as the UK?  I.E. once it enters, it cannot leave and if the registration's marked as scrapped, it's more or less beyond redemption?

Aye, these will never come out of there again except in cube form.

This place is a particular stickler for doing the paperwork right too, they almost refused the Escort donor I took to them a few months back because I wasnt the registered keeper.


That looks a very picturesque setting, and I like the mowed grass everywhere. I never realised once they went in, they never came out.


That doesn't look like a scrapyard. It does look exactly like my garden though, after I have won the Euromillions...


Panda 'Shopping FM' complete with stick on wickerwork :? ...New one on me...

  • Like 3

That looks a very picturesque setting, and I like the mowed grass everywhere. ....


There are half a dozen sheep who wander round the place dealing with the grass.

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I don't get it if there's no rust then why are they there, everything else can be fixed


Saying that, when are you going back and can you get me some Fiesta bits please :-)


Typical French having a picturesque scrapyard.

  • Like 3

Hey, Dave.


If there is a Renault 4 F6 van in there with a good, rust free back door then I have cash monies waiting right here. 


Great pics. I thought that EU bollocks meant scrapyards like this all had to close down years ago


Great pics. I thought that EU bollocks meant scrapyards like this all had to close down years ago

No only ours


I need 604 doors



Do they have to be for a specific type of car?

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