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Brownnova’s spots! A periodically updated thread of pictures of interesting motor cars. In the wild spots: A hoard of local honeys.


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Me: I've seen an event I'd like to go to

Her: What is it

Me: Cheshire Steam Fair. There's Traction engines and Classic cars

Her: Traction engines?  Seriously?

Me: Hell yes......



So verily we did sojourn to the steam fair, whereupon we did find a lovely afternoon's entertainment, enjoyed by us both.  Featuring:


Glorious Traction Engines:



Nostalgic RAC vans:



Something long and pink...:



Rare Estate versions:



The Yellowist Jowett Javelin known to man:






Not Elvis, but Alvis:






Many Lorries:



And of course...Spider-Man on a tractor:




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  • 2 months later...

No update since August!!! Let's correct that with a double update!


First up cars in captivity. I went to the Haynes museum (well worth a visit) and two cars got my juices flowing somewhat more than others....


Lagonda.... simply superb in the flesh...



And a Plymouth Prowler..... ooof!



Then there was Tacla Taid on Anglesey. This stunning Maestro had only done 12000 from New!!!




And I always love a Kitten post-18217-0-99638100-1509781381_thumb.jpg


Disturbingly the dummies here are more than a bit Shite too...



Talked to the owner for a bit too during a downpour... he's a great chap. And it's well worth a visit if you're in the area...


Remember the balmy days of September...



A couple of my favourites from Chumly







And finally...


Cats and dragons....



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More wild spotting now....


Well except this lovely old truck in the iron work centre near oswestry....



In the north Wales town of Harlech lurks this Toyota Corolla...



Further along the coast in Caernarfon is this hideous Micra...


Why... just why....


This lovely American Ford truck was a looked and sounded awesome too!



Went to do a play on the Wirral. Things were looking up when this Alpine was in the car park on arrival at the venue...



Keeping a Renault theme...



Yep next up a no foolin' Subaru Justy!



In a car park at an event I found a Punto convertible... haven't seen one for ages!



Grim little kit



And a Model T



And finally....


£475,000 could buy you the only yellow from the factory RHD Countach...




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A quick one off spot...


Whilst in Coniston for a quick half term getaway I saw a brightly coloured thing on the side of the water...


Turns out it was TVs Edd China in a garish coat inspecting this...


The Pond Bug...



The current MoT has an advisory.... adapted for use on water...




Apparently according to local news reports Clarkson, Hammond and May were there the next day filming for GT and Clarkson broke some sort of amphibious vehicle speed record in it...


Well there you go...

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Showing me up posting all the spots I ought to have shared!


They have put some work in "improving" the Micra from how it looked before.

I only wish I'd taken a pic of the interior... truly awful!

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  • 1 month later...

A final spottings update for 2017. It's winter... but not all the non leased shiny new cars are locked away.


We start with something of a local celebrity vehicl-wise if you live in Wrexham or ever have to visit Wrexham hospital you'll likely drive past this advertising vehicle. He still drives it round regularly.





Yes yes I know... it is truly the high standard of photography which keeps you coming back to this thread.


Have a taxi spec 190e for your troubles.



Keeping Germanic this BMW was a nice sight in a car park of moderns



Mrs_brownnova was truly perplexed at my excitement of seeing a Nissan Prairie in the wild!



And even more bewildered that I had to use her phone to photograph it!


A Volvo in Tesco



And a lovely SD1 complete with teh SERCKS





So that'll conclude for now. I'm off to see what other crap I can photograph...

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That bug has a private plate on it for clarkson?

LOL. My Saffer mate Marius has much the same reg on his Land Rover 130, to the irritation of his wife.




Grand spots here by the way :-)

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At least three of us, by the look of it. I like the Tacla Taid photos. I should really get round to paying it a visit.

Hadn't been for years, and it's improved loads. It's less of a shiny museum more a collection which I like.


Maybe we should do a Welsh Shiters meet sometime....

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Hadn't been for years, and it's improved loads. It's less of a shiny museum more a collection which I like.

Maybe we should do a Welsh Shiters meet sometime....

Meet in the middle somewhere for max inconvenience? (Except for Dollywobbler, possibly.)


Alternatively, I need a run up to Llangollen some time to see if they've still got a Rancho workshop manual for sale in the shop at the motor museum.

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Oooo I want to go to Tacla Taid!


Eifion, your profile pic isn't your black k(?) reg ds is it? As spotted and drooled over at the Anglesey vintage show a few years ago?


It is, yes. Still got it, too.

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Oooo I want to go to Tacla Taid!



If we did a North Wales meet up we could make this the venue. Depends if we went for an all Wales or just north-ish Wales (and any one who fancies the trip accross)


Maybe I'll start a thread to begin discussions...

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The Prairie is a particularly good find. It's been some time since I last saw one in use.


Yes those early Prairie are very thin on the ground now! Shame considering what a trend setter they were.

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  • 3 months later...

My focus has been back on the Shite of late, so here's what I've seen..


First up Triumphs!  This one was in Wilmslow, looked lovely



Went off to Llangollen for a drive in the Mazda and spotted more Triumphs!






So I had to park mine as an interloper into the group....



In the same car park we found this Rover



The good lady and I went to Blackpool, where we saw this Land Rover based oddity:



And a Honda Civic



"I've got something to show you" she exclaimed... Excitedly I waited, and she took me to these


She's definitely a keeper this one


Then down in Llangollen again I saw this Mustang


Not sure why it's on an e-reg though....  import date?  Kit car?


RX7 in a car park... bit of a drive by photo this one...



Then the best spot of the update!  a Talbot Alpine!



When you see a fellow 90s Swede it would be rude not to park next to it,...




AAAAAAAAND finally, 


Who wouldn't want to make their Hyundai XG30 a little bit more shit...




Happy spotting all...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I went for a nice drive out with 45 other MX5s the other day.




And I decided to take the scenic route home. Mountains and hills are all very well... but then I spied a beautiful thing indeed...




Spying it like this I span round... for a closer look.




I couldn't believe my luck finding an Espero in North Wales!


Exactly a week later and I went off to a 'cars and coffee' event... (I'll post some pics below) and on my way home....



(Crane your necks folks... not sure how to get it right way up)


Yes a second Espero!!! Couldn't quite believe it... this one's a little more in need of TLC!

*ponders door knocking for both...


More spots to follow on....


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Sunday last was the Bunch of fives run up to the Pondarosa cafe... nearly 50 MX5s by the time we got yo the cafe... some mk1s here



It's a popular haunt with car and bike enthusiasts. This was in the car park too...




I've seen a lot of 205s recently



Today I went off to a cars and coffee event on Rhos on Sea promenade. My highlights...


Sherpa coupe






Calibra with just 25k on the clock!!



Vintage goodness



And a shonky looking Charger ftw!!!



Me and my phone will carry on spotting.... Will I beat my double Espero spots though.... doubt it.

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Was that Jaguar with a dragon on top of it from your 4th November post taken at, or advertising, a sculpture park or somewhere similar?


I have a strong suspicion it is the work of my mate’s son Luke, who has been creating smaller sculptures out of metal for probably 15 years now.

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Do I spot a Bricklin at the Haynes museum? Double bill Daewoo Esperos are a real bonus there. GR12 FRED WUD REED AGEN LOL

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