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Is anyone breaking a freelander or spotted one in a scrappy?


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Is anyone breaking a freelander or have you spotted one in your local scrappy?


I need a front subframe bolt and have drawn a blank locally and my nearest main dealer is a 1.5 hour drive away and they are as helpful as a hefty kick in the nuts.


The front subby is held on by two big M14 bolts about 12cm long which go vertically into the chassis legs at the front and some smaller bolts at the rear. I need one of the big ones. They are a fine thread pitch and a high hardness rating so I also cant find any normal  bolt to replace it with from a local fasteners place.


If anyone can bag one for me and post it, I will be eternally grateful, obviously I will cover price, postage etc.



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Planning on a trip to my local one next sat morning, they usually have a couple of them in so pm me your number and I'll see if you still need one and a price by then!

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I have a tub of landrover freelander bolts down in my unit; I got them off a mate when he was scrapping a freelander 2000 diesel from memory - I can take a look/spill out the tub n check if any of the bolts you describe are there.. this one he broke had a heavy whack at the front - I remember giving him a hand choppin managled bits of the front off with a grinder, so its a possibility they were still on the shell when he weighed it in....

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Thanks all, but I have now found one.

For those that give a rats.....the rear axle of a Kangoo is held on by exactly the same bolts. I found this out by twatting my head on one in a scrappy.

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