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Vulgalour Arts - Commissions OPEN and a Vauxhall Tigra Prints and Original

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Triumph GT6 work in progress.  Really unhappy with the wheels so far, but then they are Minilites.



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Recently completed A3 watercolour and ink commission charting the customer's varied car history from a Rover Mini to a Rover 45 and presently an Alfa Romeo 156.





If you're interested in a commission, do drop me a line and I'll be happy to discuss your requirements.  With tax and MoT time coming up for three cars all at pretty much the same time, I'd welcome the business even more than usual.

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1959 Buick Electra 4-door hardtop - £40 inc. P&P




This is the first Suggestion Friday winner, chosen because they're a massive favourite of mine and while the other suggestions were very, very good, I find it very difficult to resist anything from 1959.


That means we're open for a new round of Suggestion Friday from now until midnight on Sunday.


I like, lots.  These are getting better and better.


Once upon a time I used to draw cars a bit, and found that getting the wheels looking properly round (as you've done extremely well with the Buick) was the key.  I did more or less everything else freehand, but often used a French curve for the wheels.


I must have my old drawings somewhere - if I can dig them out I might post them up for a giggle.  There was some shite in there, if I recall: Pug 604, Lancia Thema, XJ40, Metro...






That means we're open for a new round of Suggestion Friday from now until midnight on Sunday.


A mk2 VW Passat Hatchback (85-88 face-lift)  :-)

French curves are very useful as is a good old ruler, particularly on body shapes like the Buick above which has those long straight fins but more often than not I find myself free handing as it's so much easier than trying to find the exact curve required from the French Curve set.  I also use all sorts of other things like bottle tops, desk tidies, handles in scissors, &c. to find a shape I want to get a nice smooth line.



Blardyell that's lovely!  I'm very seriously thinking I should own a piece of your original work before you become unaffordably famous.  This, I think, would be that piece. 


Edit: and this week's suggestion comes from my ranking.  Lancia Gamma, the more-or-less forgotten saloon I think, probably in gold (don't think I've seen one any other colour!).



That means we're open for a new round of Suggestion Friday from now until midnight on Sunday.




How about a 1970-1973 Range Rover?


In original trim of course.


That means rostyle wheels in silver or limestone, body coloured pillars (no floating roof), wing mirrors, no headrests, vertical grille and a silver bumper with a hole for the starting handle.

I'd also suggest you colour it Bahama Biege or Sahara Dust for that proper 70's BL look.



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A consul capri street machine style, its main colour has to be purple



1959 Buick Electra 4-door hardtop - £40 inc. P&P
This is the first Suggestion Friday winner, chosen because they're a massive favourite of mine and while the other suggestions were very, very good, I find it very difficult to resist anything from 1959.
That means we're open for a new round of Suggestion Friday from now until midnight on Sunday.



1959 you say? How about my 1959 Ford Galaxie Fairlane 500?






On a serious note, I would love a sketch of her, what picture/aspect would be best?

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Here is my suggested inspiration the MG Metro Trophy




At Uni several of my mates on the course shelled out for proper ellipse guides for wheels, at 5 degree increments to suit more or less any perspective.


Cost a bloody fortune, so I did without. This meant about 50% of my renderings had egg shaped wheels.


That Buick is the best yet -super.


Howsabout a series land rover next?



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That Buick is nice Angyl, it wouldn't look out of place on the front of the owners manual or on the front cover of the 1959 Haynes manual.


Have you thought about doing classic race cars? With the success of Rush there is a lot more interest in that sort of stuff and a decent piece of artwork can go onto tshirts and mugs for people like me to buy through RedBubble or Cafe Press. Just thinking out loud like......


At Uni several of my mates on the course shelled out for proper ellipse guides for wheels, at 5 degree increments to suit more or less any perspective.Cost a bloody fortune, so I did without. This meant about 50% of my renderings had egg shaped wheels.

It's a long time ago now but the words trammel method spring to mind. It saved my bacon in my technical drawing GCSE but for the life of me I can't remember how to do it now.


Wish I had kept it up. I won the fourth year prize for it, but that might have been because I was the only person who had done any coursework. Most of it was nicked from Renault brochures!


Have you thought about doing classic race cars?


Or classic emergency vehicles?  Or commercials, even.  There must be loads of reference material you can use; if you have difficulty finding what you want, see me, I might have something suitable I can email you.


It's a long time ago now but the words trammel method spring to mind.

I've only ever used that for draughtsman type drawings, and it's gr30. Probably more hassle than it's worth on from-the-mind perspective renderings, though, as plotting the axes would be hit and miss. Freehand first and then a bit of skullduggery with markers sees you through.



That means we're open for a new round of Suggestion Friday from now until midnight on Sunday.




Which car won?


I've been away from my computer this weekend so I've not made a selection yet.  Unfortunately people have gone and made a bunch of equally good suggestions, so I'm struggling to decide between a few to go with... please hold *annoying hold music*


I've narrowed my choice for Suggestion Friday down to 3 offerings... it really isn't easy this time around!


In the meantime... Here's a portrait of my other half and fellow shiter Mikeknight's Mk1 Triumph GT6 which has been offering a bit of a headache for him lately in the form of myriad oil leaks and previous owner/s bodgery that he's had to undo.  Handsome, small and silly... the car is much the same ;)




Now that I've decided which suggestion I'm going with, I can let you know my shortlist was the 1970-3 Range Rover, Series Land Rover and Consul Capri Street Machine.  I have chosen one of these three.


I didn't go for the Fairlane because we had another superb fin machine last week, seemed to me that might be a little bias to do it two weeks in a row.  I'd also had a Maclaren suggested elsewhere, but I can't find one that does anything for me this week and the Passat, while tempting, was also not quite ticking the box this week for me but came close to being shortlisted.


That is a totally unrealistic drawing of a Triumph VA. The shut lines are too bloody good  :lol:


True, the panel gaps on the other door make it look bent.


Range Rover - £50 inc. P&P


Watercolour only this time for the winning suggestion on this week's Suggestion Friday and it hasn't scanned at all well, unfortunately.  But hey, it's an early Range Rover doing what Range Rovers do best: pulling a horse box through the countryside.





That means we're now open for another round of Suggestion Friday, I'll be accepting ideas until midnight on Monday.

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Not sure if you've done one already, but how about an Austin Atlantic?

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That's going to be a tough suggestion to beat, it really is.


I'm delighted to announce prints are very nearly available now, the first sample arrived and the quality is really top notch.  Very nice weight and texture to the paper and a print that doesn't look printed, a good imitation of the original artwork as demonstrated here.  In the photograph the black is a lot richer on the print than on the original, in part due to the scanning process and in part due to the different paper textures and how the light affects this.  In person, the difference isn't quite so pronounced.




Prices are still being worked out, but as a rough guide I would expect it to be something like this:

A3 - £15-20

A4 - £5-7

A5 - £3-4

plus postage and packing costs at around £2 for A4 and below and £6 for A3, priced according to what you order.


At the moment we're looking at an on-demand print service and not using one of the bigger printing companies to keep quality high and cost as low as possible.


Do let me know if there are any particular pieces you'd like to get a print of, it will give me a better idea of which items to send to the printer first so that I can get the ball rolling.

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