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Driving standards. North V South.


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A couple of years back, I visited Rome and made the mistake of renting a Punto. From the 'Roma Termini' station (centre of town). On a Friday. At 17.00. In July.


I lived to tell the story, but I'm still getting flashbacks of the experience. Suffice to say, I will never criticise the standard of driving in Britain again.

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A couple of years back, I visited Rome and made the mistake of renting a Punto. From the 'Roma Termini' station (centre of town). On a Friday. At 17.00. In July.


I lived to tell the story, but I'm still getting flashbacks of the experience. Suffice to say, I will never criticise the standard of driving in Britain again.


Know exactly what you're saying I once drove from Pisa to Arrezo the route took us right trough Florance. I can honestly not  remember consentrating harder on anything.  Wading through a sea of scooters that went from A to B irrespective of any signs, street furnature or othet road users.

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I feel your pain, Herr Doktor.


I once found myself on the Peripherique at a similar time, in a similar vehicle. Unfortunately, it had UK plates. I might as well have painted a target on it.


Still, when in Rome... or Paris... :wink:

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Nah it's the Weeg* that's the worst!


Oh, d'ye feckin' think so?? [/billy connolly mode] :twisted:


I think it probably depends to a large extent where you feel most familiar with, not knowing exactly where you're going results in slight hesitation and then all is lost.

Personally I find Edinbugger and its inhabitants to be the most car-unfriendly city I've ever driven in. (though I've heard the horror stories about Oxford and York)


While the driving standards in Soap-Dodger Land mght not be much better, the incidence of road rage seems far lower here than in many other places, probably as a result of its "murder capital of Europe" status.

Get too shouty at a driver round here and there's a fair chance you'll be on the receiving end of more than a shaken fist and the universal 'thou art an onanist' hand symbol. ;)

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I feel your pain, Herr Doktor.


I once found myself on the Peripherique at a similar time, in a similar vehicle. Unfortunately, it had UK plates. I might as well have painted a target on it.


Still, when in Rome... or Paris... :wink:



I must confess I wasn't courageous (or, rather, suicidal) enough to drive the way they did. I just did my best to avoid paying the 750 euro insurance excess on the Punto.


Looking at the car, it was obvious that most of the previous drivers had failed to achieve this and had probably bought Thiefty a couple more Puntos with the excess charges.

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I went South once.

It was awful.


My best "other people drivers R rubbish" story is from Chester.


Someone in a Fix it 500 stopped on a main road to look down a side road to see if it was the road they wanted. No indication, no warning, just stopped in the middle of a busy road. I was puzzled on approach and spent far too long wondering "what the tits are they doing?!" and didnt apply the middle pedal til late. Drew up dramatcally behind them and sat for thirty seconds watching them conversate possible courses of action through the rear screen.

Eventually I beeped my lame horn as traffic was building up behind. The 500 then attempted a left turn, but abandoned the manoeuvre midway through and attempted to rejoin the road as I was passing, pushing me into the flow of oncoming traffic.


Cheers southerners! You are all awesome.

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I'd say Edinburgh can probably be as bad as anywhere (Crewe Toll roundabout, anyone?). I've made the mistake of driving my Uno in Edinburgh commuter traffic, and the impatience shown by the armies of twats in their Audis etc is a real eye opener, which is simply because the Uno is old and slow, and struggles to keep up with the frenetic pace of traffic these days. Driving on the same roads with my Corsa is not a problem, and that's not a fast car by any stretch of the imagination.


Thankfully I live in West Lothian where driving is usually still a piece of cake.

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...Chester... Fix it 500... no indication, no warning, just stopped... attempted to rejoin the road as I was passing...

Probably from Wilmslow...



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I don't mind driving around Southend. Of course there's the odd prick but the standard of driving is generally surprisingly high where I live. Most of Essex isn't too bad either. Norfolk on the other hand, loads of NSL straight country roads which encourage some truly diabolical driving, especially when they get stuck behind a 50 odd year old car. Overtaking on solid white lines, tailgating and cutting up for example.


The M25, well I don't personally have a problem with it. It's quite busy and aggressive, but not that much worse than most other motorways.


London is something else altogether, but if you adjust your driving style to suit it's not too bad.


It always makes me laugh on that Eddie Stobart documentary on Channel 5 where all the Northern drivers dread going to London (even just the outskirts, or the M25) like it's some terrible plague. It's not that bad!


As for oop North, I try to avoid going there as much as possible. I think what other people were saying earlier is correct, that it's the population density that is usually the problem, rather than North/South.

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ANyone who has a problem with driving in a particular area needs to ask themselves if they should really be behind the wheel at all. If every other fupping road user in a certain postcode is seemingly a moron somethings gone wrong somewhere. I've driven through rush-hour Turin, its totally mental but not unenjoyable.

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I avoid driving in London unless I can't possibly avoid it, because it's such an utterly miserable experience. Everywhere else in Britain is much of a muchness I think.

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Driving in London is really not difficult though I'm pleased to hear those from outside who think it is hell stay away as they would only get confused and angry I expect..  You just let everyone else get one with whatever it is they're doing and go on your own way in peace.

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Yes, true!

Chronically overpopulated though, which I think is the source of most of its problems as a place.



10% of the UK's population, crammed into a smog-filled depression, 40 miles by 30.


Sounds lovely.

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ANyone who has a problem with driving in a particular area needs to ask themselves if they should really be behind the wheel at all. If every other fupping road user in a certain postcode is seemingly a moron somethings gone wrong somewhere.


That doesn't really make sense to me. Shouldn't rather all the other fupping road users in particular areas where people can't drive get off the fuggin road instead?

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Driving in London is a piece of piss, it's the small market towns at night that are bad. Bored spotty teens slinging crappy chavved up cars around the town square too fast, repeatedly.

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The worst place I've found for driving is the Bexhill/Eastbourne area only the other day I got reversed into while crossing the road and the oldie driving just drove off as he hadn't seen me.


Sainsbury's in Bexhill reminds me of the old PS1 game destruction Derby with oldies fighting it out with Nissan micras or ageing rover 200's


If the cars don't run you over the shopping trolleys and mobility scooters will, I won't park my car in a car park in Bexhill as you know that when you get back the side of your has been destroyed by a 96 year old with cataracts.


But it's a good place to buy panel damaged low mileage Micras with touch up paint that has been applied with a six inch paint brush, generally Red and Silver seem to be the colours of choice.

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