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Autoshite heaven (in Scotland)


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Just found the holy grail of autoshite graveyards, I cannot contain my excitement...




It's a good place isn't it? Being posted all over the web with not much left to the imagination detracts from its appeal somewhat though...

I can't wait for the ragwort and grass to die back.

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Why do you assume it's one of us? Not the 'done' thing on here surely?


Likely another person trying to wind you up, which has clearly worked.


Great find(s) nevertheless.

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It's someone on here as they've quoted info from this thread that hasn't been posted anywhere else.

Because this thread is in a special corner of the dark net that's locked down tighter than Fort Knox in tornado season and only visible to a select band of people with Bletchley Park levels of code cracking skill.


Or perhaps any Tom, Dick or Truesdale with a cheap tablet, bus station wi-fi and the ability to press control and C could have done it???

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In future, put your name on the pictures, quite a few folk do this so you can track back to their gallery and it's pretty useful.

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There was a jowett Javelin (amongst others, was an alvis there as well if i remember) near my folk's house in east kent. Sat in a barn for donkeys years, the farmer knew it was there all the time. The farmer rented some of his other sheds next to it as workshops and one of the tenants (a proper twat by all accounts of everyone else in the village) saw this old jowett sitting there, decided to ring car and classic magazine, local rag, all sorts of shit descended on the village and dickhead tenant tried to pass the car off as his own, ,he had discovered it and was going to restore it after years of neglect, long forgotten barn find, all the usual old bollocks.


The farmer got wind all this and told the fella where to go and with the help of his son, told all the assembled press and photographers etc to bugger off! This was years ago mind, the farmer died in 2008 and his missus in 2012. The dickead tenant (copper) got pensioned off the force after being shot in the back of the legs, either running away from criminals or shot by another copper probably.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Some updates.... The Mazda Graveyard in Bonnybridge


15436755248_eeb7c0f579_c.jpgDSC_3774 by srblythe, on Flickr


15436875897_4c9aef9c85_c.jpgDSC_3775 by srblythe, on Flickr


15002112314_887fc19f52_c.jpgDSC_3776 by srblythe, on Flickr


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15623709162_fa4bd7b5f3_c.jpgDSC_3782 by srblythe, on Flickr


15002691763_1725fcb50e_c.jpgDSC_3783 by srblythe, on Flickr


15599172036_713609bc5b_c.jpgDSC_3786 by srblythe, on Flickr


15436215769_fe4569110b_c.jpgDSC_3788 by srblythe, on Flickr


15002677243_0a25c694d7_c.jpgDSC_3789 by srblythe, on Flickr


15620172701_a48e46508c_c.jpgDSC_3792 by srblythe, on Flickr


15620169341_afa373ded5_c.jpgDSC_3793 by srblythe, on Flickr


15623669592_edc64bc393_c.jpgDSC_3797 by srblythe, on Flickr


15622825415_19c59c76c1_c.jpgDSC_3799 by srblythe, on Flickr


15437227140_acec65a633_c.jpgDSC_3802 by srblythe, on Flickr


15623657352_921e61b5ac_c.jpgDSC_3803 by srblythe, on Flickr


15436682728_ebc10fd17b_c.jpgDSC_3805 by srblythe, on Flickr


15436803107_b334a53422_c.jpgDSC_3808 by srblythe, on Flickr


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15623643692_6fa875627b_c.jpgDSC_3813 by srblythe, on Flickr


15002615683_a697074cb2_c.jpgLe Mans TWR 626 coupe by srblythe, on Flickr


15620114851_a5639a7a54_c.jpgDSC_3824 by srblythe, on Flickr


15436136599_a8dbca8fe4_c.jpgDSC_3830 by srblythe, on Flickr

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It would appear that most of the pics in this thread have disappeared, I really can't be bothered posting them again so here's some links to the albums on flickr


Volvo 300 graveyard 








Old Iron kx




Horncliffe Mansion Jag graveyard




Douglas Grindleys Autoshite Heaven




Volvo Jim's Volvo Graveyard




Waxwing Dunfermline



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I ran past the Graveyard for Mazdas on Saturday and noticed they were all still there. Surely someone must want one of them. The silver 626 Coupe especially.



We went along for a look, the guy said he'd sell two of them, the green twr 626 coupe for £700 and the silver 323 4x4 for £800, he couldn't bare to let any others go even though he was admittedly skint, out of work with health problems and a disabled wife and daughter to look after.

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