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Had my very own 'garage find' today


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Went with 'Mirafioriman' to look at my flagship shite today, not really looked at it for 5 years!!! Check it:


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Looking good for another 5 years unless mirafioriman decides to own it for a bit!


Soz for the blurry phone pics.

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Nah, flat battery and no tools.I MOT'd this car then parked it up before going off to France in 2003, before which I used it daily for a 30-mile commute! i have always avoided looking since in case it was rotten or vandalised! Luckily it is OK. just a bit dusty. The £3000+ I have spent so far on storing it seems to have been....er.... 'money well spent' :roll:

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Fantastic, what a great colour for it too. I remember a white one that used to live across the road from me years ago, was owned by an Italian guy.I much prefer the saloon to the 130 coupe.Is it worth your while actually moving it somewhere that you might be able to work on it?...

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The stripey affect i,am guessing is where the condisation is dripping from the roof or beams??,my car had the same,i was concerned when i noticed how wet the car got!!

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Fabulous ..loved them from when I first met them.but Mr_Bo11ox you made me cry :cry: mirafioreman please rescue itbefore the doors close on it for goodAnyone else around there just give the man a good bolloxing for not using the best Fiat ever !

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Yeah you do get a bit of condensation off the Asbestos roof, but its not bad, reasonably well ventilated. I'm pretty comfortable with how its bearing up in there.

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Asbestos/fibre cement is much better at condensation (or lack of) than single skin tin. My garage never suffered with it, I just got dampness up through the concrete floor and less-than-watertight inspection pit (indoor pond) which affected magazines in the last year or two.

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You're either ace at parking large vehicles, or you built that garage around it!!! It obviously had no passenger wing mirror.Lovely barge - with a gun to your head would you keep that or the Argenta?

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Fantastic motah. Martin Buckley in Classic & Sportscar used to have a fetish for them, in fact I think he copied me for most of his hardcore auto dreams.Were all 130 Saloons in blue, or is there only one left, it's blue, and it's had about 20 owners?

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I'm not on Facebook reg. What group is it?

Why only the 'Fiat Sedan Appreciation Group'! :D




I figure that 124 coupe's get far too much credit!! So it's time to make a group for the forgotten... 125's, 124 sedans, 850 sedans, 131's, 1500's, 2300's etc etc

Contact InfoEmail:


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There was a 130 Coupe in an episode of The Sweeney over the weekend.


And in the same episode for the connossieur of all things BL - a brand new Morris 1800 Wedge in factory black :shock:

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There was a spectacularly shite early 70s film, a political assassin thriller, which starred James Coburn and his Fiat 130 saloon which he used in between plotting global conspiracy. Fiat GB must have supplied several of the cars, because I remember the obligatory 'bird' having a 124 coupe.P.S It was called The Internecine Project:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071663/It is a shit film, BTW, the only reason to watch it is the pure 1970s feel and the Fiats. I'm sure Mr M Buckley must be aware of it?

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Anthony, is that the one where one of the gang gets buried in quicklime? I'm getting obsessive about finding this film - saw it on tv after the pub a few years ago, and it was full of Italian shite - and that's the only other memorable bit :roll:

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What an absolutely amazing car that must have been to commute in. Were you not at all tempted to drag it out and get it tested up?

I've got nowhere to work on it, its too big to go in my dads garage (well it would go in bu then he wouldnt be able to get his car in) otherwise I would get it in there for some proper glass-out TLC. Supposed to be moving house this year, if that happens and the new place has some garage space I will probably tackle it.I did used to feel like the daddy driving it out of manchester and up the M6 with the Mondeos + Vectras every morning, luckily no-one seemed to notice me frantically manipulating both hand and foot throttles + auto box selector, desparately trying to keep the revs up through the hundreds of sets of red lights in Salford in attempts to stop the LPG vaporiser freezing up :roll: I was late for work quite often!
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Apologies for being juvenile, but did anyone else notice that the film also starred Rolf Wanka?http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0911167/Which leads me seamlessly to my next point, that I believe Ted Rodgers (friend of Dusty Bin) used to own one of these. It was plastered all over the Sum as he had bought it when on hard times. However i believe he made a wise choice. Can easily say i have not seen one of them beauties for a decade. Its ACE.

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TED ROGERS MAFIA STAFF CARQuality endorsement. Kev Keegan pimped around Liverpool in a Datsun 240Z, but you have to be a very special person to drive a large Fiat. The coupe 130 occasionally pops up at classic car shows, but the sedan is much betterer.Did Fiat nab the switchgear and minor hidden bits from the 124/125 parts bin?

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