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Little CUNTS!!!


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About half past midnight last night I heard a loud noise outside. Unfortunately I had decided to get an early night last night and was already in bed, otherwise I would have been at the window like a shot. As it was, by the time I got up and got to the window there was nobody there. This morning though I went outside and this was the sight that met my eyes.


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Completely fucked. I know I could probably straighten the worst of it out by lying on the back seat and heaving with my legs, but it's never going to be perfect. That was probably one of the best RWD 323 hathcback shells left in existence, and now it's screwed. I might as well stick it on the Bay for banger racing. :evil:


They also seem to have tried the roof of the 304, but that is made of somewhat sterner stuff and the damage is barely noticeable. Oh, and they kicked the passenger side mirror off the 460 and broke the glass in the P/S mirror on the R5. And they ripped the dreadful plastic Halfords door mirror off the 304, but as I'd been planning on doing that myself it's no great loss. They obviously decided against "roof jumping" the Volvo and the 9s in case they went through the sunroofs - the little darlings wouldn't have wanted to scratch their ankles, now would they? I've now got to decide whether I can be arsed to call the police as we all know they're going to do fuck all about it. Of course if I'd been awake when it happened and had gone out there waving a knife/crowbar/whatever you can guarantee they would have been up here to arrest me like a shot. This country really is a complete toilet.

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POOSTICKS. Having had cars suffer a similar fate, I know how frustrating this is. These odious little oxygen-thieves wouldn't even consider bouncing on the roof of some new motor, but it's OK to destroy an old one for a laugh????Time to reappraise the storage arrangements?

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Gutted. This happened to my mk3 Escort while parked outside my flat in Edinburgh - roof was never true and straight again once I popped it back out. I never bothered reporting it, though after bitching about the incident to a friend of mine he suggested that by not involving the police I'd have no right to moan about it if it ever happened again. Fair point I suppose (a bit like not voting then whining about the govenment).

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B@stards!!!!Same kind of thing going on round here, flat mate has lost both mirrors off his work truck, and the grille kicked in..I think bringing in those exploding collars from 'Battle Royale' as compulsory for the under 18's would be a good idea....

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I've now got to decide whether I can be arsed to call the police as we all know they're going to do fuck all about it. Of course if I'd been awake when it happened and had gone out there waving a knife/crowbar/whatever you can guarantee they would have been up here to arrest me like a shot. This country really is a complete toilet.

Truly a tale of woe :cry: Oh yes, its a certainty that if you had of gone out there with a handy weapon a nice night in the cells would have been the reward, but nowadays these little feral bastards that claim the Streets at night favour the carrying of knives :evil: Those 20,000 plods marching through London last week really have a point to make don't they :twisted:
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Little sh1ts. There is absolutely no reason for this behaviour. Really makes you lose faith in mankind - despite the fact the police may not do anything because of this crime, the more people who do report it, then in theory it will mean the police will be aware of the problem. Hopefully it will mean more visable presence in your area. Last week some brain donor thought it would be funny to snap off my wing mirrors. Undiscovered until the next morning, I felt a huge rage because of it, and felt like grabbing the nearest baseball wearing kid and throttling him. However that wouldn't get me anywhere, despite the failings and seemingly lack of action by the authorities, they are best equiped to deal with these problems.

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How come we're so bloody powerless against these little twatts? When did it become acceptable to behave in this way, and kick the crap out of anyone who dares to tell them it's not? Bring back the birch.

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That is terrible :( There is no respect for other peoples property anymore. Would still be a waste to banger it though :( Maybe an excuse to drop a wankel into it and turn it into a mad rally car. I have an article in Autocar from 1978 which I must scan in which has one in :D

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Wuvvum, 100% serious about this - bring it round here (today if you like) and store it here until you've made a decision about what you want to do with it. Even when I move about Easter I can keep custody of it for you at the new place.Give me a bell later if you want to take me up on this, plenty of space here.

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Well bugger me. I was out there busily drilling a hole in the door of the 304 to refit the original mirror when a Crime Scene Investigation van pulls up. :shock: The woman took the boot prints off the top of the Mazda - not much to go on, but if anyone on the neighbouring estate suggests any names it could come in useful. Apparently there was a bit of a vandalism spree last night - someone's smashed up the roadworks barriers/signs just up the road and nicked all the orange lanterns, so it wasn't just me. I'll be sleeping with one eye open tonight though... I've managed to heave out the worst of the damage on the Mazda roof, but it ain't never going to be right. There's still a crease in each corner and general rippling over the rest of the panel. If and when I get it back on the road I think it might have to be treated to a vinyl roof. :?

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What Mazda is this, I don't remember you having a Mazda? It looked a nice one :twisted:


This has really not improved my mood today :x

It's this one.


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Believe it or not, it hasn't exactly improved my mood either...

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Some little scrote did this to my Super Minx in Windsor, but the police who were chasing him at the time, told me that he had slipped after vaulting off the bonnet, and cracked his head on the floor, losing a tooth or two. It helped them catch him also..............Justice.

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Bastards!!!!! I must have missed that somehow. That's my fave Mazda, the MkI 323 whose rear two thirds resemble an R14 (same year as mine too!)! I'm about 2 or 3 pages of threads behind on this board I really need to spend time catching up. I'm sure it'll all make sense when I do. You have to find somewhere safer to store your gems (not easy I know), it seems you live in an area full of half breeds (there's plenty round here too) it's a fine line between someone randomly targeting vehicles for their amusement causing a bit of pointless damage (I've had it too) or have it escalate until someone reduces your collection to a pile of burnt out shells, just ask Nigel! :x:evil::twisted:

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Believe it or not, it hasn't exactly improved my mood either...

Oh yes in perspective I'd rather be me who has had a run in with one of his parents than you who has had one of their possessions ruined any day! Were you already hacked off with something before this happened then?
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I disturbed two scrotes trying to steal a Mk1 Micra opposite me on Thursday evening. They had simply pulled the top edge of the door back and stuck their hands down to unlock the door.It's sat there for five years and not moved an inch, needless to say it would not start. I phoned the police but, hey its a twenty one year old SORNED car (I checked on the DVLA's site, it's not my car...) so they can't be arsed to do anything unless it was set on fire of course.Kids see cars which don't move and automatically think it's ok to either try to steal them or vandalise them. I had a Sierra Estate stolen from mine and it did not even have an engine in it so I'm lost as to how they did it. (either banger lot or srappies)Hense I keep my fleet in garages, I know they can still be damaged but they are both out of sight, out of the weather and out of minds of the scum who did this to the Mazda.

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Stuff like that really makes me f***ing furious. Vandalism, theft, anything that these little shites can do to ruin or take your posessions that you work hard for and take pride in. I really think they should be punished harder.One of my mates is an ASBO officer and he loves taking down these twats. The stories he tells me, they don't have half a brain cell to rub together. Time for a damn good cull in my opinion. Chop some limbs off!Rant over. Nice weather wasn't it today, got my old car out for a run round on dry roads. At least that put a smile on my face :roll:

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There's just no need for it! Things like this make me utterly paranoid about leaving my motors anywhere out of my sight. I hate going for my haircut as I have to leave the car about 5 minutes away for around an hour. I literally sit there panicking, thinking what could be happening to it. It just isn't right. Being that we tend to drive more unusual and attention-attracting cars we are much more likely to be targeted, too.Wuvvum, best of luck to you in fixing up your fleet, especially that poor 323 - might be worth getting it as straight as you can, then saving for a pro body shop to get it perfect at a later date. I've heard creases in roofs etc. can be sorted using an unusual method involving dry ice, but not sure of the specifics. It is gutting that you have to fix it at all though. If you ever plan on bringing it near here (Wakefield), drop me a line and I'll give it a thorough clean, polish and wax for nowt.

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Time to reappraise the storage arrangements?

I think so too. Time to reappraise where I live as well.
The Westcountry is the answer my dear! its not without its problems down here, but its very few and far between :D
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Bastards. I feel for you. This sort of thing really pisses me off and is exactly the sort of thing that genuinely makes you wonder what is happening to society.I'm getting more and more to the point where I want to emigrate.

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