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1966 Plymouth Fury 3


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Waved the polishing mop at one side of the hood. 


Paint is utterly terrible but it looks a bit more cared for. I'll do the rest of the car being as it's sat out in the open.

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1 hour ago, hairnet said:

*phil escapes visit

nice lawnmower btw :D

do the smol phils :D appreciate the old toot you have now


Not really. Sarah did say she wanted the Pontiac though.

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I was beginning to lose the will to live on this side. The sandpaper is starting to wear out.


Finish isn't great but it's better than it was.


Looks better from the street, at least.



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4 hours ago, PhilA said:


Added some spacers behind the water pump pulley bolts.

It'll sit and idle until it's warm now. Goes backwards and forwards also which is a neat trick.

John force ftw

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Found that I do actually have the correct power steering pressure hose; i do not however have all of the pressure regulator assembly off the top of the power steering box.

Placed a cheeky offer on one that's on eBay, we'll see if they accept; then just a case of a few O-rings and a thread adapter and we can see if the power steering works (or, more realistically how badly it leaks).

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Been busy. Power steering needs different fittings; bolted the regulator in.


That's not where it goes, I'm sure.


Seems to work. Proves the concept, at least.



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Found a fitting that's nearly right. Added far too much pipe tape, and a few new o-rings.


Got the correct (hopefully) adapter coming in the mail.

For now, though.. that works. Very light. Impossible to turn the steering static like that without.

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Day off work today so before the bad weather was due I decided to replace the intake gaskets.


You can see where the old ones weren't in very good condition. 


All scraped clean and new gaskets applied.


Much better. Reassembled it all, filled it up and now it doesn't leak and also runs a bit better.


Good job too, it's raining now, big thunderstorm.

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5 minutes ago, 2flags said:

It's getting there. I'm sure you'll have it back on the road eventually. Have you any sort of time frame or is it just when it happens?

Just at the pace it is going at, which is fits and bursts. Collecting parts for it, mostly. Next few big bits will be to get replacement rear quarters, get those welded on, then I can do the boot floor because that's all shaped to the wings; then the front floors need a couple new pans and there's one or two other bits that need addressed where it randomly pinholed for no good reason.

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