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Shitting in the shallow end. *Panda fiddling*

Jim Bell

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That's the atmosphere I'm trying to encourage.


If we don't have payment by half six, I'll open up to the shortlist. If we're then still not done by draw time, at my discretion, I'll delay the draw til Saturday and offer the tickets back to the original holder and refund the repossession monkeys as required. Hope that works for everyone.

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This is such high speed roffling I've got my wristband alerting me to bank and PayPal transfers, and im stopping on my commute to update the list.

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If anyone hasn't coughed by 7.30pm (or whatever deadline you're settting), I'll buy another couple of tickets if it goes ahead today. 

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That's the way to do it.


Eight tickets left to be paid for, three on the shortlist. If people want to win tonight, I need more money :)

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That's the way to do it.


Eight tickets left to be paid for, three on the shortlist. If people want to win tonight, I need more money :)

Do you want me to pay for two tickets ahead of them being repossessed?


Selling 62 tickets for a 59 ball roffle? Madness!?!

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That would make four out of the six remaining to be paid for. It's close, but no cigar. I will open up if all six are gone, on the understanding that the original ticket holders take priority subject to payment right up until the draw, and my decision is final.


Billy Bunter and Garbaldi are yet to even read their PMs.


Cav has my details already, I'll PM you now ODM, with the provisio above

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For added excitement, Mrs L1 is going for a run and the kids are being pests. I shall be keeping a log of events (PayPal, bank, draw) in case there's any dispute

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Am happy to be on repossession list and buy more if needed....


I think of myself as a French car lease repo man, cashing in on other Shiters' misery.

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The "unpaid" tickets as at the time of the draw will be assigned to you and cav in numerical order.


Otherwise I could have an influence

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