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Tickety Boo - MOT through - Ohdearme’s turn of the century emporium


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Ebay sell resettable blade fuses (circuit breaker) which are handy for this kind of intermittent fault. Also has the pollen filter been changed on this car? as they often get overlooked and cause the fan to draw additional amp's for power and the resistor to burn out.

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Ebay sell resettable blade fuses (circuit breaker) which are handy for this kind of intermittent fault. Also has the pollen filter been changed on this car? as they often get overlooked and cause the fan to draw additional amp's for power and the resistor to burn out.

Good shout on both counts. I haven’t done the pollen filter, because lazy - plus the fan is a bit weak so could be detritus related air starvation.

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Fuck me, there's a pollen filter?? Good call on those fuses.


She's still looking good :)

Yep, a little bit of a faff to get to. You need to whip off the bulkhead and set the wipers in park mode by turning the ignition off with the wiper stalk held down and then get in under the scuttle.

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Looks well this beast, remember selling these new and had a 2.3 demo for a month that shifted too.


Always jealous of the vw guys up the road with the vr6 beasts we had the 2.8 but not if you were a pleb.

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Looks well this beast, remember selling these new and had a 2.3 demo for a month that shifted too.


Always jealous of the vw guys up the road with the vr6 beasts we had the 2.8 but not if you were a pleb.

Almost bought a 2.3 mk1 ghia x last week. Electric everything (including quarter lights, ooh!) and one giffer owned from new. Was an unwanted trade in so they’d prices it at £400...missed it, guy said he’d had more calls aboutbtjat than the rest of his yard combined.

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Probably the best engine in the range for the early cars. Made a nice car excellent.

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I love watching youtube videos of the VR6 Sharans.


The noise and speed are just so ludicrous in this type of vehicle. :D

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As the owner of a 2001 2.0 8v Sharan I also imagine the power and exhaust note of the VR6 and even the 1.8t as I wring what's left of the 114bhp out of it.

I think it has 1bhp less than the ford galaxy though, but does have 6 speed gearbox.


Bulkhead removal is simple and opens up a surprising amount of space on these for servicing etc and unfortunately needs doing about twice for me in the winter because of the amount of leaves and crud that end up in the bulkhead area on mine.

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Has the wiper linkage been removed on this one and regreased? Slowly seizing and burning out the motor was factory built in for these :-)

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Would love a 2.8 version, I don’t think sixth is missed too much in the 2.0 8v due to it not being fast enough to warrant it, it’s a 70mph cruiser not a 90mph one!


Got to get my kitchen out of the way and then I may well swap out the Red Baron for a thirstier more toy laden alternative.

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Hmmm, had the wheel off again today and the brakes seem to function ok. A quick run around and the grinding is still there when you brake but comes off when you lift off so definitely not a stuck caliper?


The rear disc has quite a lip so I’m wondering if it’s probably best to swap the discs too in case the noise is just the new pad wearing a higher bit of the disc down to play catch up with the rest.


However I find myself perched at the event horizon, you see I am hovering between two galaxies...should I win the one I stupidly bid on when inebriated I shall have one more than I need.


The new one has better gear in it, one extra cog, is newer and will have a different set of things wrong with it and will need a collapsed strut sorting.


Seller also doesn’t understand the concept of ‘taxes to get you home’ so I now need a shiter to move a car from Chelmsford to Leeds if I win...


But I need a working 7 seat to take the sprogs to Yorkshire wildlife park next week...oh decisions

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Things I didn’t know about the Jag...I thought the Jag had developed a peculiar electrical problem today that is actually a very obscure design feature.


I tried the screenwash today and the water shot out as normal but the wiper didn’t move. Gremlins, thinks I, but no! Moving the wiper and it sweeps fine.


It seems that Jaguar designed it that if the screenwash low warning is on, pressing the button activates the pump but not the wiper.


This makes it infinitely cleverer than my modern A1 which scrapes the wiper over the bone dry rear window regardless, making hideous nail/blackboard sorts of noises.


In other news. I’ve devised a solution to my twin Galaxy dilemma.


The answer is another vehicle altogether.


I have therefore placed a deposit on something in that there Scotland and sent a grovelling request to bum out of an eBay bid. (I’m a bad man).


I also need to do a swap that is is precisely the wrong end of the country to where the Scotland thing is.


Whoops. I’ve assured the wife everything is under control*

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I love watching youtube videos of the VR6 Sharans.


The noise and speed are just so ludicrous in this type of vehicle. :D


Bedfordshire Police used to use Galaxy V6s as ARVs and as now use the shift change between Kempston and Luton Airport as a Blues and Twos training run. Manys the time a pair of Galaxys would fly past on the M1 at 120+.

But my favourite one was when two Galaxys and a 2.5T S-Max ( must have been around 2008) came past me on the hill leaving Clophill on the A6. The S-Max was faster but the Galaxys sounded amazing.

These days it's all X5s that just whistle past like all the other big SUVs.

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It’s not like it’s my daughters birthday weekend and I’ve booked a ticket for an collection with uncertainties about return capabilities is it?







Aaaw, I thought you might be picking up Saabnut's Holden Suburban. That would definitely have more space than a Galaxy!

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Oooooh. That's a nice run home. If you fancy a pit stop and some lunch on the run home, do give me a shout.

I may well take you up on that, got to stop at Barter Books in Alnwick to find an appeaser for the strife.


I may be a little deaf by then as seller reports exhaust is a little blowy*

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As if I don’t have enough to contend with, etc.


I was outside doing man based tasks involving messing with pitted rear discs on the Galaxy and a shrieking wife appears saying something about all the electric is gone.


She declared “I don’t* know what happened’ as I entered the kitchen to find her mopping water from an overfilled and spitty kettle from around the worktop and plugs...


My evening of swapping brakes has therefore being killed as I’ve spent the rest of the evening trying to get the circuit breaker to stay on and track a bad earth.


Many sockets have been swapped/bypassed and I’ve still not nailed it, the fucker.


Defeat, thou art me.


Here’s a bypassed socket



Here is the cover of my fuse/meter box



Here is a pristine, cellophane wrapped box of brake discs that I should have been attending to.




Phone call to a sparky tomorrow, I fear.

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So I fixed the electrics, or more accurately, after fucking about for a few hours last night, isolating plug sockets all over the ring main, I just ran an extension from the upstairs ring and plugged the fridge in and went to bed.


This morning it has reset and I discovered a hidden socket behind the kitchen cabinets I didn't know about that must have had water run into it and cause the shorting that's now dried out...could have saved me a fair whack of time but at least I haven't wasted money on a sparky.


So on to matters shite related...what about those brakes?


The mystery of the scrape has been solved. One of the caliper bolts had come out somewhere (I'm 100% sure* I smeared threadlock on them) so that's why it's resting on the disc.


Taking the old discs off, they're not really that bad, I've certainly seen worse in terms of scoring/pitting.




As I've got the new discs now and the associated earache for spending the money, I carried on sticking them on.



As of this evening, I'm obviously one bolt short of completing the task but at least the drivers side disc is swapped off and the new pads are all in.




Tomorrow will be the other side and job jobbed.


If only* I had a trip of a couple of hundred miles planned into bed them in.



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Amazingly my local motor factor than normally has everything lying around in their cavernous back shelves didn’t have a Ford rear brake bolt for the Galaxy :(


A trundle around fleabay has one for a ridiculous £17 so I’ve paid that for now because I just want the job finished.


Bleeding liberty though, the bolt has cost more than a Ruddy disc!

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I think i got 4 new caliper bolts with the pads for the omega. I may have put the one ones in "random bolts box"

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Amazingly my local motor factor than normally has everything lying around in their cavernous back shelves didn’t have a Ford rear brake bolt for the Galaxy :(


A trundle around fleabay has one for a ridiculous £17 so I’ve paid that for now because I just want the job finished.


Bleeding liberty though, the bolt has cost more than a Ruddy disc!

When my son managed to lose one of the calliper bolts while changing the discs and pads on his car with his friend who claimed to be an experienced mechanic, I took the surviving bolt to the local fastenings supplier and they had a suitable bolt for a couple of quid.

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