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LightBulbFun's Invacar & general ramble thread, index on page 1, survivors lists on Pages 24/134 & AdgeCutler's Invacar Mk12 Restoration from Page 186 onwards, still harping on...


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3 minutes ago, BorniteIdentity said:

Loquacious, as always. 

Do you accept that contemporary opinion at the time was that they’re terrible and unsafe? Yes or No?

And do you honestly think that the crash protection of a Invacar is the same as a Mini. Just a straightforward answer would suffice…

Loquacious? Surely you mean thorough?..... I spy very loaded questions, passive aggressive, verging on bullying none the less......

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1 minute ago, BorniteIdentity said:

Loquacious, as always. 

Do you accept that contemporary opinion at the time was that they’re terrible and unsafe? Yes or No?

And do you honestly think that the crash protection of a Invacar is the same as a Mini. Just a straightforward answer would suffice…

I was well aware of them in the 70s, one used to visit our back street, not a euphemism it's what we called the road the back door opened onto, most days.

The overriding opinion was that they were death traps and this was when normal cars weren’t exactly safe by todays standards.

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5 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:


I fail to see how its worse then being on a Motorcycle or a Quad bike for example?

To fair Dez, being flung off is probably# better then the dead stop.  Ask me how I know that...

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2 minutes ago, OhNoWhatHaveIDone said:

Loquacious? Surely you mean thorough?..... I spy very loaded questions, passive aggressive, verging on bullying none the less......

Change the sock. 

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35 minutes ago, OhNoWhatHaveIDone said:

And if YOU don't like it you can fuck off yourself!  It's not me shouting at the regulars, I'm the one who's being told to shut up for calling out bullies.... by the way, I too am a regular since joining, as for the forum not being for Invacars look at the bloody title!  Now get back in your box, I won't be bullied! 

Oh dear oh dear oh dear.  Are you not used to people standing up to your bullshit, or calling you out for being a grade-A tosser?


Also, can I suggest that if you want to start screaming and shouting and having a toddler tantrum, you do it somewhere other than a dedicated thread.  Well done.  Now run along.

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3 minutes ago, OhNoWhatHaveIDone said:

Loquacious? Surely you mean thorough?..... I spy very loaded questions, passive aggressive, verging on bullying none the less......

Actually, I mean garrulous - but I didn’t want your head to explode. 

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2 minutes ago, Talbot said:

Oh dear oh dear oh dear.  Are you not used to people standing up to your bullshit, or calling you out for being a grade-A tosser?


Also, can I suggest that if you want to start screaming and shouting and having a toddler tantrum, you do it somewhere other than a dedicated thread.  Well done.  Now run along.

Right back at you, I take no shite off no one so don't fuck with me 

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2 minutes ago, BorniteIdentity said:

Actually, I mean garrulous - but I didn’t want your head to explode. 

It's quite alright, I would have asked nicely to borrow your flashcards

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1 minute ago, OhNoWhatHaveIDone said:

Right back at you, I take no shite off no one so don't fuck with me 

Oooh, you're 'ard.

Go on then... what happens if someone "fucks with you"?  Do tell.

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Dez, just get the thread locked for a bit and sack off all this inane bollocks until the motor is on the road. 

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1 minute ago, Talbot said:

Oooh, you're 'ard.

Go on then... what happens if someone "fucks with you"?  Do tell.

Well for a start I don't feed trolls

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1 minute ago, OhNoWhatHaveIDone said:

Right back at you, I take no shite off no one so don't fuck with me 

Dude. Seriously. Why don’t you just fuck right off?

It would be great if you could fuck off and keep fucking off until you’ve fucked off so far you’re right back here.  That way, I can tell you to fuck off all over again. 

You are just the typical, old, rage-filled, impotent knuckle head who’s usually found in his natural habitat of Facebook pages called “Yesterday’s Britain, a Better Britain” and “All our yesterdays”. You’ve stumbled in here, made a cunt of yourself, and now you’re starting to throw your arms around like some pissed up scaffolder. 

Genuinely - fuck off. 

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1 minute ago, BorniteIdentity said:

Dude. Seriously. Why don’t you just fuck right off?

It would be great if you could fuck off and keep fucking off until you’ve fucked off so far you’re right back here.  That way, I can tell you to fuck off all over again. 

You are just the typical, old, rage-filled, impotent knuckle head who’s usually found in his natural habitat of Facebook pages called “Yesterday’s Britain, a Better Britain” and “All our yesterdays”. You’ve stumbled in here, made a cunt of yourself, and now you’re starting to throw your arms around like some pissed up scaffolder. 

Genuinely - fuck off. 

Stop playing with mirrors

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2 minutes ago, BorniteIdentity said:

Dude. Seriously. Why don’t you just fuck right off?

It would be great if you could fuck off and keep fucking off until you’ve fucked off so far you’re right back here.  That way, I can tell you to fuck off all over again. 

You are just the typical, old, rage-filled, impotent knuckle head who’s usually found in his natural habitat of Facebook pages called “Yesterday’s Britain, a Better Britain” and “All our yesterdays”. You’ve stumbled in here, made a cunt of yourself, and now you’re starting to throw your arms around like some pissed up scaffolder. 

Genuinely - fuck off. 

Comments reported, way out of order.

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On more thought I suspect much arm waving here is going to be over not a whole lot.

How far is REV realistically going to drive? Maybe an annual trip to the Field of Dreams or FOTU and an occasional run to the chippy. Like most cars of a certain age it'll be a curiosity for occasional use.

Dez doesn't have a commute. Public transport is always going to be a faster/easier/cheaper option for the majority of travel. Every trip out is another risk of failure and expense - once the initial novelty wears off I really don't think it'll regularly travel very far.

I don't tend to drive the Dolomite particularly far aside for particular events, even though I could. It's just unpleasant knowing your vehicle made of finite expensive parts is deteriorating and you get to your destination with ringing ears and backache.


There was a time when I was a firm BL apologist who asserted that a mid 70s Triumph was all the car you'd ever need - but sometimes you just have to accept that something you like is actually just shit.

BL's cars were outdated and badly built, even the best examples are riddled with stupid design faults. In a world where a normal car is a 120bhp, 1.5ton tank with four wheel disc brakes piloted by somebody who isn't afraid of crashing because they'll probably be fine no, it's not even half the car you need...

Sometimes your argument has to be "I know it's shit, I just don't care" rather than gifs of vehicles going at walking pace and pictures of chassis that are only designed to hold the vehicle components in place.

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3 minutes ago, OhNoWhatHaveIDone said:

Comments reported, way out of order.

I look forward to your imminent disappointment when my posts remain, as do I. 

Unlucky. Xx 

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Some information from the time,in the interests of balance:

https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/1 ... dTricycles

The Devon survey of 51 drivers showed that 95 per cent. of the drivers considered their three-wheelers to be unsafe in wind and dangerously under-powered on hills, that just under 4,000 miles a year was the average mileage, that the cars broke down, each year, on average 13 times, and that most of the drivers had families and relatives who could not share their social lives or activities because of the limitations of the one-seater three-wheelers. The general verdict from this section of the community was that they were unsafe, unreliable and anti-social.

I received a letter from someone who stated that he had driven over 50,000 miles in tricycles without an accident. He went on to say that he had achieved this record by never going out when it was windy or wet, and never driving on major open roads.

Apart from the official Government tests, several independent tests have been carried out. In July 1973 the Cranfield Institute of Technology discontinued swerve tests, owing to be dangers of overturning. Its staff refused to carry on.

I refer to the number of three-wheeled invalid tricycles which overturned while being manoeuvred into position at MIRA. There also finally came to light the answer to something which had puzzled many commentators for some time, and that was a much delayed admission that a three-wheeled invalid tricycle had overturned whilst being manoeuvered into position at MIRA. Unfortunately, the MIRA employees have not been allowed to talk about the accidents.

I don't think it's the question of wether Dez should drive it,just having a rose tinted attitude to them is not ideal.having a greater awareness of it's limitations will actually enable it to be piloted more effectively. I have done 100,000 miles in Reliants,until an accident 15 years ago made me hang up the FS keys for the last time,and the key things which kept me alive were: years of motorcycling experience(the cornering and braking techniques being very similar,and looking VERY far ahead for hazards,as immediate emergency avoidance is non existent on three wheels) an appreciation for the fact that I am only protected on the side by 1/4" of fibreglass, a fire extinguisher in the cab,as you have about 30 seconds to get out if they go up,and to never get complacent and forgrt what you are in,ie if you spot a brick in the road,dont centre the car on it to avoid it..yes I did that early on,snapped the a frame.

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Just now, BorniteIdentity said:

I look forward to your imminent disappointment when my posts remain, as do I. 

Unlucky. Xx 

Not disappointed though as I'm your words I still won't be Fucking Off! Unlucky! Xx

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3 minutes ago, OhNoWhatHaveIDone said:

Not disappointed though as I'm your words I still won't be Fucking Off! Unlucky! Xx

Can I ask why you feel so strongly about the culture of a forum you seem to be part of for a single thread?

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Right.  Enough.

I know I've rather assisted in this and fanned the flames, but @OhNoWhatHaveIDone you need to just stop now.  All you have done so far is antagonise a number of people here and dramatically derail the thread.  We were all having a relatively* sensible discussion about the safety of an invacar, and you've done nothing other than barrel in and claim bullying left right and centre.

As has been said many times on various occasions, I am not a mod... but my desire to kick you squarely off this forum is remarkably high right now.

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7 minutes ago, plasticvandan said:

I refer to the number of three-wheeled invalid tricycles which overturned while being manoeuvred into position at MIRA.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha (fades)

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9 minutes ago, reb said:

Can I ask why you feel so strongly about the culture of a forum you seem to be part of for a single thread?

Because 1, Dez is a good bloke, he is helping me get my reg no. back on my invacar, and he and others who ARE enthusiasts  have helped me with advice.  2, I don't appreciate the way Dez is forced to explain the ins and outs of his plans about his driving and being criticism/bullied.

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Nobody has said he's not a decent bloke.  In fact, that's why there's been so much heat (and - in fairness light) in this thread.  People have taken time to offer insight, feedback, helpful suggestions and so forth.  

On matter 2: he's categorically not being bullied.  Trust me when I say if he was, that 'admin trigger finger' would have stopped twitching by now and shots would have been fired.  I imagine one particular administrator has been foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog to nuke a few posts and issue the odd warning, but nothing has overstepped the mark.  You might not like what's said, but it's not a matter of personal taste. 

My only concern is that people like yourself don't keep telling him it's a good, sound idea - because we've shown time and time and time again that it's not.

For the avoidance of doubt - and once more with feeling - it's a terrible idea.

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15 minutes ago, Talbot said:

Right.  Enough.

I know I've rather assisted in this and fanned the flames, but @OhNoWhatHaveIDone you need to just stop now.  All you have done so far is antagonise a number of people here and dramatically derail the thread.  We were all having a relatively* sensible discussion about the safety of an invacar, and you've done nothing other than barrel in and claim bullying left right and centre.

As has been said many times on various occasions, I am not a mod... but my desire to kick you squarely off this forum is remarkably high right now.

No ! You stop!  You admit yourself you've antagonised, and fair play for doing so, along with several others.....I will not stop for speaking out and sticking up for Dez, balls offend or please.....because I really could not care less.......what you and others have done is wrong by antagonism and bullying, and you know it and you're trying to turn it round on me for calling you all out.  WELL IT DON'T WASH!!

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2 minutes ago, OhNoWhatHaveIDone said:

Because 1, Dez is a good bloke, he is helping me get my reg no. back on my invacar, and he and others who ARE enthusiasts  have helped me with advice.  2, I don't appreciate the way Dez is forced to explain the ins and outs of his plans about his driving and being criticism/bullied.

He is.  He's quite frankly Spectacular at manipulating the DVLA and various other government systems and knows them better than the people who operate them.  When it comes to getting my camper lorry registered, I will be very much looking to him for some advice (and taking it!) as he knows WAY more than I could ever know about the system.

But in that same vein, it's reasonable for me to offer 30+ years of driving experience to him in relation to becoming more personally mobile.  I would not wish to see him injured in an entirely forseeable crash.  The same has been done by various other members, in their own unique way.  Which is not bullying, it's part of the fun of this forum.

If you had actually read around the thread for a while and gotten the hang of it, then you'd understand this.  As it is, you've come in all guns blazing and made a complete idiot of yourself.

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5 minutes ago, OhNoWhatHaveIDone said:

No ! You stop!  You admit yourself you've antagonised, and fair play for doing so, along with several others.....I will not stop for speaking out and sticking up for Dez, balls offend or please.....because I really could not care less.......what you and others have done is wrong by antagonism and bullying, and you know it and you're trying to turn it round on me for calling you all out.  WELL IT DON'T WASH!!

read my post above for further details. Edit: Now on the previous page.  Bloody page breaks!

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@OhNoWhatHaveIDone I do very much appreciate the show of support for my cause, however I will say that, perhaps getting into a big argument with other members of this forum is not a great idea and probably will just incentivise them even further

I very much get the frustrations and I very much appreciate that you understand mine, but one has to be sure not to stoop down to their level so to speak, be the better person and while they are the ones shouting and raving, just be calm and collected about it :) 

its pretty clear that no matter what you or I say or do, they are not going to listen anyhow

a prime example of this is how, while I get criticised for not responding, but yet when I do take my time out to respond and I always make sure to respond adequately and in detail for the benefit of all involved, I then get antagonised for that instead, as seen here for example when I took out my time to explain something and in response I got

On 24/09/2024 at 18:30, BorniteIdentity said:

Busy day, Son?

58 minutes ago, BorniteIdentity said:

Loquacious, as always. 

 one does have to realise that anything and everything you do say, will be used against you, which is generally why I dont bother responding, because I aint got time to deal with antagonistic people on the internet

so I certainly dont mind you or others taking on these people (and I appreciate all those that do call them out on it) if you so desire, but I do ask to please keep it civil, even if they dont :) (also Talbot genuinely is a nice bloke who I have had the pleasure of meeting at the FoD a few times, but he does not suffer fools gladly so I would recommend that one does not get arsey with him! so please dont pick your battles with him, if you must pick your battles, do it with all the genuinely antagonistic people floating around)

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12 minutes ago, Talbot said:

But in that same vein, it's reasonable for me to offer 30+ years of driving experience to him in relation to becoming more personally mobile.  I would not wish to see him injured in an entirely forseeable crash.  The same has been done by various other members, in their own unique way.  Which is not bullying, it's part of the fun of this forum.

I would like to just quickly make it clear, that @Talbot I never thought at any point you have been posting with the intention of being antagonstic or a bully towards me, it is one of the reasons that I do take my time out to respond to your concerns and criticisms, because, even tho I think some of them might be based on incorrect 1970's media frenzy information, I know that you mean well by them, and its why I try to explain, that I agree, that my driving experiance is nothing compared to yours and that a Model 70 is not crash worthy compared to a modern car

but I do want to try and show/say that its not as bad as the picture currently being painted might suggest :) 

because some of the claims being made by others I do feel are a bit outlandish and there are those, who are just posting for the sake of being antagonistic 

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