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Taxi Paul's Peugeot 206 Coupe Convertible: Voiture de crimpeur.

Guest Breadvan72

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Guest Breadvan72

My experiences are certainly in opposition to that statement.



Perhaps you were poorly advised.  I prefer to rely on thirty years experience of practising law than on your statistical sample of one.  Large companies sometimes imagine that they are above the law, but they're not.

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I really dont know the mechanics, but money stopped coming out of atms and direct debits wernt fulfilled. My bank (also my credit card provider) said they were investigating possible fraud in relation to my account. Just after my paypal contacted me about a breach of their ts&cs. It was all sorted out in the end and I suppose it could all have been a big coincidence, but it shit me up well enough.

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Guest Breadvan72

I am sorry to hear of your experiences.  Next time ask me for some free advice.  You get less fucked about with if you know the rules, or know someone who does.

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Perhaps you were poorly advised.  I prefer to rely on thirty years experience of practising law than on your statistical sample of one.  Large companies sometimes imagine that they are above the law, but they're not.

Unfortunately the period between their acting according to their imagined far-reaching powers and receiving proper advice can inconvenience the average punter, such as the erstwhile Mr Peas.


I'd much rather rely on your advice, as evidenced by my participation in this roffle. 'Buy a chance to own my car', he said. So I did.

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Guest Breadvan72

Never thought I would ever see the word 'undertone' on AS forum. Wow.




I am pretty sure that I once saw the words "stubborn understains" here, but that may have been on a Cavcraft car valeting thread.

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Guest Breadvan72

Just checking, but I think that all payists have paid, and all those with freebies have freebed.


So, roffle draw tomorrow.


It's not such a bad looking thing:-





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I was quite impressed by my brother's one, it seems quite well thought through and a nice place to sit. Couldn't drive either of them mind. Funky looking too.


Good luck to the winner.

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Guest Breadvan72

It's a nippy little buzz box, and quite chuckable.  A tad harsh on the ride, and noisy on long motorway journeys, although in 2002 I did go to Italy and back in a silver one that I had bought new for my previous wife.  We had the top down almost all the way, and somehow managed with the modest luggage space that is left in the boot when the roof is folded down.  This would not be possible with the current Mrs BV, who likes to pack on the basis of being ready for all eventualities. Even the boot of the SD1 seems a bit small for her luggage when we have one night away.

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I am currently reciting lengthy incantations in Voodoo, Protestant, Sanskrit, Ancient Mesopotamian, Norse, Yiddish and Latin in the hope of summoning a higher power/demon with the power to weight the wheel of fate slightly in my favour come THE TIME OF BALLS.


If theres a flash of thunder or a tremor of the earth later this evening, dont worry. Itll just be me winning a Peugeot and losing my eternal soul.

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Guest Breadvan72

I add my prayers and spells to yours, WW, because you deserve to win, if only for the fabulous Colin thread (but for much else besides).  BTW, do you fancy a Colin challenge? I bought a painting at an auction, and wonder if it could be Colined by someone with your excellent Colin skills. I may slap a photie of it up on the Colin thread. 


If someone wins the car but doesn't want it (and there are a fair few such participating in this roffle), perhaps that person will think of you and give you the car for nowt.  

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Guest Breadvan72



Faust sold his soul to Satan in return for untold wealth and a free shag with Helen of Troy (although I am not sure that Beelzebub ever came through on the deal).  


On Autoshite, however, the going rate for an immortal soul is a dented and stinky old Peugeot hairdresser truck with no MoT.


Draw your own conclusions.

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