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Ring Ring, Ring Ring


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Ring Ring, Ring- Click


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"Hello, is that Hirst?"

"It is, yes"

"Can I interest you in 500 ZX Spectrums? Discontinued stock"

"What sort?"

"48K+ with the proper keyboards"

"Not really interested"

"OK bye"

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LIVING THE DREAM. :D I would love one of them, I've got a massive Phillips brick that was my Dad's back in his days of being a young executive buzzing up and down the M1 in this Belmont SRI. I really want to charge it up and use it all the time as it is useful for both telephone calls and for personal protection (for about 2 hours).I need an 80's car though to go with it and some fashionable retro clothes (old tatty charity shop casts off) and I will be as SCENE AS FUDGE.

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Interesting.When I acquired the Granada, the previous owner had ben using it as a demonstrator for his car-phone business. It had bloody wiring tucked under nearly every inch of carpet and a mahoosive great handset bolted onto the centre console. Not to mention the forest of aerials on the rear wings. GR8 FOR IMPERSONATIN POLICE ETCI stripped it all out and left it in a box, in the boot, on the promise that he would arrange to collect it. 3 years later...Amusingly, it has a vodafone coverage map in there. I'll scan it in for some heritage cordless fun.

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Go Vodafone, GO!


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Also retrieved from my Granada-shaped time machine is a Konica 110 film, still wrapped in it's little foil bag. Oh and some heritage NISSAN parts... Anyone fancy trying to ID them if I dig them out?

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My mate Bri has a 190E 2.6. Bought for a few hundred quid, five speed manual, steel wheels, 270k miles and this little beauty on board


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Check out the box in the passenger side foot well


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Still works using the old skool massive pay as you go sim cards you could get from Tesco

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You can get adaptors that convert the mini-SIM to a full-sized one. I had to use one on a Motorola handset I used, the credit-card sized SIM slotted into a gap in the bottom like some crazy-ass chip and pin machine.My Audi had once sported a carphone but sadly a previous owner had ripped it out. The box was still in the boot though, tucked up under the parcel shelf. BT branded and about the size of a freeview box, still had the mic and loudspeaker but no handset :(Last time I went in Anchor Surplus in Nottingham they were selling off carphones, labelled as untested. Not even sure they were GSM, coulda been analogue.

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Excellent! I've got a hands-free kit in the estate that I believe was fitted when it was new, so I've got to work out what 15-year-old handset fits the cradle and try and get one...massive speaker under the passenger seat.

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Can't you just use the regular SIM still in the card you get it in in the phone that need it? Just don't pop it out of the card. I will dig out the motorolla and see if I am right. We still have a brick that you can power with the battery saver and use with a regular SIM card, they were one of the first GSM phones. Never ceases to amaze kids when it's brought out, hours of fun! :lol:

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Welfare.... I'm quite a phone geek so if you can get a photo of the connector on the base of the handsfree I'm sure a suitable handset can be found :)i find it quite ironic really.... carphones are so 80s and naff, yet the first thing I do when I get in the car is put my phone in the cradle and connect the curly cord to the bottom. It's because the battery is rubbish, like, and I do a lot of GPS logging for map-making purposes, you see, and.... and... oh f'k it. I look like a yuppie :)

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Ooh, excellent! Here's a picture. I've had a look behind it but I can't see any model numbers or owt...just the four metal springy connectors in the bottom lefthand corner there.


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Excellent car phone!I also remember those old Motorolas. My friends dad had a haulage business and was quite well off (well compared to my family anyway lol) and he used to use one. My friend even got a loan of it one day and went around on his bicycle talking into it lol. Looked a bit awkward when he had to extend the aerial then unfold the mouthpiece just to answer it though. About as far from handsfree as you could get :lol:

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The shape of the rear suggests Motorola Startac - the original flip phone so quite 'dumpy' and quite angular on the rear. However the aerial on the Startac was on the right hand side, that seems to have a central cutout for an aerial? Unless the bit on the right where the curly cord is lifts up or moves out of the way.Also, all the newer carkits for the Startac have a central cable that plugs into the phone at the base to provide power, not just the four springy contacts. They really do ring a bell though, I'm sure I've seen a desktop cradle with the same sort of contacts. I'll rack my brains :)

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The shape of the rear suggests Motorola Startac - the original flip phone so quite 'dumpy' and quite angular on the rear. However the aerial on the Startac was on the right hand side, that seems to have a central cutout for an aerial? Unless the bit on the right where the curly cord is lifts up or moves out of the way.Also, all the newer carkits for the Startac have a central cable that plugs into the phone at the base to provide power, not just the four springy contacts. They really do ring a bell though, I'm sure I've seen a desktop cradle with the same sort of contacts. I'll rack my brains :)

Hmm, my wife had a Startac kicking around somewhere up until a couple of years ago - hope she hasn't lobbed it out! I've just clipped the curly cord into the indent on the right for neatness, so it might be a recess for an aerial.
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i have a proper nokia car kit for the old style nokias if anyone wants it... was given it a few years ago but was never arsed to take it out of the box.

Oooh, how old style? Im using a 3310 ( i think) at the moment. Its rather good and plays the scooby doo theme tune whenever one of my patients rings me up to complain that its 8pm and the chemist is closed...
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Of course, that's where I've seen it before!STB, did that phone come with a desktop charger that a battery can be slotted into to charge sans phone?The phone is similar, but not the same as, my mum's old work phone. Think that was 'BT' branded but was just a reworking of another phone, as the previous analogue 'BT' phone was a Nokia with a different coloured case.Think it used the same batteries though, definately remember the four prongs and having to have two batteries, one on charge and one in the phone at all times as you only just got a day and a bit standby.

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I think the Flare/Flare+ (also branded mr20/mr30) and the StarTac used the same batteries, but the Flares were slightly longer in the body. The desk chargers had 2 slots for charging a phone and a spare battery simultaneously - I think I've still got one upstairs somewhere.SirTainlyBarkin's Flare appears to be be wearing the slightly fatter long life battery, which would probably have lasted you all day when new as long as you didn't talk too much.

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Ah, so Flare it is then? Splendid. I have established my wife's StarTac is the later tiddly model with the retractable aerial, so no good...

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