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Odd Looking and Odd Cylindered Beast from the Far East | Fucking Rubbish


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You probably know this, but there are many many many of these being broken here for peanuts; I have my eye on the 2.9 that's on donedeal at the moment; lovely spec 2.9, owner died when it was 18 months old and shed parked but driven weekly; it started at ridiculous money but is slowly getting more reasonable


That bricked up church hall intrigues me in one of your pics; I've renovated two in the last few years and have a serious gra for their history; is it Methodist or Baptist do ye know? (I ask because they often had common designers, designed to a style; whereabouts is it?)


I have noticed a few and associated parts in Ireland, but don't know as much as you. No doubt I will need parts at some stage and will probably find myself buying from Ireland.

The ones breaking here tend to be mostly the 2.7.


That one you have your eye on sounds great. I bet there aren't many around like that! Hopefully you get it, when it is listed for sensible money.


As for the church, I am unsure what it originally was. I know that it is currently used as a unit by a builder, not that that is much help!

I have looked online and cannot see anything about it.


I will ask my Dad, as he grew up in Fencehouses, and get back to you, mate. :-)


Oh yeah, forgot to say, the fuel sender bodge works a treat and shows no signs of giving up any time soon. :-D

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Fair play to ye; I'd love to know more about that building


There's a 2.9 being broken in the breakers I use; not sure about how to transport big stuff, but would help anybody that asked if I can; 2.7s are common, 2.9s less so, but still not by any means rare


Tbh Rextons and Rodius Rextons sold surprisingly well here between 04-07 and there's so many to choose from from clean to shite; and they're all really small money (€1494 a year tax kills them as they age)


Is the 2.9 diesel pump as desirable as it seems from a quick google do ye know (whether true or not, some of the power based forums from abroad seem to place value on these and the ones from that era of Sprinter Vans?)

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Fair play to ye; I'd love to know more about that building


There's a 2.9 being broken in the breakers I use; not sure about how to transport big stuff, but would help anybody that asked if I can; 2.7s are common, 2.9s less so, but still not by any means rare


Tbh Rextons and Rodius Rextons sold surprisingly well here between 04-07 and there's so many to choose from from clean to shite; and they're all really small money (€1494 a year tax kills them as they age)


Is the 2.9 diesel pump as desirable as it seems from a quick google do ye know (whether true or not, some of the power based forums from abroad seem to place value on these and the ones from that era of Sprinter Vans?)


Cheers fella, I may call on your services, one day! Luckily we don't have your crazy road tax prices, but still basic stuff sees these off. Wheel bearings for example see to signify the end for a few.

That is just daft, but we all know how some people are.


I believe the pump is very sought after, yeah. I have heard and read similar. I have not looked any further into it than that, though.

At least is is a very robust design, so once you have one, it should be pretty reliable!


Mine is dry as a bone and sees no pump fuel.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The MOT is upon us, so it seemed a good excuse to replace the blown NSF dipped beam (it had only been like that for about three months...) and remove the oxidation from the headlamp lenses.


They were bad.

On a night, even with two dipped beams, the output was laughable. It explained the pound shop spot lights that were fitted when I bought it.


22 quid delivered, got me this:




As you can see, it fits in a drill chuck and it comprises of 500 grit, 800 grit, Trizact (3000 grit) fine discs and a polishing head, with rubbing compound.

I am very pleased with the results.




After the first stage. These discs really sand the yellowing and then top surface off the lens in a vast quantity.




After second (scratches are finer now) and Trizact stages (scratches gone). The Trizact is used wet.




And done.









A huge improvement, for half an hour of time and very little effort.


I banged some Osram Nightbreaker's in, while I was at it. The design of this thing is ace.

Whip the grille out, then two bolts into the front panel for the headlamps, pop the inspection cover out of the arch liner, whip out another 10mm and the headlight is out.

No rust found behind them, either.


Bonus! So I treated it to a Kosovan Karwash, to remove the mess:




@ Dirk Diggler, I asked my dad about the church and he says it was a Methodist, open when he was younger.

You can find it about 100 yards away, on the opposite side to the service station, here: North View Terrace, Chilton Moor, Houghton le Spring DH4 5NW.

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These kits are good. You do need to wax the headlamps to seal in that freshness though. The Honda is starting to go a bit iffy again, and I did the lamps not long after I got it. Word is that the cutting compound and drill attachment might work wonders on my wind deflectors too...

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Looking bob-on, wor kid.


My wagon's light lenses are just laughable now, I need to get that job done.

Get on it, mate. A very rewarding job.

She is loving supping your cabbage juice, too. :-)

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These kits are good. You do need to wax the headlamps to seal in that freshness though. The Honda is starting to go a bit iffy again, and I did the lamps not long after I got it. Word is that the cutting compound and drill attachment might work wonders on my wind deflectors too...


Aye, gonna rip them out and lacquer them with UV resistant crap I reckon, as I won't keep up the waxing lol.

It should bring your wind deflectors up a treat. 8)

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My old car! Purchased from a bloke at work that had had it from almost new


No way! Small world. You aren't the bloke I bought it from over Xmas are you?

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Last night was interesting. I picked up my mate and we headed into the moors at Weardale/Stanhope way on, with the intention of finding some greenlanes, rutted tracks etc and having a general nose about.




Saw my first lifted MX-5 at a C2C stop:



Not quite Tyler Fialko cool, but I bet it is still a laugh.


After a few false starts and disappointing trails, we hit pay dirt.


Just off the main road, there was a farm track of sorts running parallel, and then to the left of that, a locked gate and a promising gravel track, We drove around the gate, not hard and not causing any real issue, and as it was in the middle of nowhere, I decided it was alright (I know, dick etc.)


The track was nice and undulating, decent climbs etc and a couple of semi-challenging parts, it then passed what seemed to be a quarry of sorts, but with no other vehicular access. We kept going, probably for about two miles, then we turned off onto a newly laid dolomite track.

This turned out to stretch pretty much as far as the eye could see, and was literally in the middle of nowhere.


As seen here:







Those buildings were the first thing we had seen in at least an hour. (They make sense shortly)


We were on this track for about two hours, and could see a light in the distance for a good few miles, and assumed it was a house. When we got about half a mile from it, I turned around. It was pitch black and pretty foggy by this point, and although the road still stretched off into the distance, I didn't want to drive past the houses, as although there were no signs up etc, we had driven around a gate in the first place...


So we headed back, More fun bits:





Same banks, but from approach, not leaving. They were surprisingly steep and I was a bit concerned about sliding on the gravel.


Have a video, maybe here you can see it is quite steep at the bottom?


<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf"flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid974.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fae221%2Fl14mnp%2FTowing%2Frexvid_zpspof41o3p.mp4&title=">

She climbed the other side in 2WD, no sweat.


About two miles from getting back out the way we had came in, we noticed headlights coming towards us, when we were almost on top of each other, it was apparent there was some speed involved.

I pulled to the side to let the vehicle pass (although I knew this seemed unlikely), and it stopped in front of me, blocking the track.

Matey disembarked and enquired as to our business there and inferred we may be shooting. I told him we were just out for a drive and general exploration, he asked if he could check the car for guns and when I asked who he was, I was told "Head gamekeeper" "Ahh."

So I happily showed him around, he was then satisfied that we were truthful, and he escorted us back out and opened another gate.

I offered my apologies once more and said he wouldn't see us again.


Very lucky, as he could have busted out the 12 gauge and went Tony Martin on us!


Turns out it was a private grouse reserve, said the man. Who knew? :-)

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You'd love it here; lots of abandoned quarries and mine workings, green lanes and open (ish ;)) state forestry tracks


I'll bet. That sounds great!


You know you said there's loads being broken in Ireland, do you ever see sump guards, diff guards, decent bull bars etc? I reckon I will end up lifting it a bit and adding some protection.


Is that minter still for sale?

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Minter still for sale; won't budge less than 2k and it's not worth that (because it's over 10 years old, insurance will rape me, quoted double what I'm paying now, and €1494 for a years tax)


It's worth 1.5 to me; I fancy it, but not at anymore than that


There's bullbars on one being broken, seen it the other day, havent noticed if sump or diff guards there; Ill check tomorrow or the next day; Want a price?

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Minter still for sale; won't budge less than 2k and it's not worth that (because it's over 10 years old, insurance will rape me, quoted double what I'm paying now, and €1494 for a years tax)

It's worth 1.5 to me; I fancy it, but not at anymore than that

There's bullbars on one being broken, seen it the other day, havent noticed if sump or diff guards there; Ill check tomorrow or the next day; Want a price?

That's a big shame for the sake of 500. But I see your side of it, to get it on the road will be mad money, in comparison!


Aye, if you get time and don't mind. I want the OE plastic finish bullbar, not one of those chrome jobs, and they seem quite elusive.


Thanks, mate. :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't think so lol. Sold I think about 2 years ago maybe....


Did it behave when you had it? Did you nick me jack? Lol.


That wrong has been righted with a sub £10 eBay purchase, and as hoped, it fits in the OEM space.





Winner! Now I will have to find a new box for my gloves.

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  • 3 years later...

It’s me. With my second login - mods never did delete the spare.

We’re still truckin with a belly full of veg. Expect no less!

Here she is from today, swallowing what was a 57’ fence and associated rubble (plus two pallets, not pictured). Grafting, as ever.

I emptied it all and mucked it out, when I got home. Pulled the seatbelts out finally, with the intention of making a better flat floor and bike carrying system.

It’s trying to be a Land Rover, with that patch of rust. :-) A nice and easy repair at least, and as can be seen, the other side has already suffered a similar fate. Luckily all of the rest of it, is spotless, still. 






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Here’s some more lol. This is what replaced my mates wooden fence. Concrete posts and gravel boards.

We shifted them round to the front of his house, after the grab wagon dropped them off.

Heavy! Putting that up was a few days graft.

The Rexton just laughs at this kinda thing. 
What a Winner Wagon it is. ?






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9 minutes ago, Jim Bell said:

Sexton carries all. Such a class vehicle man. Plenty of Choo Choo. 

You know it, mate. 3.5 years in and still on the same, high biting clutch, too.

I should take pics of all of the ridiculous shit that ends up in it, and add them to this thread.

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3.5 years!! 

Has it really been that long. I bet it's been cheapest to run and maintain out of the fleet too. 

(If you don't count tyre cost)

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I'm always glad to see this beast doing well. Quite like the idea of one for a cross channel raiding mission to lower the Opel Manta count over there by 1. LPG is banned on some ferries/the tunnel so veg would be the next choice.

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15 minutes ago, Jim Bell said:

3.5 years!! 

Has it really been that long. I bet it's been cheapest to run and maintain out of the fleet too. 

(If you don't count tyre cost)

Yeah, mate. I stuck the mud tyres on. I think they were £450. 5th was new, and rest were as good as.

It’s had brakes all round, one rebuilt caliper, bottom arms (needed ball joints, but they are welded in). They were about £300 iirc and the N/S was a bastard and had to be chopped out and steering  rack dropped, but that wasn’t the end of the world. Drop links on the front. 
I couldn’t get the rears at the time, so just binned off the ARB. Plus that silicone repair on the fuel sender. That is still fine, and I saw the top of it today - cos I had never refitted the inspection panel (have now) so I could lift the carpet and keep an eye on it.

Aside from the odd service - it only had the first fuel filter replacement in my ownership, about 1K miles back - I think that is everything.

Oh yeah, I also re-packed and tightened the front bearings, when I got it.

I think the NSF caliper is going to need attention, soon. But I still have the piston and seals from when I bought the kit and only used one side.

I can’t complain about it, it pays for itself time and again.

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13 minutes ago, dome said:

I'm always glad to see this beast doing well. Quite like the idea of one for a cross channel raiding mission to lower the Opel Manta count over there by 1. LPG is banned on some ferries/the tunnel so veg would be the next choice.

Both of these sound like a good idea. The Manta would be a rare and cool sight, over here.

I haven’t looked for a while, but I am lead to believe that a 2.9TD Rexton is becoming a hard thing to find.

Thanks for the kind words. ??

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4 minutes ago, dome said:

Had just messaged about this one before I saw how much tax is. £565 a year?



Quite late for a 290 too.

How much is yours to tax?

Damn, that makes mine look cheap to tax. Mine is £350 or something.

I reckon you will struggle to find anything, post 2007 that will run on veg, are these the last things that will? Looks like they changed the styling a bit, for the last ones. That has the grille normally seen on a 2.7, and wheels from what I thought were the earlier ones that mine.

Not that any of it matters. Nice low mileage and only £900. Bargain.

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