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NORTHERN POWERHOUSE Classic - 7ish PM TONIGHT Tuesday 4th July @ Glossop


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It seemed to go ok till you got stuck behind that slug on the Snake when leaving & I had* to pass the pair of you.



I was debating whether to overtake it (Micra?) and stop later for a piss. Discretion over valour though, got to the top of the hill, took a mighty slash and still caught the fucker up again 5 mins later.  :-D


BMW lights are diabolical. Driving on the Pass at night is like pin the tail on the donkey.

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I'd like to have a quiet word with the van driver who overtook me on the pass on way into glossop. 45mph and fog falling yet he still overtook on a solid white line. Something along the lines of

"Excuse me sir,do you realise your reckless driving manoeuvre could have had dire consequences for both of us and maybe even an innocent party? Please kindly refrain from doing that in future. Many thanks."

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I am scheduled to work for the next few months til 9:30 on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - so hoping to join you in August time I think, in college holidays. 

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P.S. My sincerest apologies to FPB7, who was trying to show me his Warty* when, (due to a miscommunication that I am, for the life of me, now unable to comprehend) I was looking at the hotel in which he was staying...


It was only much later that the penny dropped. No offence was meant squire, and I am genuinely sorry to have missed having a good look at your Wartburg. Maybe next time I will manage to not be a cloth eared twit and keep up with the conversation.


* other innuendos are available

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am coming. Unsure in or on what though. Trike and risk bad weather again,stretch the legs of the avensis as it's only being used for shuttles to work and back or the Octavia for its comfort.

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Just two days till steak chaps!



And the third run out this year for the 730i. Fuck the Snake pass though. I'm going A619 I reckon.


Tomorrow daytime will be spent going through tons of old E36 shit quality used spares ready for an Ebay flogfest. 

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Gutted , can't make this now , my son is finishing uni today and I'm still here picking his crap up , he went with 1/2 A boot full, coming back with 1/4 of a transit fan full


Top floor , no lift and it's roasting , i'll be asleep by 7pm

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Guest Hooli

Got here quicker than I thought, I'd forgot how fun the snake pass is on a bike.


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Hope steak and table service are on form  :-)


They forgot my meal, plus it was my turn to order the big steak and get the small one. But it came with peppercorn sauce I didn't order, which I liked. 

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