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Taxing a car, can;t be that hard can it?


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Bought new car at the beginning of the month, got the new keepers slip etc. Mot'd last week and just sorted insurance out. I've gone to tax it as I need it to go down south day after Boxing day and it's saying the green keepers slip I currently have is invalid. Now I presume that it's because the new V5 has been issued but with Xmas post how the fuck can I tax it in time? (I would just go to the Post Office but at the moment I can't afford to do 6months I need to do it monthly)

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Exactly that computer says no, the only I can get round it is by paying 6 months at the Post Office. If I could speak to someone to find out when it was issued It would at least give me a clue as to when it might get here but I'm not optimistic. 

It is a ridiculous situation where I can't tax a perfectly road legal vehicle because there is no overlap with the V5 ref used for taxing it.

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Have you called the DVLA? I know it's a massive ball ache and they're prime objective appears to be to fob you off and get shot of you, but they may be able to confirm the validity of the docs etc.

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Have you called the DVLA? I know it's a massive ball ache and they're prime objective appears to be to fob you off and get shot of you, but they may be able to confirm the validity of the docs etc.

Every number I've found so far is purely automated services.

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The automated answering thing is bollocks as it doesn't always put you through to an advisor. Try just mashing all the numbers and eventually it gives up and puts you though to a Welshman

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You can tax monthly at the Post Office....


They will ask you to complete a paper direct debit, transcribe it onto the screen with minimal bother. Takes a couple of minutes

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You can tax monthly at the Post Office....


They will ask you to complete a paper direct debit, transcribe it onto the screen with minimal bother. Takes a couple of minutes

Really, If I can that's great. 

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I've done it numerous times..


My post office ( inside my loca Co op) is open whenever the shop is open, so you should be able to do it now, Sunday afternoon, assuming the till jockey isn't a total numpty.

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Tis true...I did it myself this very week as the car I was trying to do online had only been Sorned three days previously so the computer suspected skullduggery afoot...

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Just spoke your actual real life Taff and the new V5 was sent our Friday, so there's a chance it'll be here for Thursday.

I asked about taxing it monthly at the Post Orafice and she said they wouldn't do it. 

So fingers crossed it will be here in time for a jaunt from Gateshead to Bracklesham Bay. 

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If it already been taxed on the green slip it won't let you do it twice on that code


Did you buy it off a trader? He probably taxed it without changing the keeper

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No it was a private sale. It won't let me tax it off the new keepers slip as it's been superseded by the new V5, if I'd taxed it on Thursday like I'd intended It wouldn't have been a problem. 

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I deal with the Post Office everyday doing the same thing and each time I get a different result or answer so I don't hold a lot of trust with them. 

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Thanks for that, do they not use the V5 (new keepers bit) reference then?

That's partly the reason why I hate these services, why did the lady I spoke to give me the same information or even direct me to it. I used to work for HMRC and it used to rile me up people being given the wrong information. 

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Try just mashing all the numbers and eventually it gives up and puts you though to a Welshman


No, don't do this!


Every automated phone system should have provision for those who don't have a touchtone phone, simply dial the number and when connected don't press any buttons at all.

The system will run through the menus and then put you through to a human when it can't detect your inputs.

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No, don't do this!


Every automated phone system should have provision for those who don't have a touchtone phone, simply dial the number and when connected don't press any buttons at all.

The system will run through the menus and then put you through to a human when it can't detect your inputs.

Not always, I use the don't press anything technique but sometimes it just repeats the list over and over until it cuts you off. Worth trying though.

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^^^ Same here IMHO. Just goes back to the 'press 1 for this, press 2 for that' etc. None of which is usually relevant. After 30 minutes I just fly into a rage and hang up, accepting* the fact that all this has cost me £1.37 because Sky Talk doesn't include Wales.

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When I taxed the Dyane, it was a ballache as I'd had to apply for the V5. I phoned up DVLA who confirmed the logbook had been processed and they were able to take an immediate payment, but only for six months minimum. I've not taxed at a Post Office for AGES but I'd certainly trust Monsieur Bickle on this one rather than the DVLA non-Post Office person.

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Going to venture out into the blistering sunshine tomorrow and find one of these infamous offices, no idea where our local one is so it probably isn't that local at all.

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As already been said but I can also verify post offices will sort it. Done myself numerous times. Don't fanny about with dvla or what they say just go post office say you want to tx car on DD and they will do it

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