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Vulgalour Arts - Commissions OPEN and a Vauxhall Tigra Sketch

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SierraMikeHotel: Thank you :)  I rarely buy new stuff either ;)


Eddy:  I might do the full range one day.  Commissions are usually available too, of course, though March's slots went VERY fast this time so I'm booked up at the mo.  Next month is going to be the Corvette I keep failing to finish, it's nearly done now.

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Your work is tremendous!  Well worth waiting for.

  • 2 weeks later...

Another Happy Customer!



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"Why's someone from Australia bought an Ambassador sticker? *logs onto Autoshite* Ah, that's why"


Thank you for the purchase and the picture, actually looks better than I expected.  It's really fun getting notifications on sales, I've got stuff going out to all sorts of places I hadn't expected.

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That Carpi looks splendifferous there, if the silver un had the S stripes, it would be perfect for the Bonehead & Foyle lickers :) (shit I'm starting to sound like Hairnet)


You'd think that but I've found Fords are my least popular item in the shop.  Not really sure why.  People seem to dig the weird stuff more.

20% off sitewide at Redbubble when you use code TWENTY20 for today only https://www.redbubble.com/people/angylroper


Grab yourself a bargain.


I don't always pick up my messages in time to tell you about these deals, they don't seem to follow a regular pattern either, so it's pot luck as to when they appear.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Commission prices are updated and can be found here: https://twitter.com/angylroper/status/1001826457142865920


I have FOUR commission slots for June at the time of writing, so if you're interested in bagging one, act now to avoid disappointment.


Important info next. It's lots of info, so apologies in advance for the text wall, but it is worth reading.


Reproduction/Printing - when you purchase a commission you do not purchase the rights to reproducing the artwork, just the artwork itself. That means you can't commission artwork and then upload it to print on tee-shirts you sell, for example. I am open to discussing selling the rights for reproduction, but usually a commission is a personal artwork so this isn't a discussion I have very often.


Postage - For traditional media, I like to post out the original artwork to the customer. Some customers don't want the original for reasons unknown. I can no longer absorb the cost of postage in the cost of the commission so please be aware that there is an extra fee for this. At the time of writing, uninsured postage is normally at the following prices for a single piece of artwork:


UK - £2-3

EU - £3-4

USA and Canada - £3-5

Australia and New Zealand - £8-10

India - £10-15

NOTE: For India, some areas cannot be posted to insured and some areas cannot be posted to at all. Please check before placing your order.


If you wish your item to be sent insured or by a special courier rather than Royal Mail, that does cost extra. Prices for this are on an individual basis. Normally insurance isn't necessary, but I will always advise you take it for added security since these are unique pieces of art that are not easily replicated.


Quotes - I am happy to offer quotes for free. HOWEVER, if for any reason you do not wish to continue to placing an order, please let me know. I do not need a reason, I just need to not be left hanging. You can change your mind back again if you decide you do want a commission after all, that's fine.


Size - A4 is the usual size I work at. A3 is the largest comfortable size I can work at. A2 is available in special circumstances.


Traditional Materials - All traditional media is completed on high quality Bristol Board, which is a type of paper. The watercolour, pencils, and inks I use are well suited to this. I do not currently offer oil or works on canvas.


Digital Artwork - I can only work up to A4 in digital. I work at a high enough resolution that you can scale this up to A3 when printing if required (for example, if you wanted a hard copy of the artwork to hang on your own wall. See notes on Reproduction above). You will receive a web-friendly JPG file with my watermark on which I'm happy for you to share online providing you do not strip my watermark off or alter the work in any way. You will also receive a print-ready PNG file at the original size which you can enjoy however you please, as long as it isn't for personal profit. There is no watermark on this version, but that's because that's for your personal use rather than for sharing.


Sharing - Please only share the version with the watermark online. This is how new customers find me, this is what pays the bills and allows me to continue producing work. By stripping out the watermark - there is no good excuse for doing this - you harm me financially so please do not do this. I'm happy for you to show people the bigger version as you would a traditional media image in your home, but social media is different. Please be conscientious when sharing images.


Problems - If you have a problem with the artwork or the process, do say something. I would far rather a customer actually talk to me so that we can resolve an issue than keep it to themselves and be unhappy. I want you to enjoy the creative process and the end product even more than I do.


RedBubble - There has been some confusion here so hopefully I can clarify. The artwork I upload to Redbubble from my personal portfolio is available as printed items through Redbubble. Some items can be customised for an additional fee, say you wanted a car in red rather than yellow. The fee covers the work taken to customise the original design and upload it to the site for sale. The fee does not cover the customisation of the original art AND the printed item, because of the way Redbubble works in this instance.


If you want an original artwork printed on a tee-shirt (just as an example), this is the cost of commissioning the original artwork and uploading it to the site PLUS the cost charged by Redbubble to produce that item. I do not offer commissions created in this way as exclusives either, so it will be publicly available to anyone visiting the Redbubble shop and wanting the item you commissioned. You will still get the copies of the artwork as you would have with a regular commission.


Commission Reproduction - When you commission artwork I do not normally reproduce it. I treat commissions as unique items. The only exception to this rule is if you specifically want it printed on something that is available through the Redbubble shop. Reproduction of commissions is OPT IN only, by default your commission is unique and is never reproduced. If you OPT IN by wanting it printed on other items, you are then allowing it to become available publicly.


I'm a pretty hard person to buy for. I don't even know what I wanna buy myself, half the time.


But a tote bag with a Henley Blue Rover 200 on it might just be it.


Fantastic art.


Just wanted to say vulgalour was an absolute pleasure to deal with when dealing with my request (which wasn't straightforward) and the final art work is brilliant.


(And I'm not being paid to say that)

  • Like 2

He's really not, I don't have that sort of money ;)


At the moment, the automotive side of things has been a little quiet while I focus on other long running projects (one established in 2015 and STILL running, which has surprised me in a good way) and an unusually high number of non-automotive commission work.  This is why the monthly item update hasn't been happening for April and May and has been stuck at the planning and sketched phase for a while.  It's also why you've seen no progress yet on the Volvo project, though there has been some as and when I can fit it in and I've completed 1.5 of the dozen or so images needed for the final composite image.  The Volvo idea has ended up being considerably more work than I expected and I'm doubtful I'll get a meaningful return on it so it's become more of a personal project as a result which also  means slower progress.


It can be a little frustrating having to focus on the more commercial items at times.  That said, I feel comfortable in my little automotive niche and have been pleasantly surprised that the items that sell the best are, generally, the items I've most enjoyed creating rather than the items I created to be commercial.  The E-Type design is the only exception, which is STILL my best seller (Citroen DS is my second-best seller, but only just).  As a little taster, some of the project ideas for future designs:


Rotary - Rotary engines are fascinating, as are the vehicles they're fitted to.

Lamborghini - still a lot of these I'd like to draw.  Jamal and Espada are two I'd like to make time for.

Lancia - I want to draw them all

Dad Cars - I really want to do a series of "My Dad Had One Of Those" cars.  They'll all be super boring and mundane and that's a huge part of the appeal.  I need to find some better design programmes for some of the elements I want to create with this as my current software and knowledge is not up to par to realise the idea I have, particularly circles and curved text.

Orphans - plenty of automotive orphans out there.  Pontiac, Shamrock, Hillman, Nash, Oldsmobile, etc.  I still have to figure out how to present this one, I've got some rough ideas, I'm just not sure how to make them commercial even within their respective niches

Bad Design - Plenty of things out there with just plain awkward styling.  Again, I fancy travelling the path less travelled so I'll be avoiding Allegro and Aztec and going more after Crosley and Farnham for this one  Niche within a niche.  This is very definitely passion project territory, I doubt it'll have any commercial success

AMC - Is there anything they made I don't want to draw?  I don't think so.

Commer - rolypoly vans a must!  Dodge Spacevan must happen too.


I shan't be doing UK/EU Fords going forward unless it's for commissions.  They simply don't sell.  I've sold more Audi 50 (available in one colour) prints than I have Ford Capri (available in many colours) prints.  Who is even buying Audi 50 prints? Hardly anyone even knows what an Audi 50 is.


That pretty much sums up my automotive model too.  I do the weird, the unloved, the edge-of-collecting stuff.  I enjoy it much more too.  By drawing what I love it seems the end product is more loved by the customers I have here (hi, thank you, you're awesome) and the ones I've picked up elsewhere so it's what I stick to.  I'm moderately confident of my place in the automotive art market now and very confident of where I don't fit, so I'll leave the popular VW and Ford stuff to other artists, it's not like it's a scene that's short of products after all.

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I really like your Capri but I'd be more excited by something unloved, or something my parents had and has now disappeared... But then we're both on this forum!


I really like my Capri too, and other folks have said they like it, which is why it's surprising it's performed so badly when it comes to sales.  That's the nature of the work, unfortunately.  Just because something you create is what you like, and even what other people like, it doesn't guarantee sales.  Every new  piece is a risk, I never know if I'll get a return on it until it's completed which means I never know if the hours invested are going to be wasted.  I marvel at those artists that seem to just be able to get it right every single time, it's like they have some sort of super power.


Uploaded some Volvo/Lego content.





I'd show you pictures but the forum uploader isn't working and I can't hotlink from their respective locations now, which is a bit annoying. Click on the link, at least one is a bit of a giggle.  Sorted it, in a slightly convoluted way.

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New traditional media things, because I fancied a change of pace.  Kick things off with the plastic fantastic offerings of Chevrolet circa 1958.





Then something more me in the form of this green Triumph Mayflower.




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This week is something slightly different.






Seven original pieces in the style of the Corvette and Mayflower above are up for grabs. I am only running it through Twitter, where I hope it will gain enough comments to fill all seven available slots.


I intend to use the artwork from this mini-project to create some themed LGBT prints with a percentage of sales going to suitable charities. More details on that once I've found and confirmed a way to do it. For now, this is a nice thing I want to do for nice people.

  • 2 weeks later...

Winners were selected and now the artwork for the diversity print is at the not-yet-cleaned ink stage.  Colours next, which I'm looking forward to.  Four of these are off to lucky winners who suggested items.  3 will be up for sale with the proceeds off to charity.




If there's an LGBTQ+ charity that you'd like to see benefit from this little project, please do let me know.  I'm still looking for a suitable candidate.


When you suggest "items", I suddenly have slightly tongue in check homophobic* Stereotypes come to mind.  


I'm thinking MX5, Smart, Smart Roadster, BINI, XR3i Convertible, Beetle (Any age from 1940's to 2018), VW camper Van (The clue is in the name), 2CV, and a Zoe. 

Or any car in Pastel Blue. 


Or can the Items be stuff you might buy like a Satchel, or Doc martin boots, or a juice maker ?    


*I don't think I'm actually homophobic, just because I'm amused by stereotypes. 


I don't know about Charities - I usually target my cash as Ambitious about Autism - which is as inclusive as any charity can be. 


Red - Bricklin SV-1

Orange - Griffon H-Class

Yellow - Caraboat Mirage

Green - Porsche 911 Carrera

Blue - Ford Falcon

Indigo - Robinson R44

Violet - Ford Mustang


The Pride image will be the above seven stacked in the rainbow order and was originally going to be printed on tee-shirts.  The idea is that it's an interesting tee-shirt to look at because of the vehicles but that the Pride message isn't in your face, it's there if you know to look for it.  Not everyone feels safe or comfortable wearing an obvious rainbow, but they still want to give some outward support, so this is for them.


Looking at the options, so far it seems the most convenient and cost effective way of supporting a charity of choice is going to be using my Redbubble shop and manually transferring the profits from the Pride image directly to them rather than trying to find a printer that can offer direct payments to a charity and a print-on-demand service.  Purchasing a bulk order of tee-shirts is difficult because of how many I'd need to meet all size requirements and because I'm too small a presence to really expect to shift very many, so I don't want to end up stuck with dozens of tee-shirts I can't sell, I'd rather just give that money directly to the charity of choice.


While there are good charities for disabilities, etc. they aren't my target with this project, (though I would like to do a "disability transport now and then" type piece at some point to show how far we've come there, and offer support to those that need uniquely adapted vehicles).  This project is specifically aimed at non-heterosexual stuff, which falls under the ever expanding umbrella of LGBTQ+.  I could have followed fellow artists' example and gone with any number of other new flags, but for me I'm of an age that the rainbow covers everything, indiscriminately, and while I'd prefer to use just "Queer" as a cover all term, LGBTQ+ seems to cause less offence on the whole and is more easily understood.


I'd like to make this an annual thing.  This being my first year attempting to do this means I'm a little bit late with it, and I'm making a few mistakes, but we all have to start somewhere.  I just want to put something meaningful back into the community that's supported me and raise awareness of it.  There's been huge strides in just the past couple of decades, but there's still so much further to go.  You may take for granted that you can talk about your spouse openly, and without fear of judgement.  I don't always have that luxury.  So until that changes, and I can be just as comfortable talking to strangers about my partner as any straight person can, I'll continue to do what I can to raise awareness and support LGBTQ+ stuff.


I just googled LGBTQ as i'm an ignorant ..  :P ....and my screen went all rainbow colours  :-)  how cool's that  ? 

  • Like 3

I love those side profiles! I would love to have one for each of the cars I've owned.


Commissions are available.  Skip to P1 for full details on that.


I'm certain that T-shirt design would go down a storm with many LGBTQ+ car enthusiasts, and no doubt many of their allies.


Have you considered letting the Gay Classic Car Group know about it?

  • Like 2

I just googled LGBTQ as i'm an ignorant .. :P ....and my screen went all rainbow colours :-) how cool's that ?

because Google knows something new about you I am wondering what adverts ah's news feed changes you will see?


Somebody really missed a trick not suggesting the Kia pride


Shep: that's a good call.  I'll give them a prod.

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