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"Scene" twats.


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Interesting thread, so we need DC current with lots of coulombs of backup to deal with scene twats, maybe a bespoke mini tazer to stuff under their door handles instead of the usual dogshit. Here's a theory, I guess scene twats are members of a fruity little club, if so they're just displaying an extreme version of weird behavior, actions and mannerisms from being exposed to various odd stimuli or inputs of the fruity little club enviroment. Flat cap, row of shiny badges, wicker picnic basket or baseball cap, sticker bombing, pineapple suitcase, two sides of the same coin.


There's a particularly unsavory 'scene' near me, fucking loads of them, they're all so similar you'd think it was a cult they're in, all drive in the same shit manner, right cliquey bunch of fat wankers, all eating together and almost have their own language.

This is what they'll all be driving soon.







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The time & money I've spent fighting rust vs the time & money scene mongers spend encouraging it - wonder if I can sell them the frilly bits I've cut out ??


Take a perfectly good Audi A4 estate avant, make it run like a bag o shit & turn it into this;


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that guy with the audi must be uber fantastic king mong has to carry his coolness around in a wheelbarrow he has that much yo


when i think of "rat" in an automotive sense this is the sort of thing that springs to mind, a hotrod which the driver hasnt built to be polished but to use and play on the salt flats with its lovely v8




not a spazzy fwd chav vw or other generically followed motor that some tosspot has thrown a can of nitromors at then chucked salt over it to help it rust even quicker then slap loads of stickers over it

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that guy with the audi must be uber fantastic king mong has to carry his coolness around in a wheelbarrow he has that much yo

That audi's got a Trabant engine in it. seriously. kwality.

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That audi's got a Trabant engine in it. seriously. kwality.



thats it im angry now, not only do they make a twat of themselves they engine rape something lovely to create a p.o.s :evil:  they need anally raping with a pineapple repeatedly

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im sorry mike d your wheels are too big and i cant see any omg i made my car rusty on purpose panels so you have failed to be scene, im sorry to have to break the bad news you have failed to enter the world of scene twats

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OK, I'd been meaning to keep out of this thread before I get in trouble again, but I can't keep quiet any longer.


The thing that really grinds my goat about this sort of thing is the attitude. "It's OK if I bolloxs it up beyound redemption, Mummy and Daddy will buy me a new one." I would no more go and take a sander to my car's paint work for the sake of "fitting in", than I would a hammer to my diecasts. Why? Because it's mine and I've worked hard to buy it, that's why, if I totally fuck it up modify my car in such a way it can no longer be driven and used properly (I've seen these cars scraping their arses on the floot going down the road, now try telling me that's practicle) then no car, that's it.

The idea of taking something tidy, or even semi respectable and trashing so my mates will approve is totally alien to me.


Why feel the need to fit into a sect or subculture? For Christ's sake, being into cars in this day and age is subcultrey enough for me making us POLAR BEAR KILLING PENGUIN MURDERING BASTARDS. So what if we like different kinds of cars, or presenting them in different ways? Isn't that what makes this forum so interesting in vibrant? Do "scene" forums go:  "I've sanded down my bonnet and stuck stickers on my car." "Yeah I have too, bro haha we're awesome and agree on everything and never have arguments like the twats on Autoshite, which makes it so humorous and lively if you don't take internet forums too seriously or act like a massive arse on the internet. Man"


Oh and stickers. Grow the hell up. I grew out of that when I was ten for God's sake. Do these plonkers think putting stickers on their VWs will make girls drop their knickers for them? Yeah, every bint gets all hot and bothered for stickers saying "lowered yo" or "JDM as fuck". If they're going to put any stickers on their cars it should day "I'm a massive cockwhisk and wreck cars to make up for the fact I can't grow pupic hair or get a girlfriend."

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Oh and stickers. Grow the hell up. I grew out of that when I was ten for God's sake. Do these plonkers think putting stickers on their VWs will make girls drop their knickers for them? Yeah, every bint gets all hot and bothered for stickers saying "lowered yo" or "JDM as fuck". If they're going to put any stickers on their cars it should day "I'm a massive cockwhisk and wreck cars to make up for the fact I can't grow pupic hair or get a girlfriend."


 i attempted to convince a sticker vendor who goes to all the scene shows to make a sticker that says "scene wanker" to sell at shows he laughed but wouldnt do it 

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I've got to be honest and admit that even when I see stuff that has essentially been 'ruined' I can't get worked up about it, lifes too short.  Yep its a shame but at least some of the kids doing the whole ratlook / stickers / camber / etc thing are into cars and might well own / restore / modify / drive some nicer stuff when they grow up a bit. At least they are into cars at all so theres hope for them yet. 


I don't really get why people modify stuff to look shit (see that Audi above) as it seems totally opposite of rational to me - as a car enthusiast I want my car to be as nice / shiny / mechanically sorted as possible even though that can (and does) mean modified as well.  But each to their own and all that, yep its a shame but I suppose it was always thus - there were plenty of nice cars being ruined by the Max Power fans twenty years ago and by the Custom Car guys twenty years before that. 


Stickers? I don't mind a few tbh if they actually have some relevance to something - although the 'lower than your grans nipples' on anything (let alone the standard ride height Focus I saw it on last week) just looks stupid.


I actually like seeing some of the stupid modifications. Polo below must have had money spent on wheels and from a distance it looked sort of ok - although the stupid stretch tyres are always the mark of a nob in my book and the roofrack needs to come off. Up close, it got more entertaining as the wheelarches had been expertly flaired usinga  truck load of wob, topped off by some impressive* work with a rattle can.







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Wow, he's actually managed to replicate the blur of a bad photoshop in real life!  That's wob skills that a '90s car restorer* would be envious of.

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Do you think we can get "Autoshite wanker" stickers. In brown of course.

I'm afraid this is what the mating ritual nowadays amounts to, so yes to both aspects.

Damn. Wondered why I was having trouble finding a bird to get it off with. Do you think my "Good Work" stickers left over from school with a aciiiiiiid smiley face on them would do the trick?

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Does it work, then? can you get lasses to drop their knickers with a "pimped" VW? dammit, all those years of messing about with Itals and ropey mk5 cortinas wasted!

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Just to add a drop of positivity to this thread, happened upon this Polo build thread and I have to say, although I'm not really into modifying cars at all, if you're going to do it, this surely is the way:




He's taken a rusty, scruffy car and made something pretty nice out of it - it may not be to all tastes but at least there's been some thought and effort put into it.  Quite a lot of money too no doubt!

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Does it work, then? can you get lasses to drop their knickers with a "pimped" VW? dammit, all those years of messing about with Itals and ropey mk5 cortinas wasted!


From what I've seen, yes. But that probably shows that a large percentage of the female population are in fact utterly mental.

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Just to add a drop of positivity to this thread, happened upon this Polo build thread and I have to say, although I'm not really into modifying cars at all, if you're going to do it, this surely is the way:




He's taken a rusty, scruffy car and made something pretty nice out of it - it may not be to all tastes but at least there's been some thought and effort put into it.  Quite a lot of money too no doubt!


I saw the red car in the first page and thought 'OK, fair play to him, that looks pretty smart.' Then I skipped a few pages in and saw this...




Could someone who's into this kind of thing please explain why this isn't illegal, unroadworthy and MOT-able? I'm genuinely interested to hear from any of the forum's MOT testers to understand how on earth something like that gets a ticket.

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(I've seen these cars scraping their arses on the floot going down the road, now try telling me that's practicle)


...... the sparks, so generated, are reminiscent of images released by the guys at the Hadron 'practicle' Accelerator...



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Just to add a drop of positivity to this thread, happened upon this Polo build thread and I have to say, although I'm not really into modifying cars at all, if you're going to do it, this surely is the way:




He's taken a rusty, scruffy car and made something pretty nice out of it - it may not be to all tastes but at least there's been some thought and effort put into it.  Quite a lot of money too no doubt!


i like the fact hes made it into something decent instead of the easy route of o.m.g rat luk i can appreciate the work thats gone into that

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I saw the red car in the first page and thought 'OK, fair play to him, that looks pretty smart.' Then I skipped a few pages in and saw this...




Could someone who's into this kind of thing please explain why this isn't illegal, unroadworthy and MOT-able? I'm genuinely interested to hear from any of the forum's MOT testers to understand how on earth something like that gets a ticket.



from looking through the pages, this is after he fitted air ride so would get raised for driving and dropped to this when stationary, so when it gets m.o.t'd would be set at an acceptable height

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Fair enough, I CBA reading through all of it but I'm sure not everyone who does this fits adjustable suspension, and I'm still not convinced stretched tyres are safe.

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