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Cars that look better in cube form

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Can't agree about the DS, sorry. One of the finest looking cars ever made, imho. The estate version is even better.


Yuk ugly









That'll be why they sell like hot cakes then.


pug 1007



Did they ever actually sell any of them to be crushed in the first place?


People didn't like Sierras and just bought Cortina Crusaders... so aside from sales reps ending up with them, how did the Sierra catch on?

(yeah Sierras are shit: they, and the Audi 100 ruined car design with all the aero bollocks that made curves happen).


ford knew they'd droped a golly & introduced the sapphire to try & claw sales back from the mk2 cav which had a saloon in its range.


the cossy halo model turned the tide for sierra.


That'll be why they sell like hot cakes then.

To quote Arthur Daley "never underestimate the stupidity of your average punter"


The E-Type's one of those designs I respect without actually liking that much. And the angle of the windscreen is PROPER WRONG M8.

Agreed. But that's 1950s aerodynamic theory for you. Malcolm Sayer was of an age to have been aware of, and perhaps influenced by, the work of Paul Jaray, the Hungarian pioneer of automotive streamlining; eg. this Opel -




See the resemblance? I'm guessing young Malc didn't pay too much attention to the detail though, as the E had the drag factor of a breeze block...


ford knew they'd droped a golly & introduced the sapphire to try & claw sales back from the mk2 cav which had a saloon in its range.


the cossy halo model turned the tide for sierra.


do you agree that it was mainly the ford buying publics love of the cortina at the time which nearly caused the sierra to flop though "becuz aerodynamic carz is shit" and "we dont likez changez" even though the technology was better, they did make a good move popping the sapphire into the range in 87 though even if the space isnt as versatile as the hatch


I'm adding two of my pet hates. The two cars that singlehandedly ruined aesthetically pleasing car design forever.






There. I posted them. Now beat me up if you like.


warning this thread contains images that some viewers may find as disturbing


I've never 'got' the DS either. There's something slug-like about its shape that gives me the creeps.

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That's three of us, but I'd add the SM to the list of ugly Citroens. Quite like the interior, think the outside looks bloody awful.

DS I don't really get the looks of the things, but the engineering bits do intrigue me. If Citroen had managed to get the flat six in it I'd like them a lot more than I do.



I think the French should just leave engineering to the Germans and concentrate on producing food, wine and porn films.


That would serve everyone's best interests, apart from dyed-in-the-wool fetishists. But they could get a role in the porn films.

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the shape was a big departure from the whole ford range of the time & along with the lack of a saloon option alianated core buyers.

the orion was introduced within a year of cortina cesation but people had defected to the enemy (vauxhall), if it had been introduced during late 81-82 i think this would've helped, also i think the lack of a grille on sierra had some kind of negative subconcious effect most other manufactuers cars of the period still had somesort of grile until later in the decade.

the car buying public at the time needed evolution not revolution cavalier had gone fwd but looked to be a continuation of the previous model.


That's three of us, but I'd add the SM to the list of ugly Citroens. Quite like the interior, think the outside looks bloody awful.


DS I don't really get the looks of the things, but the engineering bits do intrigue me. If Citroen had managed to get the flat six in it I'd like them a lot more than I do.


I won't argue for a second that the engineering is fascinating, if a bit pointless. The answer to a question nobody asked, really.

The real downside however is that had Citroen then proceeded with actually building what they engineered, the cars wouldn't have sat deadlined on the hard shoulder pissing some of their various liquids across the motorway as often as they did. We once had a DS when I was a kid and contrary to my father I actualy quite appreciated those inevitable breakdowns, though. They gave me a break from being sick, which I was as soon as the car was in motion.

I love Citroens, however, only in 1/18th scale. Except the DS. I just don't like the shape and hold it responsible for initiating the decline in automotive styling ever since.


I think the E60 BMW 5 series will go down as a similar car, in terms of "influencing" (or more of completely buggering up) car styling for many decades to come.


Yeah, those are delightfully ugly, too. And which one is the 7-Series that gave us the most hideous bootlid of all times?

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