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Ford Sierra Sapphire Cosworth - Work Begins


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Edd, mate, you're doing yourself no favours at all with this thread. It's not a good for a guy in your condition. I can imagine that semi you're nursing swelling to a throbbing mega-horn... just keep it in your pants for now, lad! If you spunk that compo on one of these (nice as they are and all that), you'll never be in the black again.

SRSLY, trust me, I've been there and made these mistakes, you know I'm talking sense and mean well.

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I'm quite ready to cut down the fleet considerably. But, I will retain a level head.


A few things will sway this, if I get a buyer for Samba and IF this cossie is solid enough then I may buy it.


MG will be going, Polly may go to you brother if he wants it as we're getting the green one. Jimp still coming, style will have gone, cabrio will be up for grabs. 125P may go if we can a. get it decent enough to be worth keeping for someone else, or b, someone on RR wants it as a project.


Be keeping the Roller, the Monza the Cossie, the jimp aqnd the XR..


I dont think I've forgot any, I'll still be after a Tagora and a Samba S.

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Also may have a job sorted, that will really really ease things a lot. it will mean I can make any decisions from a point where I have the financial choice to decide whether to keep, instead of poverty forcing me to have to sell.

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Real life is no fun :cry:


I have never got the Cosworth thing, been out in a few and I wasn't that impressed. But I guess Ford lovers do get it and that's fine by me, however there is a very underated alternative which won't break the bank :wink:


Quick as a Cossie - Check

Rare - Check

Parts and Running Costs Cheap - Check

Cheap as Chips to Buy - Check


Behold the Autoshite French Cossie 8)


http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Renault-21-Tu ... 633wt_1255


Useable ones sell for around a grand and minters 2k. Cossie thrills on a shoestring budget.

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If you watch that vid you'll see the actual car I'm hoping to buy be obliterated first by an Impreza, then a Evo then the 205 Mi16 That was chasing it.. although I think he may have slowed down at that point?


Dont want fastest, the 21 Turbo is interesting but it isn't a Sapphire Cosworth.


Anyone got Januarys Fast Ford 2007?



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Can I tell my "Cossie" story? Living close to Dunton and Warley locally there are a lot of high up FoMoCo staff - when I was at school one of parents of a school friend was so employed. One of his 10 month revolving lease cars was the sapphire Cosworth. Anyway it managed to get nicked twice, not unusual you say. Except after the first theft (obvious bolt bits and wheels seats from memory) the police located it, my mates Dad went down to where it had been found only to find it had got nicked again before he got there! Eventually weeks later the shell appeared....


Samba note the defacto 90's mod of the Laguna 1 splitter too!

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  • 2 months later...

Bastard. Lancaster wont insure anyone under 30 on a Cosworth anymore, what a set of wankers. Their quote was coming in under £500 last year. Cheapest after a quick look elsewhere is £1500, which isn't terribly worrying.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've said this before and I'll say it again. Bought a Sierra Cosworth blaa blaa


Went here saw this..
Got some bits but not the engine
Now car looks like this
The Joe said he hopes it was cheap and then someone else said the only way an Autoshiter can afford a Cossie is in bits, then someone else said wow that's so true and took it for his signature and I think someone wished me luck then space time fractured and I unsold my Samba Style and this never happened. (and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(and this never happened(repeat to infinity))))))))))))))))))))))))
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Good lad, got to say the best way to get it the spec you want is to build it yourself also then you know it's a good one as most of these have been spanked to within an inch of their life

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Some areas to remedy before the interior goes in...




Made a start today...




Would have had it welded but I need to buy a drill in order to make 6 holes to plug weld the plate to the seat mount strengthening panel below where the original spot welds were. Will have to make the patch very marginally smaller than it is in order to have a gap forthe weld to go into. Will be a proper butt weld here all being well. Then ground down and painted.
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Are you learning to weld on this then Edd?


Before you zip in that patch, I'd either remove, or cover up that seatbelt - it won't react nicely to a load of molten splatter...

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I already learned to weld! I did some on the Cabriolet and the XR3... I guess I'll be a learnin' a good few more years though so YES!


I'll be sure to remove anything that I don't want burned and cover up the windows too.

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The most I ever paid for a car was £600 and that was my Monza :)


I had a eureka moment in the shower just now..... I bought a Makita drill the other month so I've got everything I need to continue with this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went up to Scarbrough with a friend to collect a full interior for the Cossie, when I went to get the exterior bits I couldn't believe the condition of it, and considering I've seen worse ones on eBay for around the £450 mark at £300 including the carpet, all plastic trim, dash and dials a deal was done!


May have raised a few smiles going to collect it in the Samba Cab, there were about 4 or 5 3dr Sierra Cosworths a few Sapphires, and Escort Cos and a MK1 Mexico, absolute heaven that place the guy is definitely doing something right!



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Cretin Alert...Cretin Alert.


Is a Cossie a 'std ford shell' + Kit? or S.P.E.C.I.A.L ?


I'd buy anything 'trilby on back shelf/waxoyld/minnterr' shell and build up to spec.


...rather than buy a poxxy 'sieve', with provenance??


What the FU** do I know.


Not likely to achieve 'Plan-A' for less than £300.




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