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Have not used the Audi for a week or so and just went to fill it up at Morrisons. When I tried putting the LPG nozzle on it would not connect and there was LOADS of gas leaking out. Tried again, the same, tried again the same. They guy from the counter cam out to have a look had a go, the same.


Then we realised that the gas was still leaking out of the bayonet. He quite rightly shat himself and ran in and switched off the pumps. Like a hero, I drove the car off the forecourt and have parked it near my house (but not outside, i'm not stupid).


Question is, does anyone know any reliable and cheap LPG specialists in Leeds, or is there anyone on here that knows enough about this shit that can help? I think this needs looking at pretty urgently before OMG.


Tim, can you advise what sort of system it is and who fitted it. It might be worth my while speaking to them to see what I can do. Assuming the car has not exploded already as someone walks past with a fag.



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I can only tell you what I have been told about my car and that is that there is a valve at the filler nozzle but there is another one at the tank so if there is gas leaking from the filler nozzle it will only be what is in the pipe between the filler and the tank.

So if you go out and check now it has probably stopped. Do not try and test it by lighting a ciggy though.

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I can only tell you what I have been told about my car and that is that there is a valve at the filler nozzle but there is another one at the tank so if there is gas leaking from the filler nozzle it will only be what is in the pipe between the filler and the tank.

So if you go out and check now it has probably stopped. Do not try and test it by lighting a ciggy though.



It does seem to have stopped so that makes sense.



Not sure what to do now though. Need to sort out the petrol tank (have the epoxy resin) and take it back to the garage, get petrol in it* as nearly out of gas and try again.


*as there is probably not enough explosive material.

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I've had this before - are you using a UK adaptor at all?


Otherwise it might actually be the gas pump gun itself getting worn - it has a cone - shaped attachment inside that presses firmly on the car's filler while the outer cuff thing (that you turn 90 degrees) locks on the 2 pegs.


If any gas leaks out due to wear on either the car's filler nozzle or the pump gun itself then it freezes the surrounding moving parts and when you release it, the one way valve at the filler itself sticks and leaks out and you'll see white vapour guzzling out while it continues to freeze everything.


Check your car's filler for wear/ damage and try at a different filling station. If it still happens then the fault is on your car's filler if not then it's the gun at the station - they should replace it.


As an aside, I wonder how often the service stations replace LPG gear. I saw the filler gun on the other side of the pump I was using, fal out its holder and crack off the forecourt floor nice and hard. I wondered if it might be a hazard in waiting after that so just mentioned it to the guy in the kiosk and he said it would be checked (whether it was or not I dunno) - just wondering really.

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The same hing happened to me when I tried to fill up at morrisons in the same car. First time I had ever tried to fill up but almost exactly the same circumstances, including the guy running back inside and then him refusing to sell me any lpg. It worked okay on leeds road in bradford, but it was canny expensive man.

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You might find the bayonet part on your car is actually screwed in, it's rare as they're usually one piece but I've got one, only have to be a little loose to leak like buggery, you can tighten them up with the filler neck, (and unintentionally loosen them with those funny pivoting arm locking fillers as you remove). I cut grooves inside an old camwheel for removing mine, as it wouldn't take foreign adaptors otherwise.

I've once had a similar prob, filled up in Ireland, a few miles south of the UK occupied bit, attended service, the filler was new and shiny, and of our bayonet variety, I queried this with the guy and he muttered about 'The feckers are after putting in the wrong one bejaysus'. New as it were, it leaked, dripped and hissed like a K series while filling, the guy remained unbothered.

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There's a place in Leeds advertises cheap lpg conversions on eBay all the time.. They say they'll fit a multi point kit to a 4 cyl car for £800 odd which is much cheaper than most - I assume they'd also do repairs.. Search LPG conversion on eBay with cheapest first and it should come up.

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I have got some putty to repair the hole that was drilled into the petrol tank the other week by some scrotes, so will sort that tonight. I will then get some petrol in it at Morrisons and drive it to Asda and see how I fair there with LPG.


I rode my pushbike into work this morning. Got here out of breath and sweating like Garry Glitter in a Crèche only to be greeted by a message on my computer reminding me to go to the opticians, so then had to ride an extra 5 miles to get my eyes looked at and then ride back again. :evil:

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On the single tank systems there is a perspex cover over the pipework and a very crude gauge.Remove the cover and there is also a knurled brass nut.This is the cut-off valve so screw it in and no gas will escape from the tank.Then you can check the connector for cracks in relative safety.

Have you checked the bayonet to see if it is loose ? Maybe the scrotes tried nicking the gas aswell as petrol.

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The system fitted to the Safari has a filler nozzle inside the petrol filler flap. The nozzle has a little screw-on cap when not in use. To fill up in the UK (I have not tried abroad so that will be a learning curve) I have to screw in a big brass adapter (which normally lives in the door pocket) over which the gun on the pump attaches by lining up the pins and then push and turn. Only at some garages no matter what I do it just will not go on. BP garages seem to be the worst so I usually try and fill at Shell. Even at the garage I use regularly it can be a bit hit and miss as to whether I can get the nozzle on before the pump times out and I have to start all over again.

So filling up with both petrol and gas is a major operation which can take the best part of fifteen minutes. I wouldn't bother if it wasn't for the money saving.

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Ive had this issue in the past when I owned the Audi and put it down to worn filler nozzles at gas stations. The gas spews all over the place and when you remove the nozzle the pressurised gas in the filler pipe continues to spew out. I have a theory that the leaking gas freezes the valve so it can't close properly when the nozzle is removed. As has been said there's a valve in the tank too so the only gas that escapes is the gas thats actually in the filler pipe, not the tank itself.


I'll PM you the number of the installer.

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does this mean you'll need 'Abraham's Barge' for a bit longer? :D


no probs if you do!



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Whenever I drive an LPG car I just accept that there is a 1% chance it will explode. It's best to just see it as an inevitability really. (didn't actually mention that when I sold you the car, soz)

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does this mean you'll need 'Abraham's Barge' for a bit longer? :D


no probs if you do!




No, its not a problem. I can run the Audi on petrol (have sorted the hole in the petrol tank this morning) or indeed run the DAF. Plus the Audi is older than the Volvo so can hardly be called new fangled :wink:


Whenever I drive an LPG car I just accept that there is a 1% chance it will explode. It's best to just see it as an inevitability really. (didn't actually mention that when I sold you the car, soz)


Ha Ha! Too true. However remember that 88.9% of all statistics are made up on the spot.


I dont let that sort of stuff worry me though. I was bored and watching Aircraft Investigation one day though and decided to do a bit of internet research as to what your chances are of being in a massive plane crash. Of the 1478 Jumbo jets ever built 49 of them have been 'total hull losses', i.e masshooousive faliures. Thats a 3.315% of all Jumbo jets ever built have been fucked. I know when you look at it on the amount of flights that they do and the chances of it falling to earth are slim but out of every 100 built more than 3 will not make it to the scrapyard in one piece. Scary monkeys. However I dont let it bother me by drinking heavily before I get on a flight. :roll:

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