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Edd's Talbot Samba Thread


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If the jets are continually blocking up, have you checked it's not a fuel pipe breaking down.

Had a similar problem on a nova years ago, turned out to be the rubber pipe that fed into the carb (looked fine from the outside, but was breaking up inside).

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Aye, good call that. This Cabriolet looks to have been bodged together by a right numpty - the fuel lines are probably bits of old screen wash pipe or summert.


Edd, yesterday when I picked up some bits and pieces from Green's in Skipton, I asked them if they had a downdraft carburetor from a small-ish Peugeot or Citroen. After the word "carburetor", they started laughing!

"We haven't seen a carb for years, mate!"

When I told them we're trying to get a Talbot Samba running right, they went quiet as they tried to remember what that is!


Last week, Will was on the phone to Watson's at Salterforth (30 mins south of here). They used to be great for the older stuff - much more modern now - but they still have six 205s in, so you'd have a good chance of something there I reckon.

01282 812400


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Thanks for the input guys... it is odd like. I was wondering where the crap was coming from myself.


The fuel pipe from the pump to the carb is starting to crack,  I wonder if that doesn't like petrol... that is relatively new and is just a bit of old pipe from the scrapyard - I think. I did buy some proper stuff from the local motor factors, there is the possibility that this is that... except I think the proper stuff was used on the Roller :/


But that could definitely possibly be the reason why, I will go change it now.


I'll give that number a call depending on how today expedition to the east coast goes! I have to use the Cabrio as the Style is fubarred

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Went to drive it yesterday... gearstick went floppy... had a look and the ball joint that is on the end of the gearstick has come out of the socket on the gear link rod. I may be able to bodge it maybe or Jurgen will sell me a used one for 55 Euros


I did try fix it but it is loose in the socket... maybe bending the socket may get a few more miles out of it

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Guest mike1360

hi do eny one have a 1360cc engine coz i got one and outer crank caseing that the bore sleves sit in  is cracked and leakin water  im redy to re gasket engine and clean and all i can to get engine runing right   sorry if my spelling is rong i cant spell    thanks mike

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We might forgive you, you're from Norwich! Welcome anyway.

The 1360 suitcase lumps seem very thin on the ground these days - others have asked and nowt has turned up so far...

Is it worth getting yours welded up?

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Guest mike1360

owell i thort i wood ask   car is mint just getin engine is a pain  i can weld the crack up so dont leak  but dont no if be moor problems (worping )  there is a inch that int cracked    its cracked one side to the other under the exhaust manifold and overtop dif    do eny one think it worth welding and will it cause a problem  thanks mike  i will post sum pics to show the crack

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160 miles in the last two days and the Cabrio hasn't skipped a beat... prior to completing these miles I replaced a 30cm bit of petrol pipe. And took out AA cover.


Still not 100% confident in it though..... maybe after 1000 miles!

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Ordered a new gear link rod from Motorhog in Doncaster, £30, quite a lot of money for a gear link rod but cheaper than the German one and I can drive down Monday for it... also may have a wing for the Roller

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Guest mike1360

hi thanks twosmoke300  dont no your name   how much you wont 4 engine  do you no how much posting engine will be please sorry to be a pain     i live nere asda on drayton road in norwich  if you want to send me your number in private message i will ring you more easy 4 me i cant spell very well

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Mike, I might have a spare engine that came out of an early bx if it's any use. Don't think dad will break his lna up. I am down in Cornwall.

Do you have the carb from that engine?

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Nice one... if you do find one please take some photos of it so I can check its the one I'm after, I'm 95% certain the 1.4 BX used the carb in after.


Love to see the LNA too!

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Bad luck, those carbs are terrible. I do know that the weber from a bx has the same footprint as the ax's Solex, but it has an auto choke that needs plumbing in.


The 32/36 are well sought after kow, I cleared nearly £100 for the last one I sold.

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Mine's currently on a Solex 32 34 Z2 This is not the original carb, it was taken off a Citroen ZX.


The original carb for the 1360cc Samba Cabriolet is the Solex 32 35 TACIV with auto choke. I have a spare one of those.






Changing that little bit of pipe from the petrol pump to the carb seems to have resolved my problem, the last 200 miles have been trouble free.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

So I got this back again, short story long I put it up for sale to get some funds for the Cosworth and was quite sure it was going to a good home, the chap who bought it had a good look around and noted all the work he would get done.


I was very sad driving it to its new home and I forgot to get my Rallye steering wheel off it too :@


Anyhow after speaking with some people in the know in the SCUK OC it was decided that fitting a new NS lower A pillar was too much of an expensive job, £500 plus to do right and coupling that in with the other work it needed to be to the same standard as the rest of his fleet just wasn't viable so it was likely to get broken for spares. Also the panel in question is not available to buy so a suitable donor would have to be found, else the cost would go up again to fabricate one.


Anyways deep in the middle of total financial meltdown after a lot of pleading he agreed to let me have it back.


At some point the tax ran out, and the alternator decided to stop living, I think a bearing has gone inside is it is clattering like hell, very hot and the battery light is on. But it did make it home.




So valuable lesson learned again. And Samba Style lives to see another day.

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Eeek it's all go at Samba Towers, these came just now:




I really need a NS one for the Roller but the Cabrio's wings are both full of filler so I will probably put these on that and keep a look out for a silver NS wing for the Roller.

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Bueno, yo lo he hecho! He encontrado un Talbot Samba S a la venta en España. El problema es que el coche viene carrera preparada con un motor especial, por lo que el vendedor quiere 5500EUR por ello. Sombreros ano!


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Put the only working alternator I have between 3 Sambas on the Style this week. My friend was going to TAX it and use it over winter but IT WILL NOT START.


It would often be troublesome to start if I left it for 2 weeks or more.


If I use it daily it would fire up instantly.


Well it just wont go at all now, the closest to starting we can get is no accelerator and no choke, the engine runs but is not lit up properly. As soon as you touch the accelerator or choke it cuts out.


I know it really needs a new dizzy cap and rotor arm and plug leads, but I put a spare spark plug in no1 plug lead and it has a nice big spark.


I just wonder if the carburettor needs to come off and be stripped and cleaned.

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An old trick I use for starting long dead mota's, is to fill a fairy bottle with new fuel, take air cleaner off and give the open venture a damn good squirt.


Now floor the throttle, hold it there, & crank. Depe ndant on the amount squirted, 3-10 secs later (as long as you have still nailed the throttle)  the car WILL gradually cough/ splutter into life.


It may/ may not have pulled sufficient flammability through, so if it dies, repeat process. if you need to repeat more than 4 times, its either out of fuel -or the stuffs varnish.


Natch, if that procedure fails to ignite- there's a sparkling prob!

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Till you're used to 'the concept' -keep a bucket of water handy (I've never needed it -but it puts the mind to rest)


& don't take your foot off the pedal, whatever its doing, till its running on at least 3! 

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Hey SambaS  just thought I'd mention with the alternator on your style if your struggling with finding a replacement one I used a Citroen AX alternator on my old Style as they have the same 954cc engine.

An the 205 an 106 used the same engine too so could be worth a look for one of those to fit to the 2 that have had it. An the bonus was the AX alternator  that I used was more powerfull. Not there much electrical wise to power in fairness!

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