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Everything posted by GagaStan

  1. I can’t remember, is it an auto? My auto BX used to do this, I never cured it but I had a suspicion it was the gear selector inhibitor switch, if I jiggled the gear selector it started right up
  2. My 106 was somehow still running on this extremely manky dizzy cat and rotor - how?!?? Enjoying much smoother running after replacing both, hoping for better fuel economy too 😁
  3. The BX has been running absolutely beautifully, apart from some very light clonkage from a drip link (I think??) - she even returned a best ever 36mpg on a run. Nice to know that's possible, given I've only been getting about 25mpg around town 😩 But today, I decided to tackle something that's been annoying me - a consistent chirping from the passenger side blower fan. I had been managing* this by simply unplugging the electrical connector, but this caused the remaining operational blower to blow only half its air into the cabin, and the other half back outside through the other, stationary fan... Less than ideal for demisting purposes. SO, the time came to start disassembly in the bulkhead area. (^spot the terrible job someone did gluing the headlight back together...) With the offending fan out, and the plastic clamshell unclipped, I sprayed plenty of PTFE lube and hey presto, the squeak is gone! With the bulkhead clear, I decided to vacuum out all the built up leaves and detritus. Paging @beko1987 for some hot Kirby action... But what I didn't do, was remember to retrieve a clip that had fallen while I was removing everything. So, with an almighty CRACK it was sucked up, somehow made it through the fan, and up into the vacuum bag. Amazingly, neither the clip nor the vacuum fan were broken in the process! It was easily retrieved from the bag, so all is now ready to be put back together tomorrow. Another tinkering win - now to get someone in to see just how knackered/leaky the A/C is...
  4. Honda Fit Aria JDM saloon version of the mk1 Honda Jazz. And if anyone else thought it’d be a challenge to create a good looking saloon from a Jazz, you’d be dead right… A few of them grey imported to NZ, I’m fascinated. Most have beige crushed velour upholstery (drool) and come with the option of a rear wiper (saloon rear wiper, double drool)
  5. Car 7 is a Toyota Origin? 2JZ powaaaaaaa bro
  6. My sister and brother-in-law had a 2005 (kamm-tail) Prius, an ex-taxi as far as we knew. Grey-imported from Japan, it was still going strong at 450,000km. Comfortable, spacious, fantastically economical in hilly Wellington where most cars get shite mileage - regen braking really came into its own on the downhill. Only gotten rid of as the battery pack, original as far as we know, went kaput and the owner of the car (BIL’s employer) didn’t want to repair. A shame, as the rest of the car was absolutely fine and wore its miles well. Toyota really know how to make a durable car, at least where the roads aren’t salted. I loved it for being a big fat middle finger to all the hybrid-hating, “untested technology” crowd. All the way to the end it would do 70mpg on a run.
  7. The Fleet this morning. Golf is sold awaiting pickup this weekend, Rio is misfiring and needs a coil, BX is leaking less LHM out but more rainwater in (must finish garage shelves so it can go back under cover) and the Jazz just soldiers on giving 47mpg and being 99% the amount of car we actually need!
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