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The day Trigger turned into Junkman - P6 Content

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To give you an idea on values this has just popped up for sale on a FB P6 page, when you consider it's a V8 and only 37k as well as tax exempt it's a bloody bargain compaired to a Ford.














Seriously Trig, that's something else.


And I'm not sure that dashboard has been beaten in 45 years of trying.



Edit: For years and years I've been going on about how the dashboard on the pre-airbag Rover 800 acknowledges the P6- note how the wood trim on yours flows around the dash above the shelf:




Rover P5 had the same feature.


The dash on the early R8 2/400 was like that too.


Small update today with a lack of photos, nipped round my mates this afternoon and we tackled the exhaust manifold gaskets, after 45 minutes of cursing we had them off, all 4 gaskets had blown and we fitted the new ones and put it all back together again, it's now 95% better but theres still a slight blow, i think I'll have to get the manifold refaced annoyingly but thats a job for another day.


I took the car to work tonight, one of the headlights have now packed up. FML.

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Trigger has not responded to your post. The security system will not let him out of the car as he failed to wear cavalry twill trousers and a nice cardigan. He is currently trying the override function which involves smoking a pipe full of St Bruno whilst eating a Werther's original


Normally I'd manufacture a photoshoot at this point with me doing my best Jimmy Saville impression with a pipe and the Werthers but I'm at work so i can't.


To be honest the car is currently well locked up in a secure location and with it's immobiliser on, i might look into a alarm but i find them a pain to be honest. The most annoying thing though is that the medium Disklok that you guys so kindly helped pay towards is too small for the Rovers wheel, it's fine for the Dolly but the steering wheel on this is like a lorries, I'll have to use the small one that clips over the wheel for now.


one of the best immobilisers for old shite (with a leccy fuel pump) is a fuel cut off.mr toerag will usually always find a way to get in,hot wire and drive away,but if it runs out of fuel 100 yrds up the road,he is likely going to be in full view of traffic/people/houses,and will just abandon it,rather than rag it round for hours before taking it to his preferred beauty spot and torching it.


If you've got a manual pump and an automatic gearbox, pop a switch under the dash to activate the gearbox inhibitor


Done this on my Manta back in the eighties

  • 2 weeks later...

I've been a bit lack in posting on this thread but thats not to say i haven't been working on it, since i last posted I've changed the oil and filter, which was a faff as the brass sump plug was deformed and wouldn't nip back up so after ordering a new one of the internet only to get a message after paying saying they was closed for 2 weeks i ended up filling the old one down to fit...


I've given it a polish now which has got it looking fresher, one headlight doesn't work so i ordered a pair of S/H sealed beam lights of ebay for £15 only to find they don't work either (but they work if i hardwire them to the battery) so i might have a earth fault somewhere to find.


I've removed the ball of the rear tow bar which looks better and given the engine a good clean.




After a lot of messing about I've managed to get a can of paint mixed so I've touched up the damaged wing, the bung in the bonnet and a few chips.






Annoyingly though today whilst in traffic the temp gauge when quite high and when i got home the expansion tank was bubbling as was the fuel in the glass fuel pump and it even spat a little fuel out of the carb, i think it's mainly because it was so hot today but i decided to remove the stat anyway, then the heater hose split...




Bugger, the local motor factor has ordered me a hose in for the morning as well as a new stat so hopefully it will fit.


Also if any of you happen to have a window winder for one of these laying about you'd like to sell then please hit me up, my knobs fallen of mine and i can't get it back on.


one headlight doesn't work so i ordered a pair of S/H sealed beam lights of ebay for £15 only to find they don't work either (but they work if i hardwire them to the battery) so i might have a earth fault somewhere to find.


The fault is in the fuse box. Or rather above it. You know, the wire from above, that's feeding the juice to the fuse, that crimping there, it needs to be recrimped.

Just have a look and you'll see what I mean. If you wiggle that wire, the headlight will blink.


That would make sense as it was working when i first got the car then it stopped after fitting the radio as we messed about with the fuse box trying to source power to the radio, it works if you flash your lights but not on dipped beam (this is the nearside outer light). I'll have another play with it tomorrow.


I had a quick play the other day and I did fit a longer fuse in just in case but i never checked the wiring itself.


Yeah, the factory crimping of all the feed wires into the fuse box are a bit shit on these, I mustard mitt.

But everything else is top quality, I iz swearz.


Just ordered a pair of Barum Brillantis 165TR14 tyres from Tyre-Shopper for £81 fitted which seem cheap, mind you the website crashed as i was paying for them so hopefully I'll get them.


I have these on the 205 - they've been excellent so far.

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Today i managed to get a new thermostat from the local motor factors (GTK001) which fits perfect along with the gasket and i also got a 90 degree piece of hose from them which i cut down to size.




I haven't ran it up yet but hopefully that will help, I've also coughed up £28 on a pair of radiator hoses, it's costing me a small fortune this car!


I forgot to add that i also looked at the lights again, i still can't suss it, wiggling the wires in the fuse box make no difference and then i wiggled the wires in the wing one of them snapped off so i had to fit a new bullet connector but that still made no difference. I'll probably have to get some help with this!


Have you tried a different light unit?  I've known this cure issues on the Dyane.


Your cracking on with this, takes me months to get anything fixed. Looks well after a polish too.


Today was a day of embarrassment, my mate told me to pop over this afternoon and he'll help me trace the wiring fault with the headlight, the wiring all seemed fine and if we bridged a cable from the offside to the nearside light it worked so my mate checked the fuses again... turns out when the first fuse blew instead of replacing it with a 15 amp which came out i fitted a 1.5 amp instead...  :oops:


We swapped that over and it works fine again now!, Then another problem struck, it started to rain and as i left my mates i put the wipers on, they managed a part movement before stopping, i checked the fuse and it had blown.


So i popped to Wilcos and bought some new fuses, popped in a 25 amp and they still didn't work,  :?  I spent ages checking the wiring again and expecting the worse, until i spotted that they crap modern wipers fitted are too long and got tangled up! I lifted them over each other, they sprang up the screen and then kicked back into life again! Another cheap fix, I'll have to get a pair of 14" chrome Trico blades for it, the cheapest I've found so far is £35 for a pair.


On the way home i stopped and took a few photos, the wipers are still tangled up here hence why they aren't in the park position and a few photos were a bit blurry as my DSLR camera is a bit broke at the moment after getting wet at Goodwood last week. :(












So. Which do you prefer driving. Rovah or Dolly?


That bottom link is a good spot Dan, I'll probably order those instead.


It's hard to say which is better as they are both so different, the Rover is more comfortable on longer distances and it's more economical and more fun to drive around the back lane, if i was driving say 50-100 miles on the motorway the Rover all day long but for pottering around down and across the countryside its the Dolly.




One of the vital arts to master is to find the correct replacement parts not specifically advertised for Rover P6es.

Those wiper blades are a good example. Other examples are the V8 thermostats, usually the asking price is 13 quid, the Herald one is exactly the same and costs 2.50. The interior light lens for the P6 is 24 quid, it's the exact same one as in the classic Rangey, which can be had for 6.50, V8 oil filters are 12 quid, use the SBC one for 5.50, etc etc. There are lots of examples like this, because P6 parts dealers, although usually being nice people, are a bit of a bunch of freeloading bitches.


Oh, and avoid that Classic Rover Forum like the clap.

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I've already learned this! I asked on a P6 facebook page if anyone knew of any other cars which shared the same sump plug as i didn't want to pay £7 postage for one online and i got ripped open a new arsehole "you should support your specialists" and "do you expect them to pick it and package it for free" and one which really fucked me off "The crack is not about enjoying a cheap thrill en route to the scrapper, but to enjoy the cars into the future.....".


Pissed me off that.


Yep, you got the message.

What a self righteous bunch of holier than thou twats.

You will also learn that not only do they know everything, but they know everything better and should you really urgently need something vital

that's broken on your car to make it to an upcoming event, suddenly nobody has it kicking about his shed, despite previous claims

indicate everyone has everything kicking about in his shed twice.


These are exactly the reasons why I strive for the Granadaland Greenhouse Gassers to become an island of difference in this sea of bollox.


I think you should buy at least ten sump plugs because these specialists have economies of scale to deal with........then put them all in a football sock and banjo some of those self important cocksuckers right of their high horse.

Fuck me, i thought the cortina club where bunch of cliquey twats.

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