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did you tax both vehicles later in January?


i dont know if the 14 days 'grace' rule still stands, my understanding is that this was recinded last year by the dvla

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If you taxed later in january, and show the disks to the police, they will drop it (probably). Seems odd that they did it at all though, have you annoyed an elderly neighbour?

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I taxed both vehicles on line from hospital on 14th January as soon as i was concious.


From what I understand the 14 day grace period still stands


I haven't upset any neighbours but there is a busybody down the road who constantly complains to the council about everyone but is sweetness and light to your face....I suspect it was this two faced twunt...I might go and have a chat and during the course of an innocent chat drop in that this had happened when i was in hospotal and wasn't it slightly unreasonable? Just to make the arse feel bad.

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You’ll be committing an offence if you use or keep your vehicle on the public road without a current tax disc. If you can’t get a tax disc, you must remove your vehicle off the road. You’ll have 14 days to get a tax disc or make a SORN, while your vehicle is off the road.


So from what I understand of that, the 14 days grace does exist, but you cant use or keep your vehicle on the road. Basically, you have 14 days from the date of expiry to purchase a tax disc. Though during that 14 days you can no longer use or park your vehicle on the road until you purchase the tax disc. If you have purchased a tax disc at the start of the month and are waiting for it to come through, you can still use your car.


If you purchased your tax disc on the 14th day, the date on the disc should be back-dated to the 1st of the month, therefore you can present your disc and say you had purchased it prior to you being ticketed.

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You’ll be committing an offence if you use or keep your vehicle on the public road without a current tax disc. If you can’t get a tax disc, you must remove your vehicle off the road. You’ll have 14 days to get a tax disc or make a SORN, while your vehicle is off the road.


So from what I understand of that, the 14 days grace does exist, but you cant use or keep your vehicle on the road. Basically, you have 14 days from the date of expiry to purchase a tax disc. Though during that 14 days you can no longer use or park your vehicle on the road until you purchase the tax disc. If you have purchased a tax disc at the start of the month and are waiting for it to come through, you can still use your car.


If you purchased your tax disc on the 14th day, the date on the disc should be back-dated to the 1st of the month, therefore you can present your disc and say you had purchased it prior to you being ticketed.


....and it will take 30 seconds for the police to prove you have lied

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The 14 day grace period does exist, it says so in black and white on the DVLA website. I think this only applies if you are waiting for a tax disc to arrive through the post.

I was driving around in January without a disc as I was waiting for one to arrive (through the post/online). Two police officers pointed it out when I was parked up, and while they were OK about it (and let me go when they couldn't get the ANPR thing working), I felt like I was lying, even though I wasn't. :oops:

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I think you are buggered.


Was it taxed......no

Was it on the road.....yes


Maybe you can plead guilty and then cite the hospital stay (and events leading up to it??) as mitigation. Just on oversight etc...........Don't rely on writing this though.........go to court and tell the man if you get the chance

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ground for appeal is that from the beginning of the year until the 14th when they were taxed I was physically unable to do so - I have medical certificates and a 12 day hospital stay to prove that...when that is taken into consideration alongside the fact that the moment I could tax them I did they would be pretty unreasonable not to consider it on appeal - I do have good grounds as there was nothing I could do about it.

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I would have thought they could still do you for failure to display regardless?


The mitigating situation that you were in Hospital appears a bit weak to me, as you mention that was from the 7th of January - that to me says you went without the tax

(knowingly) for at least a week no?


To me the tax should start on the day you buy it and not be bought by the month - it just makes people try to wait until the next month to buy the road tax.

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I doubt your hospital argument will win anyone over. They'll just say that you should have got the tax in order before your hospital stay.

Remember, you are dealing with bureaucrats not rational normally reasoning people. Besides, your failure to tax your vehicles has rendered the

NHS liable to collapse at any moment! That or whatever else the road fund is supporting this year.

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Sorry -but you're screwed. Appealing or going to theMmags just increases the fine.


I had a car LIFTED on 3rd -3 days out -when i was overseas. Prompt action by my Mrs saw it back 24hrs later (-£190!) but I still got fined £45 for no tax -despite ' on line' taxation that day.

I have a tame Solicitor who told me not to bother- guilty as charged & the Mags take a 'dim view -of ''tax dodgers''.


Which is kinda funny seeing as I keep around a dozen taxed at any one time....

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I can only agree with what the others have said... You get a the reminder 14 days before the end of the month and you did not go to hospital until the 7th. Three weeks is plenty of time to get your tax isn't it?


At least they didn't remove the vehicles which would have been even more expense.

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This won't make a difference but the reminders together with the re tax forms didn't actually arrive at our house until the 10th January. This was because of the effect of the heavy snow we had on the postal system over December and January....I man have been in hospital from the 7th but I was incapacitated and being treated away from home form the 30th


however, as we live in a country where the idea of the onus being on the state to prove you are guilty has been replaced by the onus being on the individual to prove his innocence and that government by decree has resulted in our fundemental rights being undermined by the insidious creep of statutory offences applied by heavy handed apparatchicks and designed to trip up the law abiding subject throgh technicality and 'stipulated valid defences'.....


I don't know why our forefathers bothered fighting Hitler - inviting him in would have saved a lot of bloodshed as we seem so keen to go down the route of dictatorship in a country where a governement feels that it HAS to legislate on EVERY facet of ones life and how one lives it....I tell ye...we're a short trip from totalitarianism.....civil liberties are rarely wiped out quickly - the creep of the state is a slow cancer that nibbles where it thinks folk won't notice....


Oh...did you lot not know that I have become an Anarchist?

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I've had one or two issues with tax discs in the past. At the time, I was advised that taking anything to appeal is like raising the stakes in a game of poker. Appealing car tax issues is one area of the law which is likely to see you with a bad hand, so to say. The person doing the advising was my cousin, who was a C+E enforcement officer at the time, and had heard (at least thro' the grapevine) every excuse under the sun.

As such, I paid my fines, chalked it up to experience, and haven't done it since. I'd say you should do the same. It'll be easier in the long run.

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This won't make a difference but the reminders together with the re tax forms didn't actually arrive at our house until the 10th January. This was because of the effect of the heavy snow we had on the postal system over December and January....


Unfortunately I don't think that will wash either because they'll like as not throw it back that you should be aware of the due date for your tax and that you could have taxed it online in December using the V5, despite the weather.


I think any way you look at it you're snookered but it is a bit unfair I grant you and circumstances have not been kind to you.

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