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Ebay muppets!


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Its been said on here before but why does ebay attract complete twats? I'm currently selling one of my old calibras.. no tax, couple of months ticket... doesnt idle, noisy exhaust. It does however have a mint leather trim, full set of 17 in alloys with new tyres and is in pretty good nick. I could break it for £400 or so.Currently sat at £250 with a reserve not much above that, yet all i'm getting is idiots.. this morning..."are you aware that is not the correct steering wheel for the year of the car..In fact its from an older calibra. what has happend to the original"ITS TWELVE YEARS OLD AND 250 QUID WHO GIVES A MONKEYS" Are there any imperfections in the paintwork, does it have FSH"WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR NO BLOODY MONEY?? a 57 plate Bentley????Always seems the sub - £300 cars attract the most annoying punters.

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Perhaps there is a hardcore of concours Calibra fans coming out of the woodwork? If I buy a car for less than £300 (which, let's face it, is most of the time these days) I'd maybe ask if the cambelt had been changed recently (and if it hadn't I wouldn't necessarily walk away), but expect that it was unlikely to have a full history or perfect paintwork...all about expectations though, innit? Some folk expect a minter for no money.

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i think certain models have a bit of a geeky following... seems to be low-volume mainstream-manufacturer more than anything.F'rexample, you can sell a £400 Golf in any state, and it'll sell. I tried to sell my Scirocco for just that amount, and got loads of PMs from various forums with "the wheels aren't off that model" (correct, but i never said they were the right wheels!) and even "The stickers on the back are in the wrong place" - yes, they were in the wrong place, because I put them on without really giving a damn!It's a case of getting in there first with observations, so you can sit in the pub later with the rest of the "Calibra Enthusiasts Society" and have a jolly good laugh at the bloke selling one with - get this - the wrong steering wheel!!!

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I don't bother selling cars for that sort of money on ebay or the local rag. You ALWAYS attract penniless cretins.My trader mate has a saying. "I hate selling sub 500 quid shitters 'cos they attract folk with only 500 quid. And why have they only got 500 quid? Cos they're ******* scum".A little harsh but it has a strong ring of truth.Last year I tried to sell a clean R reg Vectra for £650 - new MOT, a bit of tax and I just did the cambelt and tensioners. A good straight car for the money, ran and drove well - and it was a 2.0GLi.I got nothing but mouth breathing morons, who would turn up in some ghastly council estate shitter (untaxed of course) and spill out, all in cheap sportswear, tattoos etc. 'Whassyabestpricepal'? one gum chewing Idiot would grunt after wasting 20 minutes of my life. "£600 mate""Mnaaaah. I fink I'll leave it Pal"Yeah, you do that you brainless scum. F*ck off back to your DHSS flat, wide screen telly, Tesco lager and footie. Go and slap your Mrs about or whatever it is you do for entertainment in your scummy, fetid little world.I had three or four scum like this. One agreed a price with me (£550), went down to the cash point for deposit and was never seen again. The Vectra was fired through a car auction and made £350.It's not just Ebay. The world is full of vermin I'm afraid. By not selling cheap cars you manage to avoid quite a few.

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I must be a sub - £500 car sellers dream.. I turn up, if its halfway decent and what im looking for I'll buy it.The calibra didnt sell on ebay. Most annoyingly there's been a bloke desperate for it.. he knows the car and He has turned up at my house four times this week when I've not been about desperate to get hold of me about it.. he finally caught me in yesterday, enthused about the car.. took it for a drive with a smile all over his face then said he couldnt afford it.Whats the point of beating my door down to see the car only to not have any cash to buy?So I'm spending this afternoon taking the leather trim out, the cd multichanger, the alloys, k&n filter and anything else that i can get off it easily and punt on then ill weigh it in tomorrow.What a waste.. its got years left in it, but i need it away as the tax is now out and the neighbours blinds are twitching. Hey ho.This way I'll actually squeeze more cash out of it and the calibra enthusiasts society can rest easy that the car with the wrong steering wheel will blight them no longer.

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Whats the point of beating my door down to see the car only to not have any cash to buy?

Because he's a complete Loser.
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You see - this is the whole point of eBay. You can dispatch these fuckwits from the comfort of your PC desk without ever havig to clap eyes on them or have them round your gaff. You can complain, but whats the alternative? Much worse.

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The German hippies who bought my 405 "Harlequin" last week actually asked me why it was so cheap (£230)...obviously I am doing it wrong!All the cars I have sold in the last 5 years have gone through eBay or forums, but I am led to believe that Autotrader is cheaper (£8 for two weeks, net only, if under £1000) and has less tossers. I think that's the route I will take for my wife's 51-plate Fabia when we sell it in a couple of months.Having said that my mate sold his S-reg Audi A4 a couple of weeks back on Autotrader. He had it up for £2500, and his wife took a call from a couple of Chinese blokes from London who wanted to come down to Basingstoke "to look it over". Apparently they spent 45 minutes poring over it - 40 minutes of which was deducing how loud the stereo was.Anyhow, they handed over pretty much the full whack but the car was impounded a couple of days later as they hadn't got it insured :roll: My mate is happy with the dough in his skyrocket, but aggreived that a decent car may have gone needlessly to the crusher...Anyway Dave, I think it's criminal that a car like that with life in it will be cubed but I know circumstances are against you, and the price of scrap means that you probably won't be worse off financially in doing so.

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Its just not worth me doing anything with it.. I'd have to instantly fork £100 to tax it, then try and sort out the idle problem.. I dont have a friendly mechanic at the moment so it would have to go to a garage... probably incurring a £200 bill in the process...Then it needs tested in may, and for that Id need to sort out the exhaust... The one thats on it is a stainless steel jobbie but its a "straight through" system fitted by a chav previous owner which sounds hideous.. and having looked up the MOT history of the car I see its failed the last two years for excessive exhaust noise.... I assume he just swapped it with a proper system for a retest then changed it back againProblem is id have to shell out for a full new exhaust, front to back... all this on a car that i dont now need.. and sold with a full ticket i might get £500 if im lucky.BUT it is a waste.. the car is in very straight shape and on taking out the trim today i could see the floor is factory fresh and utterly mint. Its only done 106k and these cars do a lot more than that. Bodily at least it would sail another MOT.I thought to someone who could source a secondhand exhaust and fit themselves, and scour an idle valve from the scrappy.... it was a steal.

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Yeah, you'd think so wouldn't you? I've changed a couple of VX idle control valves before, well-known for going on these engines, and not tricky to do, so you'd think a DIY-typer with an eye for a quick turnaround would snap it up...but obviously not...At least the desirable kit you've removed should yield a few quids and be useful to other Calibra owners.Another friend of mine is selling a sub-£500 motor at the moment, which he offered to me first - a 94L Saab 900 (Calibra-based job) with the 2.3 non-turbo lump, 125k with a very full history and 4 months T&T for £400, his dad has had it since 6 months old. I passed, mainly because my wife would remove my testicles (wouldn't have hesitated if it had been a last-of-the-old-shape 900 mind), but I offered him some tips on how to word the ad. It will be interesting to see how he gets on...

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You do get some right sackless wankaz trying to rehome old stuff. I reckon that it's about 75% decent folks and 25% clueless fuckwits without a pot to piss into. You really do see them all. I've had some right gimps turning up to kick tyres and generally fart about in an irritating manner. Worst are the ones who really do expect you to give them the car for £0 purely because they have pointed out faults that you stated to them in the first instance. Perhaps some kind of "shit car honey trap scheme" could be employed, whereby irritating skintards are throw mercilessly into busy agricultural machinery, not only saving us from further hassle, but also removing these twats from the gene pool / dole queue.

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