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Swift... eh? Nah!

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One of my main concerns was always >> oil line installation = holes in dash :(

Some time spent sitting in the car has convinced me to go 'screen pillar/pod' - I can fit the gauge at the lower end of the plastic [removable] cover + feed the oil line/illumination wires down the screen pillar (basically an open ended tube) where the aerial is atm ;)


Feel good about the plan now......

  • Like 3

This is how I see [through!] my pod install. Wiring and oil pipeline can feed easily through bottom of pillar trim.


Looking good {to me}

Brian likes some of this too !!


  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't posted much cos not done much....

*got a haircut today YaY!

Ahem.... Took the ball n chain for a cruize along the coast at lunchtime and, when we ran out of good views [Blyth!], I slotted onto the Spine Road/A19 to zip back into Wallsend... Well, y'know, it is a Straight>>Flat blast (those who drive it at all...) so I decided to scare the mice who have moved into the exhaust .. during Lockdown!

Nothing learry >> new wheels are brick solid steady + my MiNi wheel is 100% aced on centre >> squeezing all the lemon had us on an INDICATED 85 .... BUT .... The 175/70-14 tyres are a 10% underspeed on the speedo ;)

*speedo errors are unconfirmed, officer*

I like my SuziQ, folks.....


85 is not too shabby, my s100 powered estelle will eventually do about 80 but it takes at least a minute or a mile to get there! 


Well I Never Did Seee......

Coming up past Wellfield, from the seafront, a turquoise Swift 2dr :)

..... as the sun was in my eyes I only sort of 'half saw it' out of the corner of my eye and it was past us, the opposite way, in a flash....

That makes 2 in the N.E.


  • 4 weeks later...


Sunny N.Shields thismorning......

Warm, at last!


  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Nothing to report..... good thing :)

Looking forward to UpNorth *meetup @Teesdale 24/07.

*may 'detail' (OK twobucket.....)



My *two 'lodgers' are about their collective devilment [again!]

.... Second cousins seem to be 'flopping out' wherever :(

I looked down at the tranny stick [I do wish there was a selector display in the dash....] and one of the fu##ers was making a swift dash for 'warmer climes' up my jeans leg.

SPIDERS *from doormirrors!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Taking advantage of some decent, warm weather....






Splashed some wax about... Fitted the ex tip (kept back when ToMM© went) & replaced a few of the old Vac pipes.....



Ba11s... The s/steel tip for ex is a wee bit bigger than SuziQ outpipe...

It is wobbling about.... Wedgerrie to be orgaznized :)


16 hours ago, tooSavvy said:

Ba11s... The s/steel tip for ex is a wee bit bigger than SuziQ outpipe...

It is wobbling about.... Wedgerrie to be orgaznized :)


I stuck the s/steel tip into the vice... Drilled through & tapped fresh pinch-bolt hole..... Nice plated M6 bolt = its on till hell freezes over :)

*shout out for 'cheepz chink taps, via BayofFlea'.


Loaded my Bday money onto my card and have been giving it 'large' on the Retail Therapy ;)

Bid into BayofFlea on 'NOS' Delphi pads.. Accepted @£10 freepost.

Scored for 2x Discs @£24 freepost.


..... just need Suny dayz :)




.... Whilst I have the wheels off & up on my stands, I will co-opt anklebiter to do a fluid flush through the calipers :)

OTOH I might 'repurpose' my Poondies cycle pump (reverse piston) as a Vac... Into a pop bottle!

We will see.....


  • Like 1

Dog and Bark....

Daughter secured 'freecycle' unused/unwanted capper boots :)

I got 'volunteered' to drive over to Fenham to pick them up  :(

However, driving alone I get to choose music + volume level.

Home now = Happy & ears ringing  ;)

On 6/29/2021 at 4:22 PM, tooSavvy said:

Taking advantage of some decent, warm weather....






Splashed some wax about... Fitted the ex tip (kept back when ToMM© went) & replaced a few of the old Vac pipes.....


For a twenty years and more old 'zook, that's looking lovely and clean underneath. 


Well...... 8 Months, come the 18th.

.... still haven't blown up the slushhie :)

I think it's ace +100% for having the spiffing MiNi steering wheel mod!!


looking forward to zooming around Teesdale on 24th



I have decided to put something, a badge logo in the centre of my steering wheel. Other versions (in BL product...) had the Plug!



Dunno what these are off but, at about 1" x 3/4" one should do for me very nicely as a Centre Badge.



9 hours ago, tooSavvy said:

I have decided to put something, a badge logo in the centre of my steering wheel. Other versions (in BL product...) had the Plug!



Dunno what these are off but, at about 1" x 3/4" one should do for me very nicely as a Centre Badge.



GSX 1100 motorbike fairing, say our American cousins :)


Tesco are pumping out Castrol 10W40 'Ultraclean' [tescocard holders] @£13.

Don't need it just now but it will go in @12M = October ;)



Just finished cobbling together my 'One Man Vac Bleeder'© ....


The pump is actually from HomeBargs @99P (dismantled and piston refitted upside down)

The blue fishtank 'clack-valve' means only air passes INTO the pump body.... with a pop bottle + rubber hose I can draw out my brake fluid while I'm sorting the Discs/Pads ;)



Geezz.....  It's hot!


QE2 park, nr Woodhorn, Ashington.

Swans & cygnets.... but mum & dad kept them safely on the lake :)

Nice *nosh for lunch.

*SWMBO has already picked out 'All Day Breakfast' as her plateful, next Sat.


Had a bit of a shock! ...... lol

I made the mistake of imagining I was dealing on here... A guy over RR has just parted out 2 square old Micras.

He invited offers and I had noticed those tough/thick Dealer Fit 'NISSAN' mats in a piccie... I enquired a price for the set [4 if they were there] = £40 del.



Such a nice day, yesterday, we shuffled a quick 50miles up to Stannersburn - the Kielder Reservoir road - and had lunch at the Pheasant Inn.



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..... Spent £12 on these mats >> OK doesn't say NISSAN :(





Thick EPDM rubber, not the skatey plakka $hit ;)


Im loving reading up on all the adventures this is getting up to , that's I  many ways more important than even what car it is really,,better to see someone enjoy a Suzuki 'automatic' as intended and get miles down enjoyably than a prized classic kept as a first world show trophy in a resource hungry conditioned garage etc!

1 hour ago, Jikovron said:

Im loving reading up on all the adventures this is getting up to , that's I  many ways more important than even what car it is really,,better to see someone enjoy a Suzuki 'automatic' as intended and get miles down enjoyably than a prized classic kept as a first world show trophy in a resource hungry conditioned garage etc!

Thanks for that....

Balls oot 10/10ths ..... I'm an IMPnutter, remember ;)



Nice stressfree soujurn to 'TWIXfest', today.

Some 'hold down' stick action [giving extra wellie on the steep uns...] helped keep some element of forward motion ongoing :)

Great meetup.... Interesting folks + cars!

thanks to all

TS ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

Keepin it in da Familie


'Hybrid' on the back.......






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