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Citroen 90 ans


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Superb. Nice that Citroen have rediscovered their past after spending quite a few years pretending much of what they had produced never happened.

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Yep, although no sign of BX's or Visa's and the like.


Guess it was maybe inspired by the recent Renault advert -


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Did it show the bit where they eagerly scrapped their ten year old cars so they can sell their new shit to greedy cunts so they can keep up with the Jone's?

:D:lol: And what HAVE they done to the badge? Replaced the 90 year old chevrons (supposed to be gear teeth) with a couple of chromed boomerangs.
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Did it show the bit where they eagerly scrapped their ten year old cars so they can sell their new shit to greedy cunts so they can keep up with the Jone's?

:D:lol: And what HAVE they done to the badge? Replaced the 90 year old chevrons (supposed to be gear teeth) with a couple of chromed boomerangs.
They've also forgot to mention the bit where they stopped producing cars that don't fuck themselves up the minute you drive out of the showroom.I dunno, perhaps stop spending money on stupid adverts with dancing robots and maybe build a car THAT FUCKING WELL WORKS PROPERLY?????????Or perhaps that's just my car, the hateful hateful HATEFUL pile of shit that defies all efforts and kind work by friends and refuses to be fixed.Fucking roll on March. Fucking roll on March so I can get another car that's not a massive disappointment.Fuck you Citroen, fuck you and your shit cars that are shit. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOU.I traded my 306 in for that piece of shit? Was I out of my mind?**I clearly was, buying it at that time was a huge mistake.
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Yes please. If it's so hateful, why not just sell it to some other mug?And buy yourself a nice £500 heap. :wink:

Because I can't inflict that car on the rest of humanity.And I won't say anything more about it.
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Yes please. If it's so hateful, why not just sell it to some other mug?And buy yourself a nice £500 heap. :wink:

Because I can't inflict that car on the rest of humanity.And I won't say anything more about it.
Heh, I have to post this just now. I don't know why.
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Yes please. If it's so hateful, why not just sell it to some other mug?And buy yourself a nice £500 heap. :wink:

Because I can't inflict that car on the rest of humanity.And I won't say anything more about it.
Heh, I have to post this just now. I don't know why.
Oh dear.
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Shame the Citroen one misses all my favourites - GS, CX, BX and XM -although there is a glimpse of a revolving barrel speedo thingy.

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Credit where it's due, at least Citroen are trying with their current range. The C2, upcoming C3, C5 and C6 are at least different and stand out in the field of bland boxes. Ok so they aren't as out there as the older models, and time will tell if they date badly from trying too hard, but at least they do tryPeugeot on the other hand appears to be trying to abandon its heritage as quickly as possible and focus on building dismal, fuck ugly rental specials

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And what HAVE they done to the badge? Replaced the 90 year old chevrons (supposed to be gear teeth) with a couple of chromed boomerangs.

They're really worn gear teeth.
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They should have shown the ridiculous bit from "Junkman" - the 1982 sequel to gone in 60 seconds - where a load of Tricolore-painted IDs and DSs, and oddly an SM, all veer off unnecessarily down an embankment to a weird squeezebox equivalent of parpy trumpet music before crashing in a big heap at the bottom. Some of the footage is sped up, too, and one or two of the Citroens are towing awkward looking caravans with "Vive la France" written on them for some reason. That should be their advert, just that scene on it`s own.

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Hey good work posting those pics up!For all Halicki is remembered as the car crash king and all that, the utterly surreal nature of his films isn`t half downplayed, there is a lot more enjoyment to be had from them than just automotive snuff porn. I honestly think there was a bizarre type of genius at work there, absolutely irreplacable.

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I fucking HATE 'Theeeeeeeeeeeeeere's wongtheng, theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's wongtheng' song, it was in my head for days, and now it's gone back in there.

+1.+100 in fact. From now, every time I hear that song I'm going to drive to a Citroen dealer and smear excrement on their windows.
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But Vic what if "The JunkmanTM" came on the same time as "honkytonk freeway"?


Would you watch HBH whilst humming everybodys going faster,faster? :lol:


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You know I`ve never heard of it, but on the strength of it`s IMCDB page it`s getting bought!
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