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Four wheels are very much better than two, pre Brexit collection.


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Fucking hell. What bikes come out Ukraine?




This is fantastic - I think I can guess what's gone in the van but lets not spoil the surprise, can't wait to see them un-wrapped.


Cossack was the brand name given to all USSR motorcycles exported to the West, including Ural, Dnepr, Minsk and Voskhod (similar to all USSR watches being called Sekonda). Cossack later became Neval.


The motorcycle factories where spread throughout the union, each one specialising in a single model (and it's variants). Dnepr was the model name used by KMZ. And yes there is still a motorcycle factory in Ukraine....

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back again,

since we where finally on our way it was good to be heading in the right direction for a change and to top it of the roads where still bloody quiet,

see blurry pic at 80




After a quick piss stop and top up yummy cherry thick shake, wish they did these in the uk.




we motored on into the night following the sat nav for home which was a not to bad 1300 miles to go, we pushed on a far as our eyes could manage and finally hit Germany looking for a pitstop at a service station, since it was after 10pm the place was heaving with trucks everywhere and after weaving through them  we managed  to get room number 3 and popped next door for a KFC for supper.

after a quick shower alarm was set for 4 am and off to sleep.


small room but adequate for 5 hrs kip 






As the sun came up on Wednesday the roads where still excellent and quiet so good progress was expected.












we rattled through the miles and Germany was slowly getting behind us.






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Another lovely tunnel






Transporter full of old tat and I wonder why the doors are filled up with expanding foam,









will post some more tonight as gotta go back to work

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  • 2 weeks later...

soz about the delay in getting back to the thread its been a bit hectic lately.


so I think we where about Belgium when we started noticing trees blown over and when we hit the Netherlands the phone pings though  informing us of severe ferry delays due to adverse weather, well thank fook we are on the train then,

eh nope weve just entered France and the roads are down to single lane with the other lane a waggon park.




we where traveling along at warp factor crawl for mile after mile and then all of a sudden we got diverted off down a slip road, hmm this is definitely dejavu although were not in a merc this time.

the fuzz where stopping all truckers and sending them back the other way to park up and we could see trucks dumped pretty much everywhere even in field gateways, they must have been desperate.




then we ended up back up the other slip road and back on the motorway again single lane as one was full to capacity being used as a truck park,




after miles of this we hit a massive que and ended up diverted again but this time down a back road,  at least the spottings where better even thought he roads where narrower.








some rather large derelict buildings that just wouldn't exist if they where in the UK,  a developers dream.






some pylon shite,




I think a water tower maybe




finally we hit the motorway yet again and it was still a truck park. 





our email informed us to drive past all the trucks so here's hoping we don't get diverted yet again.





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yes we are finally here thank fook for that




we wait and we wait some more and the que moves one vehicle about every ten mins what a joke. at least I can spot a bit more





after ages we eventually have our ticket and get through the first barrier and what a spot much drooling from me for sure.






ooh and another lovely motor.




we waited at French customs for what seemed like an eternity with the odd car being let through the barrier now and again, now I know why we where stuck at the first ticket barrier as these next kiosks  where gridlocked,  all of a sudden one of the barriers went up and cars started to just drive through unchecked, we switched lanes and made a run for it and the French customs people didn't even look at us so we all just kept on driving through.

we got to the next English  kiosk and a quick flash of passports had us ushered straight through, hmm so much for it being harder to get into Englandshire.


a quick pish stop and grab some expensive scran and were called already




we where finally on the train so a celebratory break for a while, no point trying to get some shut eye as what a waste of time that is.







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glad to be on English soil we hit the road running and whats this.




yes the bloody roads are a truck park here too glad we are running the opposite direction.






we plough on chucking miles behind us into the night






after the Dartford crossing we pit for more fuel and my turn to drive again so no more pics from this side of the cab.

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We rocketed up north hour after hour and eventually made it to Scotland in the wee small hours of Thursday morning, no chat and coffee this time we just dumped the van in the corner and I  louped in the rather cold land rover for the last leg of my journey, it was a rather cold loud slow and bumpy 15 miles or so and I rocked up at my house with heavy eyes and abandoned the landie and dived in the house for a quick shower and into bed at 1.45am,

a little over five hours sleep and I was up and ready for work and bloody hell it looks cold out.




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so a quick recap,


we drove 2960 miles (plus the extra 30 I did in the landie) for two bikes which could have probably been bought over here anyway but where's the fun in that,


transit van seats are bloody uncomfortable and you cant sleep in one and just look what I saw in Liddle just two days after coming home, could have bloody slept in the back nae bother with one of these.




And if anyone is not put off and fancy's one after all that here's what you too could have with a bit of effort.

yup as guessed earlier the bikes are Dnepr






The later 70 bike is only 6 volt so with no battery I've not heard it run but the earlier 67 bike is a 12 volt so a battery was easily sourced and the bike runs well and sounds a bit Harley like, its bloody slow though so glad we never decided to ride them home, our first idea was to fly over ride home which was dismissed as a little too much at 40 mph

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