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LightBulbFun's Invacar & general ramble thread, index on page 1, survivors lists on Pages 24/134 & AdgeCutler's Invacar Mk12 Restoration from Page 186 onwards, still harping on...


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Just now, Mrs6C said:

It has a hole in the front bumper, presumably for fitment of a towing eye, which the Model 67 had but Model 70s don't?

Bingo :) Im pretty sure it actually has something poking out of it, so it does actually have the towing bar fitted, (rather then it being a left over hole or such)

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Is it one of the prototypes, in that case? I could imagine AC taking a Model 67 bodyshell as the starting point, adding in the other door and making any other 'big' visual modifications to showcase what the Model 70 would offer over the previous version, before going on to create the actual Model 70 moulds.

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1 hour ago, Mrs6C said:

Is it one of the prototypes, in that case? I could imagine AC taking a Model 67 bodyshell as the starting point, adding in the other door and making any other 'big' visual modifications to showcase what the Model 70 would offer over the previous version, before going on to create the actual Model 70 moulds.

Bingo, again :)

 although what you describe there would be more Prototype 5 from 1967, which really did look like a 2 door Model 67 Mk14, on 10 inch wheels, although to be pedantic this Model 70 Prototype predated production of the Model 67 by a couple months!



the one pictured in my post above this one, is one of 20 user trial cars, supposedly given to users for them to test out before main production started in a years time

(although I have seen evidence they may have wanted to start production of the Model 70 sooner, but did not for some reason which may explain why there was a whole year between the trials and the the actual start of production of the Model 70)

I have talked about these User trail cars before, well in fact I sort of discovered them, stuart had heard rumblings of them, but never had any definante proof of their existence until I discovered the BPE-H Model 70 block :) 

that was a very exciting time for me! (as I had also made several other discoveries at the same time, like the registrations/blocks of the very first production AC and Invacar Model 70's, feel free to visit page 70/71 if you want to see me posting about these discoveries as they happened :) )

im not entirely sure where the user trial block starts and ends but I strongly suspect its BPE21H to BPE40H, which matches the 20  cars stuart had heard about, of those BPE22H BPE29H and BPE30H still show up on the DVLA, and amazingly BPE29H looks to have stayed in service right until the end in 2003!

I really do hope one of these user trial prototypes survive somewhere, but sadly nothing is currently known to survive, it would be amazing if one showed up some day :) 

its interesting to note that the Model 70's drivers handbook uses exclusively pictures of these User trial cars, when illustrating things and thats where the "AC Auto" picture comes from its shown inside the drivers handbook :) 

the very interesting thing is, the drivers handbook makes no mention of the tiller control option, and in the DHSS workshop manual for the Model 70, where they illustrate the different control schemes while the Handle bar and steering wheel control pictures are of user trial cars the tiller control is of a later (probably) production Model 70

note the egg shaped indents on the dashboard where the hand brake goes and the different gear shift pattern sticker on the first 2 cars, things not featured on production Model 70's



and based on this and some other things, it very much looks like the tiller control option was added sometime after the Model 70 trial cars' perhaps added because of user feedback gained on the trials?

it makes me wonder if tiller control Model 70 users got given their own separate handbook or not? and its interesting that the handbook was never updated, im guessing they started print of them for the user trials then just kept printing them once production started 

on that note I also very much wonder what did private Model 70 owners get with their Model 70 when new because the drivers handbook quite clearly states on the front  "Department of health and social security" !

I also wonder about the Prototypes before and between Prototype 5 and the user trial cars (which I think start from Prototype 11) and if there was anything between the trial cars and the start of production, I have searched the chassis numbers and couldn't find anything sadly other the 3 BPE cars mentioned above)

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had my 29th lesson today :)

went pretty well, instructor says im doing better

and I think i'm finally getting the hang of parallel parking maneuver  (but im still quite slow at executing it!) well the actual parking bit, must remember to readjust my nearside mirror before moving off, quickly sorted that out at the next junction!

and I managed to not ask too many questions this lesson and just did what I thought was correct :) which is something iv been struggling with in these later lessons where I have still been asking too many questions making it a bit hard for my instructor to judge what I do and dont know or may need work on etc

and obviously come the test day I cant ask any questions to the examiner, so I must get used to not asking any questions!

(I ask the questions I do ask, even if I may think I know what to do regarding whatever im asking about, just to be safe etc, but I must break that habit, and know that my instructor is there to take control should I really mess something up etc! and tell me if I fluffled something up and that if he doesn't say anything that means iv done whatever i was doing correctly!)

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  • LightBulbFun changed the title to Invacar Model 70 Acquired! and general ramble thread, index on page 1, Phase 2: finding a suitable driving school/instructor getting lessons and a licence! 29th lesson had! Model 64 V62 sent!

It might be helpful with the asking questions thing to think about seeking forgiveness rather than asking permission at this stage of your learning journey.  Very much an AS mantra anyway! I mean you can drive now, it's just about working towards putting it all together on the day.

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2 minutes ago, egg said:

It might be helpful with the asking questions thing to think about seeking forgiveness rather than asking permission at this stage of your learning journey.  Very much an AS mantra anyway! I mean you can drive now, it's just about working towards putting it all together on the day.

haha yeah thats a good way to put it!

 I think another thing behind me asking questions, is although im much more relaxed then when I first started, im still driving in London and it can still make me quite nervous at times and thats when I tend to ask the questions I have noticed

if im at a busy junction or roundabout or such, waiting to pull out, I obviously check its clear, but what if I dont see someone etc or something so ill ask if its safe to pull out etc, especially as I know I cant dawdle too long at junctions and roundabouts, undue hesitation and all that!

another one is lanes, obviously they says always keep left, but sometimes the left hand lane is a left turn only lane which you don't want to be in if your going straight ahead, so you look out for signs and road markings and such, but what do you do if the roads are busy and those are blocked/covered by other vehicles and so that's another situation I find myself asking questions at 

and you get the idea! I just have to do what I think is right...

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heres some interesting, on the whole vehicle information from the DVLA/3rd party sites front

I was scoping out how many left when I noticed in their A to Z list they have "other british" 


which is very interesting, because I have noticed a lot of Invalid vehicles , including my own Invacar Model 70, come back as Make: "Other british makes" Model "Other" in 3rd party tools etc

I have also noticed a lot of older vehicles in general just show up as "other british" (and a few electric invalid vehicles show up as "other electric")

now this makes me wonder just how many Invacars and what have you are lurking under "other british" in how many left, it might well explain why I cant find any stanley entries despite a few surviving past 1994


but things get even more interesting, when, with my special tool if I look up REV451R, my Invacar by its registration number, I get all its info but its make comes back as "other british makes"

and I noticed that keeper number 3's date is missing from the keepers list, I noticed this on a lot of vehicles that the keeper dates are incomplete


now the interesting thing is REV's chassis number on her V5 has dots in it where her actual chassis number does not have dots in it, so for example using a made up chassis number, on the vehicle its ABCD123 but on its V5 its recorded as ABC.D.123 

I have noticed a lot of usually older vehicles have dots inserted in their chassis numbers, usually between a letter and a number but sometimes randomly placed, now I wish I knew why these dots where there or how they came to be

I know as far back 1985, REV had these dots in her chassis number on the V5

but the interesting thing is, if I search for REV using her chassis number without the dots, I get REV451R my Invacar, and it even reports back the Chassis number with the dots in place suddenly, but I get a different result for vehicle make, I actually get "INVACAR" and suddenly Keeper 2's date vanishes where as keeper 3 suddenly shows up 


its like I have schrodinger's Invacar LOL it exists simultaneously in 2 "states" at once...

the interesting thing is this only seems to "work" with vehicles that have been "active" for a long time, take for example @Mrs6C's AC Model 70, I know also has a dot in its chassis number on the V5 for some reason, however if I search for its chassis number without the dot, I just get no result

but take for example LPL837P which has been SORN for a long time, for example, which interestingly shows up as just "AC" on the DVLA checker but on my tool, when I search for it either by its Reg number or its chassis number weird dot and all I get AC (ELECTRIC)


but search for it without the weird dot I just get "AC" as it is recorded on the DVLA checker


(however I have not seen the V5 for this Model 70 so I dont know if on the V5 it has the weird dot or not)

so Yeah I wonder what the whole dots thing is about, and I also wonder how many vehicles show up in statistics like how many left, twice/in 2 places at once, or such like because of all of this?


(the dots are also very annoying when it comes to searching for vehicles by chassis number as, as who knows if it has a Dot in a weird place or not and has caused me to miss vehicles for sure, for example UTW339R the 28th Private Model 70, I missed that one initially when searching for Private Invacar Model 70's as its chassis number had a dot in it meaning it did not show up when I searched for it initially, only when I ran its reg number for other reasons, did I find out about its dot and it being a private Model 70)

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also during all this I accidently discovered another Q Reg Model 70 as you do...


the really amusing thing is, this ones real registration going by its chassis number is MPH758P... you couldn't make this shit up! LOL

although I do know a while back Brian did try and fix Q231PVL aka MPH759P on his own but the DVLA was having none of it, I wonder if he accidently spawned Q495YAR, by getting his chassis number wrong by a digit or something? although brian did not know of His Model 70's chassis number until I told him/ @busmansholiday where to look, for it so perhaps this really is MPH758P!

I have asked him if Q945YAR means anything to him

also interesting to see "AC 70", again I do wonder if its again people not realising that "Model" is part of its of the vehicles name, ie so when they fill out a form they put Model: 70 where as they are supposed to put, Model: Model 70 if that makes sense!

also I find it rather ironic that it got an "AR" registration when its an AC Model 70...

(its got its body type down as Invalid vehicle, which it should be, but combined with the lack of a year of Mfg etc I suspect thats caused it to have been registered as as a Used mobility scooter hence the Q reg etc)

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thinking more about MPH758P/Q495YAR, 

I know that MPH758P according to info from Stuart is/was supposedly owned by Motability in, Harlow Essex which would explain the "AR" Chelmsford registration and perhaps why it was registried like a Mobility scooter,

more than likely someone there didn't know what they where doing when they discovered this Model 70 sitting among rows of Mobility scooters probably!

(and checking registrations around Q495YAR shows other mobility scooters that im guessing where registered by motability around the same time?) 



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A lot of the missing/incorrect models are down to whoever registered them not knowing enough about or mis-spelling typing.

A similar problem is/was happening recently when MOT' stations seem to pull down Rover as the make for Austins e.g. Maxis, which causes amusement and no doubt confuses some of the statistics.

ORK965W ROVER MAXI on MOT checker, but 

Registration number
ORK 965W
Make     AUSTIN MORRIS on tax checker. ;)
Quite how this affects things, I don't know. Is it counted twice, once as a Rover and once as an Austin Morris?
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17 minutes ago, keef said:

A lot of the missing/incorrect models are down to whoever registered them not knowing enough about or mis-spelling typing.

A similar problem is/was happening recently when MOT' stations seem to pull down Rover as the make for Austins e.g. Maxis, which causes amusement and no doubt confuses some of the statistics.

ORK965W ROVER MAXI on MOT checker, but 
Registration number
ORK 965W
Make     AUSTIN MORRIS on tax checker. 

Quite how this affects things, I don't know. Is it counted twice, once as a Rover and once as an Austin Morris?

(fixed that for you jeez thats a mess LOL)

but yeah I wonder about the ROVER thing as well, but I think thats its own thing to do with the MOT checker, seperate from the whole random Dots thing

your maxi still shows up as an Austin on my tool


I have noticed other vehicles show up as one thing on the DVLA checker but as something else on the MOT checker as well, for example TTW906R

which shows up as "INVACAR" as one would expect on the DVLA checker, but shows up as "AC THUNDERSL INVACAR" on the MOT checker LOL


or TJN352R which comes back as "THUNDERSLEY INVICAR" LOL on the MOT checker



or JBY503J (ex LVX250J) which comes back as INVACAR 12E, and this one is especially interesting, as i have actually seen the V5 for this Invacar, and nowhere on it does it say "12E" under Model LOL (although it is an Invacar Mk12E)


despite it being recorded such online



I do wonder if the MOT man has any power over what the MOT checker says for make/model or does it automatically grab it from the registration/DVLA info ? (perhaps the above discrepancies are from MOT men typing things in wrong etc)

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Dots, dashes, slashes and spaces shouldn't really be counted in chassis number searches as different people input different charecters. It gets even worse with engine numbers as most of the time prefixes or suffixes weren't entered and they can tell you a lot about a car and it's engine.

Take one model of A40 for example. Chassis number for a 1098cc saloon should be AA2S9 xxxxxx and engine number 10DUH xxxxxx

Often seen as A-A2S9 or even AA/259 (note the S for saloon being entered as a 5).

Engine numbers can have any number of dashes or spaces etc. e.g. 10-D-UH xxxxxx

It really needs some standardization, but obviously older vehicles aren't going to be included.

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Maxis are interesting as they can appear as one of three makes on DVLA records :-

Austin e.g. my KRW794

Leyland Cars e.g. previously owned WOD389S

Austin Morris e.g. my FKE467V

No doubt there are some that appear as Make: Unknown and maybe as Make: Austin-Morris. I often wonder why there are two AMs; one with and one without the hyphen.

I love the mis-spelling of Invacar, giving another model to search for? Invicar. Does this actually appear in HML stats?

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4 minutes ago, keef said:

Dots, dashes, slashes and spaces shouldn't really be counted in chassis number searches as different people input different charecters. It gets even worse with engine numbers as most of the time prefixes or suffixes weren't entered and they can tell you a lot about a car and it's engine.

Take one model of A40 for example. Chassis number for a 1098cc saloon should be AA2S9 xxxxxx and engine number 10DUH xxxxxx

Often seen as A-A2S9 or even AA/259 (note the S for saloon being entered as a 5).

Engine numbers can have any number of dashes or spaces etc. e.g. 10-D-UH xxxxxx

It really needs some standardization, but obviously older vehicles aren't going to be included.

indeed I have encountered all of those such anomalies in my invalid vehicle research

another one to watch out for is, the letter I and the letter O will always be the numbers 1 and number 0 on the DVLA etc when it comes to chassis numbers


but I think the dots in the chassis number are something different as i have noticed them across many different vehicles and noticed certain anomalies about them as documented above

(and as mentioned the chassis numbers of Model 70's do not have any punctuation in them, so im curious as to where those dots come from, as they cant have come from the vehicles themselves)

I did wonder if it was a way to differentiate 2 vehicles with the same chassis number on the DVLA computer, but I have seen these dots in chassis numbers where I really doubt theres another vehicle with the same chassis number (like my own Invacar which has a pretty unique chassis number)

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6 minutes ago, keef said:

I love the mis-spelling of Invacar, giving another model to search for? Invicar. Does this actually appear in HML stats?

nah they either just show up as "INVACAR" or "OTHER BRITISH MAKES"  so I imagine they would be under those categories in HML

(I am curious how it knows its british LOL) 

this tool seemingly uses the same "dataset" my special tool and a lot of other tools use https://www.vehiclecheck.co.uk/

so you can use it to see what your vehicle might show up as on How many left etc

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just heard back from Brian, as I thought, only Q plate reg/Model 70 he is aware of is his own Q231PVL, which means Q495YAR probably really is MPH758P

2 consecutive Model 70 survivors is rare enough as it is let alone Both ending up Q plated LOL

the only consecutive Model 70 survivors I know of MPH758P and MPH759P and then XEV87S and XEV88S (although I still need to verify if WOO848S is XEV87S or if it actually is WOO848S)

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had my 30th lesson today :) 

(gawd only knows how much this has all cost me so far!)

this lesson went pretty well, I finally managed shut up and minimal questions where asked and everything went pretty smoothly, even the roundabouts, and I even managed to smoothly pull off a couple overtakes round stationary vehicles/buses at bus stops :) it was also raining/damp for most of the lesson so I got some more wet road experience which is always good

slowly (probably a bit slower then id have liked!) but surely I think im getting the hang of all this malarkey :) 

Next lesson is on Friday :) 

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  • LightBulbFun changed the title to Invacar Model 70 Acquired! and general ramble thread, index on page 1, Phase 2: finding a suitable driving school/instructor getting lessons and a licence! 30th lesson had! Model 64 V62 sent!
52 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

had my 30th lesson today :) 

(gawd only knows how much this has all cost me so far!)

this lesson went pretty well, I finally managed shut up and minimal questions where asked and everything went pretty smoothly, even the roundabouts, and I even managed to smoothly pull off a couple overtakes round stationary vehicles/buses at bus stops :) it was also raining/damp for most of the lesson so I got some more wet road experience which is always good

slowly (probably a bit slower then id have liked!) but surely I think im getting the hang of all this malarkey :) 

Next lesson is on Friday :) 

Great perseverance, chap. Has your instructor given you an idea of when you'll do the practical test? Must be nigh-on time, surely? 

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7 minutes ago, Dick Longbridge said:

Great perseverance, chap. Has your instructor given you an idea of when you'll do the practical test? Must be nigh-on time, surely? 

Thanks :) 

no set date, but I have already booked the practical test, it has booked/I have been given a slot for the 23rd of March at 9:07AM! but thats more a holding date, iv got until the 18th of march to shuffle it around (ie bring it forward if my instructor thinks im ready sooner, or push it out further if he thinks im not ready by then etc)

for one neither me nor my instructor can do 9AM! worryingly when I went to book it there was no option to chose a prefered time like there was when booking the theory, there was only the option to chose the date, to which I chose the 24th of February so not even that seems to hold much weight! LOL

hopefully when I go to shuffle it around there will be an option with a more sensible time or an option to choose a prefered time, Im also slowly looking into what the whole "driving test cancellations" thing is about (which from what iv read so far is when someone bails on their test and you take their now freed up slot)

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1 hour ago, Out Run said:

60 hours in! That’s a fair amount of lessons.

yeah didn't expect to end up having this many tbh! good thing I budgeted for it to be on the safe side :) 

On 11/8/2019 at 6:18 PM, LightBulbFun said:

(BTW does it really say 1 previous keeper? because my comercial HPI tool says 1 total keeper, which would indicate no previous keepers, also says 1 V5, although I dont know if a taxation class change counts towards the V5 count or not!)

BTW finally figured this one out, the eyes dots have it!

if I search just by registration number or by chassis number, I get minimal keeper info (NB it always just says "1 keeper" with no dates or anything when a vehicle really has had no keeper changes so the lack of dates is not a bug here, but the fact its only recording 1 keeper is a bug since the V5 says there is 1 previous keeper meaning there are 2 total keepers)


but if I insert a random dot, or tbh any punctuation mark seems to do it! I actually get proper keeper info :) (but the Make info vanishes)


(also where the hell has the time gone @egg got his Mk12 over a year ago now!)

the interesting thing is, I have seen the V5 for this Invacar and I know theres no random dots in its chassis number, so its curious how the addition of random dots in my search gets the tool to divulge more/different info

all this is handy to know for future reference when hunting for more info/more invalid vehicles for my research :) 

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46 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

its curious how the addition of random dots in my search gets the tool to divulge more/different info

I wonder if this works for a modern (i.e. proper VIN) vehicle or just an older one with "odd" number?

And what about using a dot in any other search field? I assume a punctuation mark doesn't act as a "trigger" in the index mark field? ;)

There is obviously character validation in some fields, but not others.



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2 minutes ago, keef said:

I wonder if this works for a modern (i.e. proper VIN) vehicle or just an older one with "odd" number?

not sure really! I have seen a few 1980s chassis number with dots in them, but aint played with those much

3 minutes ago, keef said:

And what about using a dot in any other search field? I assume a punctuation mark doesn't act as a "trigger" in the index mark field? ;)

if by index mark field, you mean registration mark, then nah I cant "fuzz" it like I can the VIN number search field

it just complains its not a valid registration number

on that note for VIN numbers while . / - and ? are all acceptable characters , it rejects \ and !

(I have seen a few chassis numbers with forward slashes in them, pretty much all Miller conversion tippen delta's have a forward slash in them, which I believe was actually intentionally put there at vehicle registration time rather then being some sort of "glitch" or "artifact" of something like the dots in the chassis numbers of a lot of Model 70's)

seen a few vehicles with hyphens, never seen any with a question mark tho LOL and I wonder why rejects backward slashes

(perhaps its down to how the database on the DVLA is coded etc and that a backwards \ might mean a directory path or something such, getting Forth/Open Firmware flash backs LOL hence it being a forbidden chassis number character)

reminds me of that story of the guy in the US who got the custom number plate "null" and it broke their computer system :)

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so remember how JNJ135L is weird, in that it wont show up on the DVLA checker but it will show up in the MOT checker?

well looky what I just managed to find!


proper fucking weird this one is! same chassis number same date of last keeper change and same date of first registration as JNJ135L

but for some reason, the DVLA thinks it was made in 1965 and its wearing an Age related 1965 plate from 2012, with no prior plate history...

just what the hell happened with JNJ135L!

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8 hours ago, keef said:

Someone has put a private plate on it? ;)

ts an age related plate from 2012 with no prior date history and JNJ135L is still on the DVLA as being made in 1973 (cars do vanish from both sites if they get a private plate and you use the old one)

my current theory for it,

is something happening in 2012 that convinced the DVLA, that JNJ135L was made in 1965 and not 1973 for some reason

so the DVLA sort of split it off into another new entry and gave that new entry an age related 1965 plate and then "hid" the JNJ135L entry?


(also as mentioned previously I think JNJ135L is also interesting in that its chassis number sits between RRE20L and GPM346L but is registried a good few months later then those 2 for some reason, I dunno did it sit around on the dealer forecourt for a while? LOL)

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How can you tell it is an age related plate, rather than a private/personalised number?

You used to have to send MOTs back and the DVLA would stamp the new number on it, but that doesn't happen any more. Perhaps they just forgot to remove/amount the old MOT?

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15 minutes ago, keef said:

How can you tell it is an age related plate, rather than a private/personalised number?


almost positive it is, because theres no prior plate history, if it was wearing a private plate then the previous plate of JNJ135L would show on my tool

(the only time a previous plate does not show up, tends to be if the vehicle changed plates in the early 1980s or before like your maxi KRW794)

and also checking other HKHxxxC registrations gives me a load of vehicles showing registered with the DVLA in 2012ish

and going by how HKHxxxC was not issued back in 1965, tells me that HKH-C is likely an age related series, issue by the DVLA to imports from 1965, 1965 vehicles that have lost their original plate and vehicles from 1965 that have simply physically lost their original number and cant tell what it originally was

15 minutes ago, keef said:

You used to have to send MOTs back and the DVLA would stamp the new number on it, but that doesn't happen any more. Perhaps they just forgot to remove/amount the old MOT?

JNJ135L is still on the DVLA system, you can easily pull it up using a multitude of 3rd party tools its just hidden in the 1st party tool, much like cars with CoD's issued to them

(and thats another thing JNJ135L has MOT history, but HKH330C has no MOT history, but at least one 3rd party tool I shoved HKH330C into came back with JNJ135Ls MOT History LOL)

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22 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

and thats another thing JNJ135L has MOT history, but HKH330C has no MOT history, but at least one 3rd party tool I shoved HKH330C into came back with JNJ135Ls MOT History LOL)

What a mess!

I am sure DVLA will explain this to you, just as they have with the queries I have raised with them. LOL

I had a friend who had an A40 with two different number plates/logbooks. This came about by taxing the car on the plate it was originally supplied with then following DVLAs insistance he apply for an age-related plate. Of course this could never happen with such a wonderful system. ;)


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its interesting to note that 163CLD, stuarts harding deluxe shows similar "characteristics" for lack of a better word

in that at some point in time that invalid carriage got registered under an age related plate in 1983 IIRC or so, by a previous keeper

but eventually stuart figured out its original registration number was 163CLD and gathered enough evidence to successfully send off a V765 to claim that number for his Harding deluxe 

and so the DVLA eventually issued that harding its correct registration number :)


the interesting thing is, rather then it just being a plate change, it seems like the DVLA did what they did JNJ135L and split it off into a new entry, so CSV609 and 163CLD exist together on the DVLA system

and while CSV609 does not show up on the main DVLA checker anymore it does still show up on the MOT checker (along with 163CLD of course) 





the interesting thing is, while id somewhat expect something like this when your claiming registration numbers for a historic vehicles especially if the vehicle had previously been registered under an age related number

its weird on the JNJ135L front, because that went from a proper registration number, to an age related registration number for some weird reason!

rather then from an age related number to a proper registration number


(as a side note for a quite a long time after stuart got 163CLD showing on the DVLA system, it would not show up in any 3rd party tools, but it does now)



it seems like when the DVLA itself change or issue your vehicle with a new registration number for whatever reason, rather then it just being a plate change

the DVLA seemingly create a new vehicle entry entirely for that new registration number if that makes sense

(unless you're just taking a number plate off a vehicle then that vehicle does just get issued a new age related plate or its previous registration number if it has one, rather then create an entirely new entry!)

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