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£50, Rover 400 R8, XUD TD, in JRG. Needs sparky stick action


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had a J reg 418GSD........ J738TWO

lovely drive, economical.....right up till it shat the belt and shattered the cam into several pieces :o

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  • 3 months later...



I didn't massively bond with this and was busy so did nothing to it. Then a friend with an early 218 hatch had some issues with his. Head gasket and turbo both on way out. He decided it would be easier to buy this off me and just swap the engine and box over as a complete unit.


I told him that it would be a shame to break it up but what he does with it is up to him.


Shame really.








Fast forward another month and he rings me up. "This Rover is too good to break up, can you weld it up for me"



So, I'm starting work on it. Progress will be slow as I'm fitting it between other jobs. I attacked the drivers side front firstpost-19511-0-01837700-1540898930_thumb.jpg this repair was covered in gaffer tape when I got it. You can see the arch liner through the holes. It has gold paint on it, someone must have just sprayed over he rot!post-19511-0-11804800-1540899031_thumb.jpg


Job done. I wanted to keep the finish of the repair in the manner to which it has become accustomed. Next job. Sill...post-19511-0-73320100-1540899167_thumb.jpg

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Just been back out to it. It's rear offside corner time today. Not too badpost-19511-0-91676800-1540903710_thumb.jpg

A bit crispy and mangled, but I've seen worsepost-19511-0-37690100-1540903753_thumb.jpg


I'll cut it out and have a look what is underneathpost-19511-0-50174200-1540903792_thumb.jpg

Not a lot.


Let's have a closer lookpost-19511-0-06859900-1540903834_thumb.jpg


I'm out


RWS R8 anyone?

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I didn’t know 4WS was one of the technologies shared on the Rover/Honda collaboration, but I WAZ RONG


That pic is the rear arm bush and mounting - or what's left of it! If that goes, it will rear steer alright but not in a good way. 

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Not that I'm being a vulture or nuffink, but if cats doesn't need the C pillar Rover badges (assuming they're still on it) can I bagsie them please, Tom ?. Cash ur way etc. Just a nice finishing touch for my heap (if push comes to shove, even one will do)



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Hey its not even dead yet, nor my car anymore!


I've not heard back from the owner about what he wants to do. It is fixable, everything is but I doubt he will want to go down that route!


I assume that he will remove the engine and box and I will end up with the rest. If so, then anything of use will be removed before the weigh in.


Pretty sure I have some of those little badges somewhere Clayts

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