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Suzuki TC100s (x3 ish)

Jim Bell

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How many/ which did you want? I would be up for buying one/ some but not all. God knows how we could work out what goes with what or where the new parts should go though.

Yeah. That would be a head sratcher.

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How many/ which did you want? I would be up for buying one/ some but not all. God knows how we could work out what goes with what or where the new parts should go though.

I think that’s the problem, probably easier for one to buy the lot then offer up what they don’t want.

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  • 3 weeks later...



This turned into a bit of a farce, saga after the last thread update. Strangeangel was all set to collect and had very kindly paid a deposit for the bikes.

I then got a call from my stepmam, who is next of kin and controller of my dads estate, to say that one of my dads friends wanted the bikes and that she had sold them to him.

This left me looking and feeling like a prize prick. I had to pay Strangeangel his deposit back and appologise profusely.


If only the story ended there.


On thurs I got a call to say that the buyer had stopped answering phone and that the bikes had to be out by monday as the keys for the garage were getting handed back.




No real time to readvertise them.


Luckilly, I have a good friend in Overrun, who offered to take them at zero notice.


A+ mate.


So today, we did the thing.















We were quite poorly prepared, but determined.

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Ssangyong SEXton pretending to be a suitable vehicle for transporting a pair of motorcycles.





Was lovely following this beast home, smelling the veg oil doing its best chip shop impression.




Hillarious trailer is hillarios.





Overrun snr. and Jnr strapped the bike down and we set off in convoy with me leading the way.


That was a mistake.

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We got about a mile and the bike bounced out enough to tip over at a shit pant inducing angle.

I was away up the road and didnt notice the lack of Ssangyong in the rear view until I got to the next village.


I then doubled back.



Found the dynamic duo restrapping at the side of the road.





A great issue was found to be that the SEXton is high, and the trailer is low. This makes vision rearward quite challanging.


When restrapped, we set orf once again through a wet web of fog and drizzle. This time I took up a chase position behind the trailer so I could keep an eye on the bike snd trailer.





Thankfully there were no further issues and everyone made it home safely.

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I'm confused - has Overrun bought them? If not, I am still interested.

Yes man, but he may be after selling some/all. Im sure he will be along to the thread soon.

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Yes man, but he may be after selling some/all. Im sure he will be along to the thread soon.


I see. Given that I was in for them before I got gazumped by the 2nd (non) buyer, I thought you might have offered them to me first?


I'll pass, thanks.

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Well, you properly turned over ' StrangeAngel', didn't you!


I can understand the renewed need to move quickly, but to effectively exclude the man who had paid you a deposit, in advance, unseen seems ungalant, at best.


Perhaps, having now seen them, you realised you could attain a higher price? Leaves me with a nasty taste, frankly, unbecoming..


I think you should be making overtures to SA with a view to passing him at least 1 of the 3.


Do you believe in karma?

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WTF? The man is having to clear some of his recently deceased father's belongings and is clearly being trumped at every turn by other helpful* relatives. Not a good time to try and organise a collection of bikes and parts, so having someone nearby able to collect at short notice trumps everything, in my book.

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Well, you properly turned over ' StrangeAngel', didn't you!


I can understand the renewed need to move quickly, but to effectively exclude the man who had paid you a deposit, in advance, unseen seems ungalant, at best.


Perhaps, having now seen them, you realised you could attain a higher price? Leaves me with a nasty taste, frankly, unbecoming..


I think you should be making overtures to SA with a view to passing him at least 1 of the 3.


Do you believe in karma?

Yup. Hit the nail on the head there. Went out of my way to fuck over a stranger for some vast imagined proffits.


If I believed in karma I might end up ill with my cars on fire so I tend to just try and do whats best as I go.


Feel free to continue to offer me advice, but be aware that I find your tone ungalant and frankly unbecoming. At best.

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