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Out for another country of much shite: Argentina.

Started in Buenos Aires (few shite), went across to the falls (no shite, only water) and on to Salta in the Nortwest. Local rent a shite agency "Localiza" provided us with this fine piece of french technology at half the price the Herz & Co were asking for.


A Renault Duster of 96000 km's, all Dacias go here as Renaults.




Not only is it full of scratches all around, has a dent in the windshield and lacks some trim, It also features a different brand almost tread free tyre on each leg and has the spare wheel already mounted. Instead of air in one of the tyres we get an sincere apology and instructions where to find the nearest "aire".




Among the technical features are a some nice red lights that permanently lite up the dash, which is good because otherwise the dash would be without any ilumination at night.




One of the main front lights is not working, but assurence is given, this is a good and safe car!



after all..



Jesus is with us!


It did take us up into the thin air.



across the salt flats



and into the jungle.




French shite never fails!


Actually i started to like the car more and more once we were on the move. It lacks any of the modern thingies that make todays car's fail. I have to manually wind the windows, insert a key into a proper lock and there is no electric handbrake, nor any "ABC" or other three letter so called "assistant" it's all very basic and that just feels allright.


Even the Lamas were impressed.




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shite...  yes there is a lot once you are out in the countryside.


Having an (always giant) steak while watching the shite show is pure joy.

You get one shite point for each car identified, 504 and 505 don't count.

































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Argentina looks FUGGIN GREAT. If you wanna read a good book about it I can recommend 'Patagonia' by Bruce Chatwin, one of my all time favourite books.


I read an article on BBC Mundo the other day (Spanish practice!) that explained how, since their economic crash about 15 years ago, mortgages are not really 'a thing' in Argentina due to bank mistrust, and if you want to buy a house you have to save up enough money, (which you store in another country while saving), to buy it outright. The searches etc can take YEARS and you have to pay for the house by taking a massive bag of cash straight to the solicitors office. And, property has three values, a taxable value, a 'real estate value' and a 'true value' which is how much changes hands to buy it. Depending on your solicitor these three numbers can vary hugely for the same property.


They don't have much in the way of car credit either, which is why there is so much old shite still around and why a knackered old Hillman Avenger costs 4000USD. Buying a new motor is a serious financial hit cos you have to buy it outright there and then! It looks a flipin brilliant place though, I want to go there for my next proper holiday I reckon.

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Ooofff, look at this on Mercadolibre, looks like an 850 coupe but I think its RWD and based on the Fiat 125!!!!! SHITE HEAVEN! Price: 800 quid



I have seen these before but not with the 125 saloon tail lights.....lovely looker.

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I like the little 104. Great photatos. Am I the only one who read the title as 'Argenta', expecting Fi-Art content?!

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Nah, they messed up the 504s by themselves.   It really is the last great sub-continent of indigenous automotive adaptive evolution.   

Or put another way - shite you don't see elsewhere.  That Falcon (the green sedan) is a mid-life c.1972 version.  It lived on into the 1990s out there.     



There was some stupendous BMC shite too...










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Those Falcons and Galaxies seem to get a bit thin on the ground. Argentina was still awash with them when I was there.

I also notice the lack of Argentina's most iconic car, the Torino.

That IKA Estanciera is a remarkable spot. There can't be many left of these.

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Avenger estate with Toyoat 1800cc diesel, 5-spd box and Air con!!!!!





Price: £4500



I just read the advert.....Toyota engine and a EU-style German oval on the tailgate.   American-branded versions of British cars don't come much more international than that!

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Would have loved to do the trip in a 504, but its not practical. Buying a car as a foreigner is, as mentioned, a burocratic nightmare. Selling it is less of a hazzle, but you end up with a pile of pesos you cannot easily change back. Apart from that, the country is large, very large, huge! Using the same car during a holiday means that you will have to drive thousands of km just to move from one part of the country to another. That maybe fine if you have lots of time, but not for a 3 week holiday.


Nevertheless, i did find these guys:




OMG, what a choice of fine cars including 504 and 404's!


more: http://hupmobile.com.ar/alquiler%20de%20autos%20clasicos.html just click through all their sections... will keep you smiling for hours!


These guys were quite nice, but their market is TV and movie productions, marriages, or day trips with their own drivers. They were not willing to hire a 504 out for self drive or over a longer period of time. For reasons above, it would not have made a lot of sense anyway.


More investigation revealed this:




That made me think... it would have been a viable option for part of the trip.... but a 2CV? In the mountains on unpaved roads with 29PS? No, better not.. that doesnt sound like fun after all.


Have some moderns, never seen any of these in Europe, but i know little about what is in the showrooms these days.








Those "pick up's" a very popular, i hate their looks..

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How are the Argies with Brits wandering around there these days? Do they get aggie at all, or are they cool enough?


Was it there that the TG team were* nearly stoned to death? (P'raps that was just because of dickheadedness.)

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