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NORTHERN POWERHOUSE Classic - 7ish PM TONIGHT Tuesday 4th July @ Glossop


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Guest Hooli

7pm, conveniently enough! We'll miss a hefty chunk of it loitering.

So finishes at 8:45 ish, I can see us still talking bollocks in the sun at that time.
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I am vaguely interested in football, but I wouldn't not do something else I was already doing to watch it.


Therefore, I have seen zero games so far in this world cup.

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I went through a phase of watching it on telly when I was about 12. Some games were exciting and I could see the skills being demonstrated, but the Trevor Brookings and Bobby Charltons gave way to the Billy Bremners and so many games were marred by violence both on the pitch and the terraces. The rise of hooliganism and matches punctuated with rolling around on the floor put me right off the game (and saved me from turning into Statto...)


A mate of mine, who still quite enjoys it as an excuse to be in a pub getting completely, riotously pissed, describes it as 'modern theatre' and claims to recognise it as a tongue-in-cheek entertainment business. Alas this is lost on me, but I live close enough to the Cheshire plains to see these overpaid clowns out and about in their McLarens, Ferraris etc when they're not rogering each other's wives. It might be unfair to single out these undoubtedly superfit and determined chaps from the sickening sea of celebrity that characterises this millennia, but for me the game lurches from one extreme - (the thug mentality that is a big part of this country's ills) - to the other - (mega rich prima donnas who would shit themselves if they had to do a day's work - the even bigger part of this country's ills).


Tl:dr I'll be trying to keep any screens out of my field of view until the cup of the world goes back to its display case to wait for 2022


(Soz for the drift into GOM territory)

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I once got told by someone in a car club, that in his experience anyone who was into old cars tended to be really into their music, and can’t be doing with football. Always found it to be true since then...... waits to be corrected. I shall hopefully be up about 8ish in a suitably distressed motor.

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What's football?


Mr. Conrad, please may I have the tome 'Motor do's and dont's'? Sounds very authoritative. I was also under the impression that Wetherspoon's was a fussbol free zone, and T.V., in line with the M.D.'s ethos. In any case, I cannot forego my steak because of some absurd game.


I will bring an Avometer with me in case anybody needs any minor electrical investigations.

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Beckham was about the last footballer I can recall being a decent human being and a sound role model for kids.

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Guest Hooli

I may be a little late ladies, not finishing work till 5:30 (unless I sneak out early) then it's a 10mile cycle home, shower, change etc & ride/drive over.

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Today went better than expected - finished in time to go on a random jolly through Shropshire (and, briefly, Wales) with FPB7 - but I'm still going for the option marked BUCKET OF GIN.


Have fun, chod-colleagues  B)

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Guest Hooli

Well that was another good night until all the drunken children appeared shouting something about 'egger-lund'? (I guess it's a theme park where you throw eggs at each other?) At which point we had to abandon pub. Those kids are gonna be right grumpy at school today as none of them looked over 15.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Next week is 31st July, the week after 7th August. I'm a fairly low probability for either so just let me know what you prefer and I'll amend the thread title accordingly.

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I've already got work booked for the 31st but I can be available on the 7th. I'd need to know for sure by Thursday as that's when we fill the rota.

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