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Mike D

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Am i proper hardcore tat collecter now?!


Yesterday was my initiation into the more than likely wholly illegal use of an A-frame for collecting old shite :)


I'll let the pictures do the talking :D


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Ooh, a Celeste! Nice.Strictly speaking that probably was illegal, but given that 90% of coppers don't know what the law is on A-frames I don't think you would have had too much to worry about. And the Colt looks tidy enough anyway. Not sure I would have trusted the DisAstra brakes to stop all that weight in an emergency though...Nice motor anyway - are you going to leave it as standard or turn it into a hardcore dr1ft b1tch?

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Ooh, a Celeste! Nice.Strictly speaking that probably was illegal, but given that 90% of coppers don't know what the law is on A-frames I don't think you would have had too much to worry about. And the Colt looks tidy enough anyway. Not sure I would have trusted the DisAstra brakes to stop all that weight in an emergency though...Nice motor anyway - are you going to leave it as standard or turn it into a hardcore dr1ft b1tch?

It's getting used in conjunction with my other one to make an excellent one out of two.Not staying standard, it'll be lowered with alloys, but no drifting for her!!
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God knows whether its illegal or not -no one else seems to!However it DID allow you to tow with that car -whereas putting it on a trailer would have overloaded it..Well done -welcome to the 'club' -nice Celeste too

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I only got concerned when it started to rain :lol: I say hauling some dodgy old tat in a highly dubious manner on an A frame should probably be the shiters official initiation ceremony. I've only used my A frame a couple of times and I still get nervous at the though, even behind my 4x4. Top marks to Mike for tackling it in the wet with a Astra 8)

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How does it differ from the one in your avatar then? Is it you that has the two blue R17s as well? Perhaps you just like matching pairs of everything! I bet you expect your socks to come out of the washing machine in matching pairs as well don't you! :lol::shock:

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How does it differ from the one in your avatar then? Is it you that has the two blue R17s as well? Perhaps you just like matching pairs of everything! I bet you expect your socks to come out of the washing machine in matching pairs as well don't you! :lol::shock:

No, that's me and they are 15's :D
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How does it differ from the one in your avatar then? Is it you that has the two blue R17s as well? Perhaps you just like matching pairs of everything! I bet you expect your socks to come out of the washing machine in matching pairs as well don't you! :lol::shock:

:lol: It differs from my other one, in that the other one is a pre facelift 77 2000GT, and is lhd, and this one is a facelift 78 1600ST, and is rhd and in much better condition.The other one has been lowered a smidge too...The GT's interior and running gear will be combined with this ones body to create the very best Celeste i can manage :)I wish my socks came out in pairs! they seem to have stopped since i left home though....I was a bit dubious about A framing it to start with, and when it started to rain my arse was nipping a bit, but it towed marvellously and the Astra did itself proud!
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Excellent work Mike!!Nothing like a bit of A-frame action to sort the men from the boys. What was the Astra like? I'd imagine it to be a bit weedy in both the go and stop arenas going on past experience. No need for arse-clenching if you've done it right though. Unless you do as I did recently and rather got carried away with the speed. A ton of rusty grot starting to wag at 75mph is not fun, believe. New Mitsi looks like a stunning bit of kit. Eggs sell ant work.

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Excellent work Mike!!Nothing like a bit of A-frame action to sort the men from the boys. What was the Astra like? I'd imagine it to be a bit weedy in both the go and stop arenas going on past experience. No need for arse-clenching if you've done it right though. Unless you do as I did recently and rather got carried away with the speed. A ton of rusty grot starting to wag at 75mph is not fun, believe. New Mitsi looks like a stunning bit of kit. Eggs sell ant work.

The Astra wasn't too bad actually, so long as i kept it on "on booozzzt" it pulled it fine. Hill starts were a bit mean to the clutch, and you could tell the car was hung on while braking, but all in all it did well for 150K!
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Hundred fiddy K? PAH. Just run in. Had a petrol one on 170+ by the time I sold it. Plus, our Focus TD has more than that too. I would estimate that it will hit 200k within the next 12-18 months. LEGENDARY. That said, I was thinking of retiring the Focus from A-frame duties and using the 325i instead. Nearly twice the power & torque of the Focus... crapper brakes though. :wink:

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It's pretty amazing what mileage you can get from modern tat without too much remedial work - I've just calculated that my two Pug dizzlers have done 431k between them :wink:

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That looks a great buy! If you're taking bits off the GT to put into this, what does that mean about all the bodywork that's been done on the GT?...OT: So long as it passes the next MoT without undue drama, the Camry will hit 200k in the next year. Likely to be working the poor old thing hard too if the house move thing happens. Last night I used it for pulling the dead Laurel around on a £2.50 bit of rope, and pushing it with those lovely big bumpers :twisted:

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Last night I used it for pulling the dead Laurel around on a £2.50 bit of rope, and pushing it with those lovely big bumpers :twisted:

Hooligan! Banger racer! etc.
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It's only the rear corner that has had bodywork done so far on the GT, apart from stripping the paint off both rear corners and the rear panel. The GT shell will get a coat of paint to prevent it rusting, and then get put to hibernate in Eds back shed, incase of disaster, or if i get some more parts and decide to build that one too. The GT really needed a new front wing, both bumpers, a bonnet, and a lot of work around the back panel and a bit on the front inner wings. It's by no means un-saveable, but it also isnt worth selling incomplete. This way i can make one excellent car and have most of a cars worth of spares, to cover (hopefully) any eventuality that may arise :)

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I'll be finishing the particular bit I'm doing on the GT body then it'll get a goat of paint to stop it rusting and will go into the shed to be stored along with all the excess parts just incase it's ever needed. Fortunately, I haven't got too far into the GT shell yet so not much wasted work.Edit: doh, beat me to it! :oops:

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Cheers for yesterday again Chief :) I'm guessing by your ability to post that the rear wheel didn't remove itself from the mini last night?!! :D I've still got the original brackets at Matts so i'll pick them up tomorrow night. :D

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Not sure yet as I haven't looked that closely or jacked it up. I expect the cone will be putting too much load on it to reposition it to weld it as is. It's got hi-lo's hasn't it? I assume it should be possible to adjust it until it's slack then weld the bracket back on. Might have to take the arm right off to weld it properly though.

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Back to A framing -my Saab turbos' drop less than 1mpg -according to the onboard computer- when towing. Drops from around 28 to 27.4 ish -weight dependant.Dont think its causing any great strain -which is why I prefer them. If I put an aluminium 4 wheel trailer in the mix -22 mpg.Seems nearly the same with the 'classic' models too - a little lower but no commensurate drop.Mileage? my 635 is on 290k -original engine. Anyone better that?Not been out for a couple of years -but it could be quite easily..No need -right now

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my 635 is on 290k -original engine. Anyone better that?Not been out for a couple of years -but it could be quite easily..No need -right now

635? I didn't see you as a BMW man? Must be something else!
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